Mehhiko - Mexico City

Mehhiko (Hispaania keeles: Mehhiko, Ciudad de México või CDMX) on Mehhikopealinn ja Mehhiko 32 osariigist uusim. Enne riikluse saamist 2016. aastal oli see tuntud ka kui Distrito Federal või D.F.

Kesklinn on ehitatud linna varemetele Asteekid kapitali Tenochtitlanning hiljem sai sellest Uus-Hispaania pealinn, mis hõlmas suurt osa Põhja-Ameerikast. Linn on 20. sajandil kiiresti kasvanud ja on ka praegu Põhja-Ameerikasuurim linn (ja maailma suurim linn) Hispaania keel- rääkiv linn), mille linnas elab 8,9 miljonit ja linnapiirkonnas üle 20 miljoni elaniku.


Linn on administratiivselt jagatud 16-ks delegatsioon (alevid), mis omakorda jagunevad kolooniad (linnaosad), mida on umbes 2150; siiski on parem mõelda linnale linnaosade kaupa, et hõlbustada külastajate liikumist. Paljudele vanematele linnadele meeldib Coyoacán, San Angel ja Tlalpan liideti linnade laienemisega ja igaüks neist suudab endiselt säilitada mõned oma esialgsed ja ainulaadsed omadused.

Mexico City peamised linnaosad ja teed
 Centro Historico
Kust linn algas. Ajalooline kesklinn, mis on keskendunud Zócalo või Plaza de la Constitucióni ümbrusele ja laieneb igas kvartalis mitmete kvartalite jaoks, kõige kaugemal asudes läänes Alameda keskosani. Siit leiate palju ajaloolisi koloniaalseid vaatamisväärsusi ja kuulsat asteekide Templo linnapead. Zocalo on Ladina-Ameerika suurim väljak ja maailmas suuruselt kolmas Moskva’Punane väljak ja PekingTiananmeni väljak. Centro piirkonnas on veel mõned linnaosad, näiteks Colonia San Rafael ja Santa Maria La Ribera. Lisateavet leiate Centro Historico lehelt.
 Chapultepec - Lomas
Chapultepec on üks suurimaid linnaparke maailmas. Selle nimi tähendab Nahuatlis rohutirtsumäge. Pargis asub peamine linna loomaaed, loss (praegu muuseum), järved, lõbustuspark ja palju muuseume. Lomas de Chapultepec on Chapultepeci lähedal asuva linna jõukam piirkond ja on täis müüriga ümbritsetud häärbereid.
Missioni (koloniaal) stiilis rikkalik elamurajoon, mis sisaldab linna kalleimaid disainbutiikide poode. Täis saatkondi, kvaliteetseid restorane, ööklubisid ja hotelle.
 Zona Rosa
Turistidele tuntud ka kui Reforma linnaosa, kuna see hõlmab Paseo de la Reforma avenüüd, on see oluline äri- ja meelelahutuspiirkond. On üldteada, et see on linna geikeskus.
Koloonia linn, mida linnalevik neelab, on see nüüd vastukultuuri, kunsti, üliõpilaste ja intellektuaalide keskus. Siit leiate ka palju häid muuseume.
 Condesa ja Roma
Uuesti sündinud pärast aastakümneid kestnud unustust ja täis linna trendikaimaid restorane, bistroosid, klubisid, pubisid ja poode. Naabruskonnad asuvad Avenida Insurgentese vastaspoolel, Mehhiko pargi ja España ümbruses.
 San Angel
Trendikas, gentrifitseeritud piirkond, mida ääristavad munakivisillutisega tänavad, luksuslikud butiigid ja paljud restoranid. See on ka jõukas elamurajoon ja tuntud oma kunstituru poolest.
Tuntud ka Mehhiko Veneetsiana oma laiendatud asteekide niisutuskanalite seeria tõttu - kõik, mis on jäänud iidsest Xochimilco järvest. Xochimilco on säilitanud oma iidsed traditsioonid, nagu näiteks paljude külade iga-aastased peod, kuigi lähedus Mehhikosse on pannud piirkonna linnastuma.
 Santa Fe
Kaasaegne, ümberehitatud äripiirkond linnade läänetipus, mis koosneb peamiselt kõrghoonetest, ümbritseb suurt kaubanduskeskust.
 Del Valle
Kõrgklassi elamu-, äri- ja kaubanduspiirkond kesklinnas lõunas.
 Tlalpan ja Pedregal
Tlalpanis asub Ajusco, vulkaaniline mäetipp ja rahvuspark, mis on Mehhiko kõrgeim mägi. Tlalpani keskus on koloniaallinn, mida nüüd ümbritseb linnade laienemine. Pedregal on jõukas elamurajoon, mis on ehitatud Xitle vulkaani purskest pärit vulkaanikivi kohale (ja seda kasutades). See sisaldab UNAMi Ciudad Universitaria ülikoolilinnakut ja San Angel'i ökoloogilist reservaati.

Muude Mexico City piirkondade hulka kuuluvad:

  • La Villa de Guadalupe - Gustavo A. Madero alevikus linna põhjaosas. Kodu Guadalupe Jumalaema basiilikale, mis võib-olla on Ameerika kõige püham katoliku paik. Meelitab iga päev suure hulga palverändureid kogu maailmast.
  • Ciudadi satelliit - Elu- ja kaubanduspiirkond linnast põhja pool.
  • Interloomid - Elu- ja ostupiirkond linna läänes
  • Azcapotzalco - Peamiselt elamupiirkond linna loodeosas. Kodu Parque Bicentenario, mis on ehitatud endisesse naftatöötlemistehasesse, ja kaasaegne kontsert- ja spordisaal Arena Ciudad de México.
  • Iztapalapa - Suuresti vaesunud linnaosa Cerro de la Estrella rahvuspargis ja arheoloogilises paigas. Kuulus oma ülestõusmispühade rongkäigu poolest. Siia kuuluvad ka endised linnad, mis on nüüd linnaelanike poolt haaratud, nagu Culhuacán koos oma endise kloostriga. Mehhiko peamine toiduainete hulgimüügiturg Central de Abastos asub Iztapalapal.
  • Milpa Alta - Maapiirkond Mexico City kaguosas. Kuulus oma muttide tootmise ja festivali, Nopali kaktusepõldude ja Mixquicus asuva San Andrés kloostri poolest.
  • Tláhuac - endine saar Xochimilco ja Chalco järvede vahel. Nüüd on see kuulus keraamika tootmise ja alternatiivse laevale mineku kohta, et näha iidseid aedu ja kanaleid, mis Mehhiko orgu täitsid.

Saage aru

Angel de la Independencia aastal Zona Rosa

Suurem Mexico City suurlinnapiirkond on üks maailma suurimaid ja suurimaid linnu Põhja-Ameerikas, kus 2010. aasta rahvaloenduse seisuga elab pealinnas 20,1 miljonit inimest. See asub Mehhiko orus ja on kujult umbes 60–40 km pikkune ovaal, mille suured osad on ehitatud Texcoco järve kuivale sängile ning mida ümbritsevad kolmest küljest kõrged mäed ja vulkaanid, näiteks Ajusco. Popocatepetl ja Iztaccihuatl. Mexico City (hinnanguliselt 8–9 miljonit elanikku) on riigi pealinn ja alates 2016. aastast on see „föderaalne üksus”, millel on samad volitused kui Mehhiko osariikidel, ehkki endiselt osariikidest eraldi. Segane on see, et ülejäänud suurlinnapiirkond ulatub väljaspool Mexico Cityt Mehhiko osariigini, mis ümbritseb läänes, põhjas ja idas asuvat Mexico Cityt ning põhja pool Hidalgot. Juriidiliselt ja praktiliselt öeldes viitab Mexico City õigele linnale ja see on piirkond, kus turistid veedavad kogu oma aja või suurema osa ajast.

Mexico City on jagatud 16 linnaosaks, mis on sarnased linnaosaga New York, mis omakorda jagunevad kolooniad (linnaosad), mida on umbes 2150. Liikumiseks on hädavajalik teada, millisesse kolooniasse lähed, ja pea kõik kohalikud teavad, kus asuvad peamised kolooniad (mõned kolooniad on duplikaatide või väga sarnaste nimedega). Nagu paljude väga suurte linnade puhul, on struktuur suhteliselt detsentraliseeritud - mitmel linnaosal on oma miniatuursed kesklinna piirkonnad. Tõelised kesklinna piirkonnad on aga vana kesklinn Centro ning uus äri- ja meelelahutuspiirkond Zona Rosa.

Kesklinn on keskmisest merepinnast 2230 m kõrgemal, samas kui mõned piirkonnad ulatuvad kuni 3000 meetrini. Mõnel inimesel on kõrgel hingamisraskused ja hingamisel on raskusi. Kõrgus võrdub enam kui 7200 jalga. See on palju suurem kui ükskõik millises USA suurlinnas. Kui elate merepinnale lähemal, võib kõrguse ja reostuse tõttu tekkida hingamisraskusi. Õhukvaliteeti on viimastel aastatel siiski parandatud.

Skyline of Reforma pilvelõhkujad

Mexico City ööelu on nagu kõik muud linna aspektid; see on tohutu. Kohti on tohutult palju: klubid, baarid, restoranid, kohvikud ning nende variatsioonid ja kombinatsioonid. Seal on uskumatu varieeruvus, alates ultramoodsatest salongidest Santa Fe ja Reforma, kuni sajanditevanuste tantsusaalideni Centros ja Roomas. Samuti on pubid Tlalpanis ja Coyoacánis ning iga ribaga klubid Insurgenteses, Polancos, Condesas ja Zona Rosas.

Välja minnes kontrollige ka kuupäeva, sest see on oluline näitaja selle kohta, kui palju kohti üldjuhul täitub ja kui kaua peate võib-olla sisse pääsemist ootama. Palka makstakse tavaliselt kaks korda kuus: 30. – 31. 14.-15. Sellel kuupäeval või varsti pärast seda läheb enamik mehhiklasi välja, eriti kui palgapäev langeb kokku nädalavahetusega. Kallimates kohtades võivad inimesed lahkuda suvel või pikkadel nädalavahetustel Acapulcosse või kaugemale puhkama. Mehhiko nädalavahetused on selles mõttes, et joomise ajal on tavaline käia neljapäeva õhtul pühapäeva hommikul ja mõnikord kogu pühapäeva.


Mehhiko katedraal Centro

Mexico City sai alguse 1325. aastast, kui Hispaania vallutaja Hernan Cortes asutas ja hiljem hävitas asteekide pealinna Tenochtitlani. Linn oli kuni Hispaania iseseisvussõja puhkemiseni 1810. aastal Uus-Hispaania aseriigi autoritasu pealinn. Linn sai 1821. aastal Mehhiko impeeriumi ja 1823. aastal Mehhiko Vabariigi pealinnaks pärast Agustin de Iturbide loobumist. Mehhiko-USA sõja ajal 1847. aastal tungis linna sisse Ameerika armee. 1864. aastal tungisid prantslased Mehhikosse ja Habsburgide keiser Ferdinand Maximilian valitses riiki Castillo de Chapultepeci juurest ja käskis ehitada keisrinna avenüü (tänane Paseo de la Reforma promenaad).

Porfirio Díaz sai võimu 1876. aastal ja jättis linnas silmapaistva jälje paljude Euroopa stiilis hoonetega, nagu Palacio de Bellas Artes ja Palacio Postal. Diaz kukutati 1910. aastal koos Mehhiko revolutsiooniga ja see tähistas radikaalset muutust linna arhitektuuris. 20. sajandil toimus Centro Historico kaugemal asuva linna kontrollimatu kasv koos miljonite sisserändajate sissevooluga ülejäänud riigist. 1968. aastal toimus linnas olümpiamängud, kus ehitati Azteca staadion, Palacio de los Deportes, olümpiastaadion ja muud spordirajatised. 1985. aastal kannatas linn 8,1-magnituudise maavärina all. Tapeti 10 000–40 000 inimest. Kokku varises 412 hoonet ja veel 3124 hoonet sai linnas tõsiseid kahjustusi.


Mexico City on SKP suuruse järgi 8. kohal 30 maailma linna seas. Siia on koondunud üle kolmandiku Mehhiko kogu majandusest. Selle majanduse suurus on 315 miljardit USA dollarit, see on võrreldes 1,1 triljoni dollariga New Yorgis ja 575 miljardi dollariga Chicagos. Mexico City on kogu Ladina-Ameerika jõukaim linn, kus SKP elaniku kohta on 25 258 dollarit. Mehhiko vaesuse määr on ka kogu Mehhiko madalaim, kuid Mehhiko on 184 riigi hulgast alles umbes 65. rikkaim riik maailmas. Mexico City inimarengu indeks (2009-MHDI) on Mehhikos kõrgeim, 0,9327. Seal asub Mehhiko börs. Enamiku suurte kohalike ja rahvusvaheliste korporatsioonide peakorter asub siin, peamiselt Polanco ja Santa Fe linnaosades.


Kliimakaart (selgitus)
Keskmine max ja min. temperatuurid ° C
SademedLund kogusummad millimeetrites
Keiserlik pöördumine
Keskmine max ja min. temperatuurid ° F-s
SademedLund kokku tollides

Méxicos on mussoonist mõjutatud parasvöötme kliima, millel on viis aastaaega: kevad, suvi, mussoon, sügis ja talv. Kevadised kuud on pehmed ja päikeselised, suvekuud aga soojad ja niisked. Mussoonihooaeg kestab juunist septembrini, mis võib varieeruda kergest vihmasajuni, eriti hilisel pärastlõunal. Koidu sügisel ja talvel muutub tõesti külmaks, kuid hämmastavalt selge taevaga. Temperatuurid varieeruvad 0 ° C-st oktoobri lõpus, novembris, detsembris ja jaanuari hommikul kuni 32 ° C-ni märtsi, aprilli ja mai keskpäevase tõusu ajal.


Saaste Mexico City kohal

Paljud tulevased reisijad on teadlikud Mexico City mõnevõrra aegunud kuulsusest õudse õhusaaste pärast. Linn asub orus, mida ümbritsevad mäed ja vulkaanid, mille tagajärjeks on kehv õhuringlus ja õhusaasteainete tardumine linna kohal. 20. sajandi ülikiire linnastumise tõttu ei pööratud keskkonna planeerimisele vähe tähelepanu. 1987. aastaks oli õhukvaliteet nii halvenenud, et ühel päeval ilmusid linna kõnniteedele surnud tuhanded linnud. Keskkonnakaitsjad seostasid seda õhusaastega. See šokeeriv sündmus innustas ametivõime rakendama meetmeid õhukvaliteedi parandamiseks. Enamik rasketööstust (klaasi-, auto- ja terasetehased) ning nafta rafineerimistehased koliti linnast välja ja kasutusele võeti pliivaba sõidukikütus.

Täna on õhukvaliteet palju parem. Osooni ja süsinikdioksiidi tase langeb ning enamiku külastajate jaoks ei tekita õhusaaste enam suurt muret. Mexico City õhusaaste üksikasjalikuma ülevaate saamiseks vaadake jaotist "Ole turvaline". Kuiva hooaja (novembrist märtsini) ja juunist septembrini kestva vihmaperioodi vahel on õhukvaliteedis endiselt märgatav erinevus, kusjuures õhukvaliteet on parim vihmaperioodil.


Kui suuremas pealinnas elab rohkem kui 20 miljonit inimest, võite eeldada, et leiate Mehhikosse rassilise, seksuaalse, poliitilise, kultuurilise ja rikkuse mitmekesisuse mõttes igasuguseid inimesi. Kodanikeks on enamasti Mestizo (Euroopa ja Ameerika segase rassitaustaga inimesed) ja valged. Ameerika indiaanlased moodustavad vähem kui ühe protsendi linna elanikkonnast, kuid on ka selliseid, kes kolivad endiselt linna võimalusi otsima. Ladina-Ameerikast, Lähis-Idast ja Ida-Aasiast pärit sisserändajate järeltulijaid, aga ka väiksemaid teistest piirkondadest, on märkimisväärselt vähemuses. Nagu mujal Ladina-Ameerikas, kipub sotsiaal-majanduslik seisund Mehhikos tugevalt olema seotud etnilise kuuluvusega: üldiselt on kõrgematel ja keskmistel klassidel rohkem Euroopa päritolu kui vaestel ja madalamatel keskklassidel.

Linn, nagu kogu ülejäänud riik, jaotab rikkusi väga ebavõrdselt, mida saab geograafiliselt iseloomustada järgmiselt: kesk- ja kõrgkihid elavad pigem linna lääne- ja lõunaosas (koondunud delegatsioonidesse) (näiteks Benito Juarez, Miguel Hidalgo, Coyoacan, Tlalpan, Cuajimalpa ja Alvaro Obregon). Linnast ida pool, eriti Iztapalapa (kõige suurema rahvaarvuga delegatsioon), on palju vaesem. Sama kehtib suurema Mehhiko linnade (Ciudad Nezahualcóyotl, Chalco, Chimalhuacán) omavalitsuste kohta. Ehkki kõikjal on vaesuse taskud (ja sageli kõrvuti uusrikka läikivate ja sädelevate korteritega, nagu Santa Fe Cuajimalpas) ja idaosas rikkuse taskud (näiteks Lomas Estrella Iztapalapas), on see On märgatav, et kui ida poole liikuda, hakkavad hooned räbalamad välja nägema ja inimesed muutuvad üha pruunimaks - tunnistus Mehhiko rassilise ja sotsiaalmajandusliku ebavõrdsuse pärandist.

Kuna see on suur linn, on see koduks suurtele välismaistele kogukondadele, nagu kuubalased, hispaanlased, ameeriklased, jaapanlased, tšiili, liibanonlased, hiljuti ka argentiinlased ja korealased. Mexico Citys on mitmeid rahvusringkondi, kus on restorane ja poode, mis pakuvad süüa näiteks Hiina ja Liibanoni mehhiklastele. See on ka paljude emigrantide ajutine kodu, kes töötab siin paljude Mehhikos tegutsevate rahvusvaheliste ettevõtete jaoks. Praktiliselt mis tahes etnilise taustaga välismaalased ei pruugi teist pilku saada, kui nad riietuvad konservatiivselt ja üritavad rääkida hispaania keelt.

Mexico City on Ladina-Ameerika üks liberaalsemaid linnu. Vastupidiselt teistele Ladina-Ameerika pealinnadele on sellel poliitiline suundumus ülejäänud riigist vasakul. Vasaktsentristlik PRD on linna valitsenud pidevalt, kuna selle kodanikel lubati valida linnapea ja esindajad alates 1997. aastast. Sellel on liberaalsed seadused abordi, prostitutsiooni, eutanaasia kohta ja see oli Ladina-Ameerika esimene jurisdiktsioon samasooliste abielude seadustamiseks ( Detsember 2009). Sellisena on see üldiselt geisõbralik linn, eriti Zona Rosa piirkonnas, ja on üldiselt sõbralik välismaalaste ja sisserändajate suhtes.


Kuigi Mehhiko peetakse Mehhiko standardite järgi kalliks linnaks, sõltub teie reisi eelarve teie elustiilist ja reisimisviisist, kuna leiate odavaid ja kalleid hindu peaaegu kõigele. Ühistransport on väga odav ja taskukohaseid söögikohti on palju. Teiselt poolt leiate kõrgema hinnaga maailmatasemel hotelle ja uhkeid restorane. Reisijate ja söögikordade päevane eelarve peaks jääma vahemikku 150–300 miljonit dollarit (peesot) päevas, kasutades ühistransporti ja söömas tänavatel, samal ajal kui mugavam eelarve peaks jääma vahemikku 300–500 miljonit dollarit päevas, kasutades erataksosid (takso de sitio) ja korralikes istumisrestoranides söömine. Neile, kellel on rohkem kulutatavat sularaha, leiate oma dollarite, eurode, naelade, jeenide jms jaoks palju müügikohti.


Aadressisüsteem on üsna lihtne ja sellel on tänavanimi, majanumber, koloonia (linnaosa), alev, linn, osariik ja sihtnumber. Paljusid ajab segi asjaolu, et majanumber tuleb tänavanime järgi, erinevalt USA-st ja paljudest teistest riikidest, kus number eelneb tänavale. Mõnikord antakse aadressid hoopis ristmiku ("esquina de / con ...") põhjal või tänaval, kus asub koht ja kaks tänavat, mille vahel see asub ("... entre calles ... y ... "). On hea juhtida tähelepanu sellele, et tänavad võivad sageli nime muuta, pikad teed jagunevad osadeks (näiteks Insurgentes Insurgentes Norte, Centro ja Suriks) ning tänavate numeratsioon ei ole alati korras, eriti vaesemates piirkondades.

Mexico Citys jälgivad naabruskonna tänavad sageli teatud teemat, näiteks Ladina-Ameerika riigid Centro Históricos, Euroopa linnad Rosa tsoonis või intellektuaalid Polancos. Tüüpiline aadress võiks olla umbes selline: Colima 15, Colonia Roma Norte, Delegación Cuauhtémoc, México, Distrito Federal, 06760. Siin tähistab "México" linna, mitte riiki. Tellimus on üsna tavaline, välja arvatud postiindeksi asukoht.


Innuka fotograafi jaoks on meeles pidada mõningaid näpunäiteid. Linn on paranoiline kaamerate ja eriti statiivide suhtes. Teil võidakse paluda kustutada pildid, isegi kui need on tehtud avalikust ruumist. Te ei tohi kasutada statiivi üheski piletiga kohas, näiteks muuseumides, metroojaamades ja arhitektuurilistes varemetes. Teil palutakse viisakalt oma kaamerat käes hoida. Ilmselt on sellel midagi pistmist professionaalsusega.

Mälukaarte saab hõlpsasti leida mitmest asukohast, sealhulgas Radio Shackist, Office Depotist, Office Maxist, Best Buy'ist või Wal-Martist. Hinnad kipuvad olema kõrgeimal tasemel, kuid on siiski taskukohased. Võite proovida ka mõnda kohta, mis on pühendatud fototehnika müümisele, need on tuntud kaubamärkide tänavasiltide järgi hõlpsasti tuvastatavad. Pole aga ebatavaline, et tippklassi kaamerate jaemüüjad pakuvad väheseid lisavarustust.

Saate oma fotosid printida enamikus linna suurematest apteegikettidest, otsida Farmacias Benavides, Farmacias Guadalajara või Farmacias del Ahorro (punase ringi sees valge A). Hinnad on kauplustes erinevad. Ka Zocalo lähedal tänaval Republica de Brasil tänavad paljud kõnnitee ääres seisvad inimesed suuliselt "imprentas". Nad pakuvad kirjatarvete, mitte fotode printimist.

Inimestele, kes armastavad tänavafotograafiat teha, on alustamiseks hea koht pärastlõunal Bellas Artes'i väljaku ees. Väljakut lõikavad ja tund aega ühel pingil istuvad näod, mis võimaldavad hõlpsasti juurdepääsu fotosöödale. Paljud siilid ja etnilised tänavaelanikud on õppinud raha küsima, enne kui lasete teil neid maha lasta. Tunnetage kaasa ja aktsepteerige seda nii, nagu see on seda väärt.

Mõni muuseum, näiteks Chapultepecis asuv riikliku ajaloo muuseum, nõuab videokaameratega inimeste eest lisatasu. Ka enamikus muuseumides pole välgupildistamine lubatud.

Tule sisse


Benito Juarezi rahvusvaheline lennujaam

Peamine artikkel: Benito Juárezi rahvusvaheline lennujaam

Enamik rändureid saabub Mehhikosse õhutranspordiga, Benito Juárezi rahvusvahelisse lennujaama, mis asub linna idaosas.

Licenciado Adolfo López Mateose rahvusvaheline lennujaam

See lennujaam (TLC IATA) asub Toluca linnas, Mexico Cityst 50 km edelas ja on muutnud end üldlennujaamast alternatiiviks ülekoormatud Mexico City lennujaama jaoks. Volaris ja TAR teenindavad Mehhiko sihtkohti nagu Monterrey, Cancún, Guadalajara ja Tijuana. Toluca lennujaama jõudmine Mexico City läänest (näiteks Santa Fe) on lihtne, kuid ülejäänud Mexico Cityst võib see olla aeganõudev.

  • Caminante pakub parimat transporti Toluca lennujaama ja tagasi. Sellel on suurim taksopark parima hinnaga ja see sisaldab ka luksusautosid Mercedes Benz.
  • Volaris pakub tasuta lennujaamatransporti Santa Fe kontor Vasco de Quiroga avenüül
  • Interjet pakub transporte, mis on Caminante omanduses, mitmest hotellist üle linna, sealhulgas Santa Fe Sheraton hotell.

Muud lennujaamad

Sõltuvalt teie üldisest reisist tasub kaaluda ka lendamist lähilinnadesse nagu Puebla (PBC IATA), Querétaro (QRO IATA) või Cuernavaca (CVJ IATA), kuid nendest kohtadest Mexico Citysse jõudmine võib olla üsna aeganõudev ja väsitav.


Riiklikuks transpordisõlmeks on erinevad bussiliinid, mis lähevad Mehhikosse ja sealt välja igas suunas, riiki / tagasi erineva kaugusega. Mõned bussiettevõtted on pärit ümbritsevatest Mehhiko osariikidest, Hidalgost, Pueblast ja Guerrerost, teised aga kogu rahvast kuni põhjas USA piirini ja lõunas Guatemala piirini. Enamik riiki saabuvaid välismaalasi lendaks suure tõenäosusega sisse, kuid ka Kesk-Ameerika kannuse kaudu on võimalik sõita Mexico Citysse bussiga USA erinevatest linnadest ja Panamast.

Linnal on kompassi punktide põhjal neli suurt bussijaama. Nemad on:

  • 1 Terminal Central Autobuses del Norte (põhjaosa) (Cien Metrose või Mexico Norte), Eje Kesk-Lázaro Cárdenas nr 4907, Colonia Magdalena de las Salinas (Metroojaama peatus Autobuses del Norte (liin 5, kollane)), 52-55 5587 1552. Enamik busse, mis väljuvad USA-ga piirilinnadesse, nagu Nuevo Laredo, Matamoros, Tijuana, Reynosa ja Ciudad Juarez. Muud terminalid, kuhu bussid lähevad: Acapulco, Aguascalientes, Guadalajara, Guanajuato, San Miguel de Allende, Puerto Vallarta, Monterrey, Leon, Querétaro, San Luis Potosi, Hermosillo, Durango, Zacatecas jne. Üldiselt on bussid seotud Mehhiko lääne- ja põhjaosa.
  • 2 Terminal Central Autobuses del Poniente (West) (Observatorio ehk Mexico Poniente), Sur 122 ja Rio Tacubaya, Del Álvaro Obregón, kolonel Real del Monte (Metroojaama peatus - Observatorio (1. liini läänepoolne ots, roosa).), 52-55 5271 4519. tuntud ka kui Terminal de Autobuses Observatorio. Tavaliselt kasutatakse sihtkohtades otse läände nagu Colima, Manzanillo, Morelia, Puerto Vallarta, Toluca Colima, Jalisco, Michocoani osariikides ja Mehhiko osariigi lääneosas.
  • 3 Central del Suri (lõuna) terminal (Taxqueña või Mexico Sur), Av. Tasqueña 1320, Colonia Campestre Churubusco (Metroojaam - Taxqueña (2. liini lõunaots, sinine)), 52 55. Siit väljuvad bussid lähevad Mexico Cityst lõunasse, nagu Acapulco, Cuernavaca, Taxco ja mitmed kohad Colima, Guerrero, Morelos ja Mehhiko osariigi lõunaosas. Jaam asub ka linna põhjaotsast (Taxqueña) kergraudtee (Tren Ligero)) tramm läheb / tagasi Xochimilco.
  • 4 Autotranspordi terminal Pasajeros de Oriente (idas) (TAPO või Mexico Oriente), Calzada Ignacio Zaragoza 200, Colonia 10 de Mayo Venustiano Carranza (Metroojaam - Lazaro Cardenas (liin 1, roosa; liin B, hall); riikliku kapitooliumihoone (Camara de Diputados) kõrval), 52 55 5762-5977. Teenindavad sihtkohti ida- ja kaguosariikides Veracruz, Puebla, Hidalgo, Oaxaca, Chiapas, Yucatan, Quintana Roo, Tlaxcala, Tamauliapas, Campeche, Tobasco ja Guatemala piir. Liiklus TAPO piirkonnas ja selle läheduses (ja mis tahes muus bussiterminalis) võib tipptundidel / tipptundidel olla üsna ülekoormatud. Andke endale sõiduajas alati umbes tund aega, sealhulgas edasi-tagasi, et olla kindel, et te ei jäta bussi ega ühendust maha.

Seal on palju muid väiksemaid bussijaamu, mis teenindavad vähem sihtkohti, kuid võivad olla väga kasulikud, kui soovite vältida ummikuid või kui reisite Mexico City välimisse ossa / tagasi. Mõned neist on:

  • Aeropuerto (Mexico City lennujaam) (AICM). Mexico City lennujaama terminalides 1 ja 2 on kaks bussijaama, mis teenindavad läheduses asuvaid suuri linnu nagu Querétaro ja Puebla. Nendesse jaamadesse sõitvad bussid on tavaliselt kallimad kui need, mis suunduvad 4 peamisse bussijaama. Enamik busse peatub mõlemas jaamas.
  • Cárcel de Mujeres, Calzada Ignacio Zaragoza 3097, Colonia Santa Martha Acatitla, Istapalapa. Mööda Mehhiko linnast ida poole suunduvat peateed teenindab busse, mis suunduvad Pueblasse ja osutavad vahepeale.
  • Ciudad Azteca, Centro Comercial Mexipuerto, Avenida Centrali ja De Los Guerrero nurk, Colonia Ciudad Azteca 3ra Sección, Ecatepec de Morelos, Estado de México (Metro ja Mexibús Ciudad Azteca). Suurlinna piirkonna kirdes kasutavad seda paljud teenused Mehhiko põhja- ja idaosast.
  • Indios Verdes, Avenida Insurgentes Norte 211, Colonia Santa Isabel Tola, Gustavo A. Madero (Metro ja Metrobús Indios Verdes). Enamik Pachucasse suunduvaid busse peatuvad siin. Tavaliselt ühistranspordiga mugavam kui Põhja bussijaam.
  • Tepotzotlán, Autopista México-Queretaro 164, Colonia Cedros, Tepotzotlán, Estado de México. Vahetult enne Mexico City-Querétaro maanteed mööda maksukogumist peatuvad siin paljud Mexico Cityst põhja poole suunduvad bussid.
  • Caseta Chalco
  • Coapa
  • Ecatepec (Las Américas)
  • Ixtapaluca
  • Tlalnepantla

Allpool on mõned suuremad bussifirmad, mis teenindavad Mexico Cityd ühes või mitmes bussijaamas. Mõned pakuvad teenust lennujaama mõlemasse terminali ja tagasi (aeropuerto). Vaadake allolevates loendites olevaid aadresse ja linke ettevõtte veebisaidile, kuhu nad Mehhikos lähevad:

  • ADO (Autobussid Del Oriente), Aeorpuerto, TAPO, Kesk-Norte, Taxqueña, kolonel Santa Martha, Del Iztapalapa, 52 55 5133-5133, tasuta: 01800-009-9090. Nad opereerivad ADO, ADO GL, AU (Autobus Unidos), OCC (Omnibus Cristobal Colon), Platino, Texcoco, Diamante, Estrella de Oro, Cuenca ja Pluss bussiliinid ja Klõpsake bussi broneerimissait (varem Boletotal & Ticketbus). Nad on suur bussiettevõte riigi ida- ja kaguosas Guatemala piiri suunas Guerrero, Puebla, Veracruzi, Chiapase, Tamaulipase, Tabasco ja Jukatani poolsaare (Yucatan, Quintana Roo ja Campeche) osariikides. Reisige Guatemala poole via Tapachula või Tuxtla Guttierrez; Belize'i läbi Chetumal ja Ameerika Ühendriikide piir läbi Matamorose. Piiriüleseid busse pakutakse Belize Citysse vaid Cancunist ja Meridast Chetumali kaudu.
  • Autovias, Mehhiko Norte, Mehhiko Poniente, tasuta: 01 800 622 2222. läheb Mehhiko DF-st ümbritsevasse Mehhiko osariiki ja kaugemale Colima, Guerrero, Guanajuato, Jalisco, Michoacan ja Queretaro osariikidesse. Nad opereerivad ka Allegrat, La Linea ja Pegasso kaubamärke.
  • Caminante, Aeropuertos (Toluca ja México), Mexico Poniente. Reisib peamiselt Mexico City ja Toluca vahel.
  • Costa Line, AERS, Mexico Norte, Mexico Sur (Taxquena), 52 55 5336-5560, tasuta: 01800-0037-635. Teenib peamiselt Mehhiko osariigis, Moreloses ja Guerreros. Nad opereerivad ka Turistar, Futura ja AMS bussiliinid.
  • ETN (Enlances Terrestre Nacionales), Turistar Lujo, Norte keskosa, Poniente ja Sur. Nad pakuvad luksuslikke või Executive-klassi istekohti, millel on kaks istekohta vahekäigu ühel küljel ja üks vastasküljel, kus on rohkem jalaruumi ja võimalus lamada lamavasse asendisse. Need võivad maksta rohkem kui esimene klass. Nad lähevad Aguascaliente, Baja California Norte, Coahuila, Chihuahua, Durango, Guanajuato, Guerrero, Hidalgo, Jalisco, Mehhiko, Michoacan, Morelos, Nayarit, Nuevo Leon, Oaxaca (rannik), Queretaro, San Luis Potosi, Sinaloa, Sonora, Veracruz (Poza Rica, Tuxpan) ja Zacatecase osariigid
  • [varem surnud link]Grupo Estrella Blanca (valge täht), Aeoropuerto, Central del Norte, Taxquena, 52 55 5729-0807, tasuta: 01800-507-5500. Nad opereerivad Anahuac[varem surnud link], Eliit, TNS (Transportes Norte de Sonora), Tšihuahuanlased[surnud link], Pacifico, TF (Tranporte Frontera), Estrella Blanca, Conexion, Rapidos de Cuauhtemoc, Valle de Guadiana ja Autobuss Americanos bussiliinid. Suurima bussiettevõttena teenindavad nad suurt osa riigi põhja- ja loodeosast, näiteks Aguascaliente, Baja California Norte, Coahuila, Chihuahua, Durango, Districto Federal (DF), Guanajuato, Guerrero, Hidalgo, Jalisco, Mehhiko Estado, Michoacán , Morelose, Nayariti, Queretaro, San Luis Potosi, Sinaloa, Sonora ja Zacatecase osariigid kuni USA piirini. Nad müüvad pileteid edasi reisimiseks Ameerika Ühendriikidesse alates piirist Greyhound Lines / Autobus Americanos (ja vastupidi).
  • Estrella de Oro (kuldtäht), TAPO, Taxqueña, 52 55 5133-5133, tasuta: 01800-009-9090. tegutseb peamiselt Mexico City ja Guerrero, Veracruzi ning Hidalgo osariikide vahel. Nüüd on nad Grupo ADO tütarettevõte, aga ka eraldi ettevõte ja kaubamärk.
  • Estrella Roja (punane täht), Aeorpuerto, TAPO, Carcel de Mujeres (naiste vangla), 52 222 273-8300, tasuta: 01800-712-2284. Reisib peamiselt Mexico City ja Puebla vahel.
  • Primera Plus, Aeorpuerto, Central de Norte, Obsevatorio, 52 477 710-0060, tasuta: 0800 375-75-87. Grupo Flecha Amarilla tütarettevõte, kuhu kuuluvad ka ETN, Turistar Lujo, Coordinados, TTUR ja Flecha Amarilla (2. klassi teenindus) bussiliinid. Nad teenivad Jalisco, Michoacán, Guanajuato, Colima, Aguascalientes, Querétaro, San Luis Potosí, México, DF, Nayarit, Estado de Mexico, Hidalgo, Guerrero ja Sinaloa osariike.
  • [surnud link]Grupo Flecha Roja, Aguila, Central de Poniente, Central del Norte, 52 55 5516 5153, tasuta: 01800 224-8452. tegutseb peamiselt Mexico City ja mitme Mehhiko osariigi põhjaosa vahel Flecha Roja kaubamärgiga Queretaro osariigini ning Mehhiko osariigi kaguosas Guerrero ja Morelose osariikidesse Aguila.
  • FYPSA, TAPO, 52 951 516-2270. tegutseb peamiselt DF, Mehhiko, Oaxaca ja Chiapase osariikide vahel.
  • Mehhiko omnibus, Central de Poniente, Central del Norte, 52 55 5141-4300, tasuta: 01800-765-66-36. Nad teenivad suurt osa riigi kesk- ja põhjaosast nagu Aguascaliente, Colima, Coahuila, Chihuahua, Durango, Guanajuato, Guerrero, Hidalgo, Jalisco, Michocoan, Nayrit, Queretaro, San Luis Potosi, Sinaloa, Sonora, Tamaulipas, Veracruz ja Zacatecase osariigid kuni USA piirini.
  • OvniBus, Autotransport Valle de Mezquital, Kesk del Norte, tasuta: 01800-715-83-39. Nad teenivad Tulat, Tepotzotlani, Pachucat, Actopani ja teisi Mehhiko osariikides asuvaid Hidalgo osariike.
  • Grupo Senda, Central de Norte. Nad teenivad suurt osa riigi keskosa põhjaosast nagu Aguascaliente, Colima, Coahuila, Chihuahua, Durango, Guerrero, Jalisco, Michoacan, Nuevo Leon, Queretaro, San Luis Potosi, Sinaloa, Tamaulipas ja Zacatecas, kuni USA piirini. as. Piirist jätkuvad nad kuni Texase osariigist pärit USA kagu- ja keskosani Alabama, Arkansase, Georgia, Illinoisi, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Põhja-Carolina, Lõuna-Carolina ja Tennessee osariiki. Turimex Internacional. Nad opereerivad ka ja Del Norte ja Coahuilenses bussiliinid Mehhiko põhjaosa keskosas, Texast lõunas.
  • Puuduta, Central de Norte, tasuta: 0800-0011-827. Operates bus more or less along the Hwy 15 corridor between Tijuana and Guadalajara and other places off of the Hwy 15 corridor in Baja California Norte, Guerrero, Jalisco, Michoacan, Nayarit, Sinaloa, Sonora, Estado de Mexico and Mexico DF. They also operate the TAP Royal bus lines from the border to Los Angeles, Phoenix, Las Vegas and Tuscon in the southwestern part of the U.S.
  • Autobuses de Teotihuacan SA de CV, Central de Norte, 52 55 5781 1812, 52 5587 0501. Independent second bus to the 'piramides' or the ruins of Teotihuacan ruins/pyramids, S Juan Teotihuacan, Texcoco, Pachuca, Tulacingo, and other places in the NE part of Mexico state towards Hidalgo, Tlaxcala and Puebla states
  • Zina Bus, Excelencia, Excelencia Plus, Central de Poniente, Central de Norte, 52 55 5278-4721. goes from Mexico DF to the surrounding Estado de Mexico, Guerrero and Michoacan states. They also operate the Pegasso brand in Estado de Mexico, Guanajuato, Michoacan and Jalisco states.


Intercity passenger train services to various parts of the country have ceased operations since 1997. The only remaining route is a suburban commuter train from Cuautitlán, 27 km (17 mi) north. While not particularly useful for most tourists, it can be used to see the sights in or close to the northern part of the metropolitan area, such as the old convent at Cuautitlán (walking distance) or the Museo Nacional del Virreinato and fine church in Tepotzotlán (bus ride from Cuautitlán). The train is operated by Ferrocarriles Suburbanos and it runs very frequently throughout the day.

Additionally, a new intercity passenger line from Toluca is under construction and is expected to be completed in 2022. It will terminate at Observatorio metro station.

  • 5 Buenavista railway station (Estación Buenavista). This is the old intercity railway station and pretty to look at regardless of train service. Buenavista jaam (Q4985492) Wikidatas Buenavista raudteejaam (vana) Vikipeedias

Liigu ringi

Mexico City is a huge place, but driving is definitely not a way to see it even if tourist attractions are scattered throughout the city. A good way to plan your trip is to stop by Guia Roji to identify the location of the "Colonias" (neighborhoods) you intend to visit. You may also try Google Maps, to find addresses and even look for directions.

Mexico City has several public transport alternatives. The city government operates the Metro and Metrobús bus rapid transit system, which are cheap and reliable but can be very crowded during rush hour. It also operates a light rail line, RTP bus system and electric trolleybuses. There are also plenty of franchised private buses, minibuses and vans, known as peseros and combis, which are less reliable and safe but reach more destinations. In the metropolitan area, there is a commuter train line and the Mexibús bus rapid transit system, but most destinations are only served by private minibuses and vans. For a handy route planner, try ViaDF.

There are also thousands of taxis, now painted in white and magenta. Official taxis have a red box in the center lower area of their license plates that reads TAXI. Only use these taxis, sitio taxis or have a hotel call you a taxi for safety reasons. If you have a smartphone and internet access, the ridesharing services Uber and Cabify can also be used, with the added advantage that you can put your destination beforehand and pay with a credit card.

Google Maps and Apple Maps can plan routes using a car or the city-operated public transport (excluding private buses). There are at least two other websites available for planning trips within the city. Buscaturuta ("Busca Tu Ruta," or "Find Your Route"), which serves all of Mexico, uses a Google Maps interface and allows you to search with incomplete addresses. It will give you options for traveling by public transit, taxi, car, or bicycle.

Some mobile apps exist to help users navigate the public transportation system. Metroplex DF is one such option (iOS only).

By metro

EttevaatustMärge: On 9 January 2021 a deadly fire in the control center took lines 1-6 offline. Provisional transport is being provided by both busses and other government vehicles. Lines 4, 5, and 6 are expected to be normalised soon. Lines 1, 2, and 3 are expected to be down for several months.
(Information last updated Feb 2021)
Mexico City Metro

The Sistema de Transporte Colectivo, known as the Metro, is one of the largest and most patronized subway systems in the world, with 12 lines that measure more than 190 km (120 mi) and carry 4.4 million people every day. You'll quickly see how busy it is, particularly lines 1, 2 and 3 and during the morning (7AM-9AM) and afternoon (5PM-7PM) rush hours: trains are often filled to significantly over capacity, and sometimes it will be hot and uncomfortable. It can get loud in the trains due to the noise of the wheels and due to conversation, vendors or people blasting their music (see below). Despite the close quarters, it's relatively quick and efficient, especially as an alternative to taxis during rush hours when the streets are essentially parking lots, and affordable by Western standards (tickets for one trip with unlimited transfers within the system cost M$5 (Jan 2018)). Trains run every couple of minutes, so if you just miss it, you won't have long to wait until another arrives, and the Metro can be the quickest way to travel longer distances within the city - especially if your origin and departure points align with metro stops. Stations usually have food stalls inside and outside the entrances, and many have city-sponsored exhibits and artwork on display, so it's good even for a look around. If you missed the food stalls getting on the train, people selling all kinds of things are available in the trains as well. Just don't count on them selling things you need when you need them. Operating hours are from 5AM to midnight on weekdays (starts at 6AM on Saturday and 7AM on Sunday). A last train leaves every terminal station at midnight, so you might be able to catch it a few minutes afterwards, depending on your station.

Although the Metro lacks informational signs in English, the system was designed with illiteracy in mind, so finding your way around should not be a problem. Lines are defined by number but also by a color, and that color runs as a thematic band across the entire station and along the entire route, so you always know what line you are on. Stations are identified by name but also by a pictorial icon that represents that area in some way. Entire maps of the Metro system are posted around ticket booths and on platforms, but not always inside trains. Neighborhood maps around every station are also available near the ticket booths.

Some lines run through more tourist-related spots than others and will become very familiar to you after a while. Line 1 (pink) runs through many tourist spots, such as the Centro Histórico (Salto del Agua, Isabel la Católica and Pino Suárez), the Chapultepec Forest (Chapultepec), Condesa and Roma neighborhoods (Insurgentes and Sevilla) and the West (Observatorio) and East (San Lázaro) Bus Stations. Line 2 (blue) runs through the Centro Histórico (Allende, Zócalo and Bellas Artes) and reaches the South Bus Station (Tasqueña). Line 3 (green) runs near Coyoacán (Coyoacán and Miguel Ángel de Quevedo) and also near the University City (Copilco and Ciudad Universitaria). If traveling to and from the airport, you'll want to use Line 5 (yellow) to connect to the Mexico City International Airport (Terminal Aérea, and not Boulevard Puerto Aéreo of line 1, which is 1 km away but is still colloquially called Aeropuerto). The North Bus station is also served by Line 5 at Autobuses del Norte. Line 6 (red) runs east-west through the north of the city and passes by the Basílica de Guadalupe (La Villa - Basílica). Line 7 (orange) runs through many touristic spots such as the Chapultepec Forest (Auditorio) and the Polanco neighborhood (Polanco). Line 8 (green) crosses the Centro Histórico north-south (Salto del Agua, San Juan de Letrán, Bellas Artes and Garibaldi). Line 9 (brown) runs near the Condesa neighborhood (Chilpancingo).

Here are a few of the commonly-used Metro signs translated into English:

  • Taquilla - Ticket booth
  • Entrada - Entrance
  • Salida - Exit
  • No Pase - Do not enter. You'll still see many people passing through in order to walk less though.
  • Andenes - Train platforms
  • Correspondencia - Line transfer, marked with a "C" sign with the same outline as the metro station icons.
  • Dirección - Direction you are heading inside a line: one of the two terminal stations. Each platform has a large sign indicating towards which direction that train heads. For example, if you are travelling on Line 1 from Insurgentes to Pino Suárez stations, you are heading in the direction of the Pantitlán terminus ("Dirección Pantitlán"). On your return trip, you would be heading in the direction of the Observatorio terminus ("Dirección Observatorio").

As you enter a Metro station, look for the ticket booth. There might be a short queue for tickets, and to avoid having to always stand in line, many people buy a small handful of tickets at a time. A sign is posted by the ticket window that shows how much it would cost for any number of tickets. Once you approach the agent, simply drop some money into the tray and announce (in Spanish) how many tickets you would like (uno for M$5, cinco for M$25, diez for M$50, and so on). You do not need to say anything about where you are going, since fares are the same for everywhere in the system.

Instead of buying individual tickets (and queuing), you may opt for a multi-use rechargeable smart card. At the same window you buy tickets, ask for a tarjeta. There may be a minimum amount for your initial balance. To use the card, simply hold the card next to the white card reader at any turnstile. The cost of a single fare will be deducted and the remaining balance will show on the card reader display. You can ask for a recharge (recargar) at any ticket window to supplement your card's balance. These smart cards can be used in the Metro, Metrobús and Tren Ligero. If you don't speak Spanish, it might be easier to buy a card at the machines in the Metrobús or Tren Ligero stations rather than in a Metro station ticket booth.

Once you have your ticket (boleto) or card, it is time to go through the turnstiles. The stiles are clearly marked for exit or entry but if you are confused, follow the crowd. Insert the ticket into the slot (it does not matter which direction is up or forward) or put your card against the card reader above. You won't get the ticket back. Some turnstiles are only for smart card holders, which are marked with solo tarjeta. Past the turnstiles, signs that tell you where to go depending on your direction within the line are usually clearly marked, as are signs that tell you where to transfer to a different line. There is no standard station layout, but they are all designed to facilitate vast amounts of human traffic, so following the crowd works well, as long as you double check the signs to make sure the crowd is taking you in the same direction.

On the platform, try to stand near the edge. During rush hours when it can get pretty crowded, there is sometimes a mad rush on and off the train. Although for the most part people are respectful and usually let departing passengers off first, train doors are always threatening to close and that means you need to be moderately aggressive if you don't want to get left behind. If you're traveling in a group, this could mean having to travel separately. At the ends of the platform, the train is usually less crowded, so you could wait there, but during rush hours some busier stations reserve those sections of platform exclusively for women and children for their safety. If this is the case, there will be a police officer blocking the way.

While on the train, you will see a steady stream of people walking through the carriages announcing their wares for sale. Act as if you are used to them (that is, ignore them, unless they need to pass you). Most often you'll see the city's disadvantaged population make their living by begging or selling pirate music CDs, blaring their songs through amplifiers carried in a backpack. There are people who "perform" (such as singing, or repeatedly somersaulting shirtless onto a pile of broken glass) and expect a donation. There are also people who hand out pieces of paper, candy or snacks between stops, and if you eat it or keep it you are expected to pay for it; if you don't want it, they'll take it back before the next stop. It can be quite amusing, or sad at times, but don't laugh or be disrespectful... this is how they make a living. The best thing to do is to observe how others around you behave, but you can usually just avoid eye contact with these merchants and they will leave you alone.

If the merchants weren't enough, the trains are usually just crowded places to be. You will usually not get seats if you are traveling through the city center during the day, and even if you do, it's considered good manners to offer your seat to the aged, pregnant or disabled, as all cars have clearly marked handicap seats. In keeping with the mad rush on and off the train, people will move toward the exits before the train stops, so let them through and feel free to do the same when you need to (a con permiso helps, but body language speaks the loudest here).

A few words of warning: the Metro is quite safe, but there are a few incidences of pickpocketing every day. Keep your belongings close to you; if you have bags, close them and keep them in sight. As long as you are alert and careful you won't have any problems. Passengers usually look out for each other. Women have complained of being groped on extremely crowded trains; this is not a problem on designated women's wagons, or any other time than rush hour. If theft or any other sort of harassment do occur, you can stop the train and attract the attention of the authorities by pulling on alarms near the doors, which are labeled señal de alarma.

When exiting, follow the crowd through signs marked Salida. Many stations have multiple exits to different streets (or different sides of streets, marked with a cardinal direction) and should have posted road maps that show the immediate area with icons for banks, restaurants, parks and so forth. Use these to orient yourself and figure out where you need to go. A good tip is to remember what side of the tracks you are on, these are marked on such maps with a straight line the color of the metro line you are traveling.


Mexico City Microbus

There are two kinds of buses. The first are full-sized buses operated by the Mexico City Government known as RTP[surnud link] and Ecobús. Regular RTP routes cost M$2 anywhere you go, while Express RTP routes cost M$4 and the Ecobús costs M$5. Most buses have coin boxes, in which case you should have the exact fare (or be willing to deposit more than your fare) and put the money in the box. If there isn't a coin box, give the money to the driver. RTP buses are orange and green, while Ecobús buses are all green.

The second kind of buses are known as microbuses või peseros. These buses are private-run and come in small and bigger sizes. Newer peseros look like regular buses but are painted in white and purple, while older ones are ominous looking and painted in green and grey. Smaller peseros cost M$4 for shorter trips, M$4.50 for 6–12 km trips and M$5 for trips longer than 12 km. Full-sized private buses are M$5 for shorter trips, and M$6 for longer trips.

All buses are supposed to stop at bus stops, but microbuses are usually willing to stop anywhere as long as there are no police nearby. In the inner city, bus stops are usually small bus shelters with metal seats. In other areas, they might be unmarked and you can reasonably assume that a bus will stop just before a big intersection. Routes are also very complex and flexible, so be sure to ask someone, perhaps the driver, if the bus even goes to your destination ("va a ...?"), before getting on. Also, though the locals hang off the sides and out the doors, it is generally not recommended for novices. Riding RTP buses is safer and more comfortable than the private franchised and smaller microbuses, which are more prone to robbery and often have terrible driving habits. All buses display signs on their windshields which tell major stops they make, so if you want to take a bus to a metro station, you can just wait for a bus that has a sign with an M followed by the station name.

Buses can be packed during rush hours, and you have to pay attention to your stops (buses make very short stops if there's just one person getting off, so be ready), but they are very practical when your route aligns with a large avenue. There's usually a button above or close to the rear door to signal that you're getting off; if there isn't one, it's not working, or you can't get to it, shouting Bajan! (pronounced "BAH-han") in a loud and desperate voice usually works.

By Metrobús and Mexibús

Mexico City Metrobus

The Metrobús is a BRT system that operates seven routes (líneas) in dedicated lanes along Insurgentes, Eje 4 Sur, Eje 1 Poniente (Cuauhtémoc/Vallejo), Eje 3 Oriente, Eje 5 Norte Avenues, and Ave Paseo de la Reforma. Line 1 is convenient for the Condesa/Roma area, Line 3 for Del Valle and the Centro Histórico and Line 4 has a route to/from the airport (with stops at terminals 1 and 2) that passes through the Centro Histórico. The Metrobús is safe but can be crowded.

Most routes cost M$6 to ride, while buses to/from the airport cost M$30. In order to ride, you need a refillable smart card that must be bought in advance (M$16, including one fare). These cards can be used at the Metro and Tren Ligero as well. Lines 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 have enclosed stations with turnstiles where you pay. There are card vending machines at these stations. Line 4 has regular bus stops and you pay when boarding the bus. Cards are thus not sold there, but can be bought/recharged at convenience stores along the route. If you are just arriving and want to take the Metrobús from the airport, you can buy the card at the 7-Eleven shops in both terminals.

The Metrobús has stops approximately every 500m. Expect Line 1 to be crowded around the clock and other Lines to be crowded during rush hour, but it's a great way to move around very rapidly. There are branches in each route, buses that take multiple lines and buses that do not go all the way from terminal to terminal, so you must check the correct door to take the bus in your direction, as well as the bus' billboard before boarding to see which is the last stop they will visit. There are reserved boarding areas at the front of every bus (indicated on the platforms) for women, the handicapped and the elderly.

The Mexibús is a similar system covering areas of the State of Mexico (in the metropolitan area). There are 3 lines, all of which cost M$6 but use different smart cards. The Mexibús is reasonably safe, but pickpocketing and robbery do sometimes occur.

By trolley bus

Trolley buses are operated by the Electric Transport Services. There are 15 trolley bus lines that spread around for more than 400 km. They usually do not get as crowded as regular buses, and they are quite comfortable and reliable. They have lower frequencies and can be a little slower than regular buses, since they are unable to change lanes as quickly. There is a flat fare of M$2 on most lines and M$4 on the Eje Central, Eje 2 Sur and Eje 7 Sur lines. You pay in a coin box and bus drivers do not give out change. For tourists, the Eje Central line (Line A) is useful to go between the North and South bus stations or between these stations and the Centro Histórico.

By light rail

The Tren Ligero (Light rail) is operated by Electric Transport Services and consists of one single line that runs to Xochimilco, south of the city, from the Tasqueña Metro Station (Line 2, blue; alternatively you may see it spelled as Taxqueña). For tourists, it is useful if you plan to visit Xochimilco, the Dolores Olmedo Museum, the Anahuacalli Museum or the Azteca Stadium. The rate for a single ride is M$3. The ticketing system works very similarly to the Metro, but the tickets are not the same. Tickets are sold at most stations along the line. Where they aren't, there is always a police officer guarding the entrance, next to whom there is a coin box where you can deposit the fare in coins (exact change or pay extra). You can also use the same smart card as in the Metro and Metrobús.


There are more than 250,000 registered cabs in the city and they are one of the most efficient ways to get around. The prices are low, a fixed fee of about M$8.6 to get into the cab, and about M$1.14 per quarter kilometer or 45 seconds thereafter, for the normal taxis (taxi libre). The night rates, supposedly between 11PM at night and 6AM in the morning are about 20% higher. Some taxis "adjust" their meters to run more quickly, but in general, cab fare is cheap, and it's usually easy to find a taxi. At night, and in areas where there are few taxis, cab drivers will often not use the meter, but rather quote you a price before you get in. This price will often be high, however, you can haggle. They will tell you that their price is good because they are "safe". If you don't agree on the price, don't worry as another cab will come along.

Although safety has substantially improved, catching cabs in the street may be dangerous. Taxi robberies, so-called "express kidnappings", where the victim is robbed and then taken on a trip to various ATMs to max out their credit cards, do sometimes occur, but there are some general precautions that will minimize the risk:

  • Taxis have special license plates. The registration number starts with an "A", "B" or "M" followed by five digits. Base ("Sitio") taxis are safer. These plates are white and have a small green and red squares at the bottom corners.
  • The taxi license should be displayed inside the taxi; usually it is mounted somewhere above the windshield. Check that the photo of the driver on the license is of the actual driver. Make a point of looking at it.
  • Look for the meter. Without it, they will be more likely to rip you off. All taxis in Mexico city have meters.
  • If you are nervous, take sitio taxis only. These may be a bit more expensive, but they are well worth the expense.
  • If you are safety-conscious or require additional comfort, consider radio taxis, which can be called by phone, and are extremely reliable and safe, although a bit pricier than other taxis. Most restaurants, hotels, etc., have the number for radio taxis. Radio taxis will usually give you the price for the trip on the phone when you order them. Radio taxis charge more than regular taxis, but are available all night. Hotel taxis will be significantly more expensive than site or radio taxis.
  • As with absolutely everything else, risks are greater at night. At night, radio taxis are recommended.

Mexico City is so large, and many street names so common that cab drivers are highly unlikely to know where to go when you give only a name or address of your destination. Always include either the name of the colonia or the district (i.e. "Zona Rosa"), as well as any nearby landmarks or cross streets. You will probably be asked to give directions throughout or at least near the tail end of the journey; if either your Spanish or your sense of direction is poor, carry a map and be prepared to point.

The two most common recommendations for a safe cab riding experience are to make sure you take an official cab, and to notify a person you trust of the license plate number of the cab you are riding. There is a free app available for iPhone, android and Blackberry (soon) that allows you to verify if a cab is official by comparing the taxi license plate number with the government provided data and that lets you communicate through Facebook, twitter and/or email the license plate number of the cab you have taken or even communicate an emergency through these mediums. The free service is called Taxiaviso.

If you have a smartphone with internet access, you can also use the ridesharing apps Uber ja Cabify, which allow you to set your destination beforehand and pay with a credit card. The app Yaxi allows you to order a safe regular taxi to your location.

By double-decker tourist bus

The Turibus is a sightseeing hop-in hop-off bus that is a good alternative to see the city if you don't have too much time. The one-day ticket costs M$140 Monday-Friday and M$165 Saturday-Sunday. Children are half-price. Your ticket is valid for all routes. Runs 365 days a year. Its main route includes the Zona Rosa, Chapultepec Park, Polanco, Condesa, Roma and the Historic Center. There are three secondary routes running South, West and North. The South route runs from Fuente de la Cibeles in Condesa to Coyoacan and Xochimilco. The West route (Circuito Polanco) runs between Polanco and Chapultepec. The North route (Circuito Basílica) goes to Tlatelolco and the Basilica de Guadalupe.

Uus Capitalbus[surnud link] has a similar service. It has a central route that includes the Centro Histórico, Reforma and Polanco, as well as a route west to the Santa Fe business district, and a North route to the Basílica de Guadalupe and various churches. Tickets cost M$130 for 6 hours, $140 for 24 hours Monday-Friday, $180 for 24 hours (Saturday-Sunday) and $250 for 48 hours. Buses have Wi-fi.

If you get lost

If you get absolutely lost and you are far away from your hotel, hop into a pesero (mini bus) or bus that takes you to a Metro station; most of them do. Look for the sign with the stylized metro "M" in the front window. From there and using the wall maps you can get back to a more familiar place. The Metro stops running around midnight-ish and if you get lost late at night, taking a taxi is probably your best bet.


Driving around by car is the least advised way to visit the city due to the complicated road structure, generally reckless drivers, and the 5 million vehicles moving around the city. Traffic jams are almost omnipresent on weekdays, and driving from one end of the city to the other could take you between 2 and 4 hours at peak times. The condition of pavement in freeways such as Viaducto and Periférico is good, however in avenues, streets and roads varies from fair to poor since most streets have fissures, bumps and holes. Most are paved with asphalt and some used to be paved using concrete. Since the city grew without planned control, the street structure resembles a labyrinth in many areas. Also, traffic 'laws' are complex and rarely followed, so driving should be left to only the most adventurous and/or foolhardy. Driving can turn into a really challenging experience if you don't know precisely well where are you going. Guia Roji[surnud link] sells good paper maps, and Google Maps and Apple Maps have good maps of the city.

Street parking (Estacionamiento in Spanish) is scarce around the city and practically nonexistent in crowded areas. Where available expect to pay M$12-18 an hour while most of hotels charge M$25-50 an hour. Some areas of the city such as Zona Rosa, Chapultepec, Colonia Roma and Colonia Condesa have parking meters on the sidewalks which are about M$10 an hour and are free on certain days and hours (depending on the location). It is possible to park in other streets without meters but is likely there will be a "parking vendor" (Franelero in Spanish) which are not authorized by the city, but will "take care of your car". Expect to pay M$10-20 to these fellows, some of them will "charge" at your arrival, the best advice is to pay if you want to see your car in good shape when you come back.

Hoy No Circula (Today You Do Not Circulate) is an extremely important anti-traffic and anti-pollution program that all visitors including foreigners must take into consideration when wishing to drive through Mexico City and nearby Mexico State with their foreign-plated vehicles, as they are not immune to these restrictions. It limits vehicle circulation to certain hours during the day or certain days depending on the previous days' pollution levels, how new your car is, the last digit of your plate number (plates with all letters are automatically assigned a digit) and whether the car has passed the bi-yearly emission controls. Newer and electric vehicles (which are usually the case for rentals) have a 00 või 0 hologram sticker and are exempted from most regulations. You can check the cars that cannot circulate today siin. Mexico City, but not the State of Mexico, offers a special pass good for 2 weeks, that allows someone with a foreign-plated vehicle to be exempt from these restrictions.

The visitor should take into consideration the following tips when driving: avenues have preference over streets and streets over closed streets. Continuous right turns even when traffic light red are not allowed from 2016. Seat belts are mandatory for all seats. Police generally drive with their lights on, but if you're stopped by a police car, it is likely they will try to get money out you. It is up to you if you accept to give a bribe, but never offer one directly. Fines are usually cheap and can be paid at banks, supermarkets and convenience stores.


Cycling in most parts of Mexico City is difficult. Distances are long, many roads are wide, car drivers are aggressive and traffic can be hectic. However, the city government is making a serious effort to make cycling more attractive, installing dedicated cycle lanes along several main streets, including Reforma and around Chapultepec Park. Bicycle parking is available in/around most metro stations (such as Auditorio) and the central city. Cycling along dedicated lanes and smaller streets feels safe enough.

For more recreational cycling, the government closes off Reforma every Sunday morning for strollers, cyclists and other non-motorised transport. One Sunday a month, there is a much longer route. Other nice places to cycle include Chapultepec Park and the cycling path installed on the former railway line to Cuernavaca, which passes through Polanco and Lomas and reaches all the way to the Morelos state limits. Bicycles can be taken in the Metro and Tren Ligero on Sundays.

EcoBici rack along Avenida Juárez
  • EcoBici. EcoBici is a bike sharing program in Mexico City. It has 444 stations and over 12000 bikes in central Mexico City, including the Centro Histórico, around Reforma, Condesa and Roma, Del Valle and Polanco. Newer bike stations allow you to purchase a 1-day (M$90), 3-day ($180), 7-day ($300) or 1-year ($400) subscription directly with a credit card. You can take a bicycle from any station and make as many 45-minute trips as you want during that time. They will block M$1,500 from your credit card from the time you sign up and until 5 days after your subscription ends. There are reports that Ecobici are slow to release this deposit, often taking longer than 5 days.
  • Free rental bikes can also be obtained at kiosks in various parts of the city, such as along Reforma, if you provide two pieces of ID.

By foot

Unfortunately, although public transport is frequent and reliable, taxis blanket the city, and Uber comes almost instantly, the traffic and crowds in the central neighborhoods (Chapultepec, Zona Rosa, Centro Historico) are so intense that at rush hour (most of the day) walking is about as fast as any of those options. The good news is that streets have sidewalks, the center is safe during the day, and you can be assured of finding something interesting on every block. The bad news is that this area is nearly 10 km across, so you may want to hop on a bus just to take the weight off your feet.


Downtown Mexico City has been an urban area since the foundation of Tenochtitlán in 1325, and the city is filled with historical buildings and landmarks from every epoch since then. It is also known as the City of Palaces, because of the large number of stately buildings, especially in the Centro. Mexico City has three World Heritage Sites: the Centro Histórico and Xochimilco, the house of architect Luis Barragán and the University City campus of UNAM. In addition, Mexico is one of the cities with the largest number of museums in the world.


Plaza Bellas Artes Mexico City
  • Plaza de la Bellas Artes. Commonly known as Palace of Fine Arts või Cathedral of Arts in Mexico, host of art events and art exhibitions.
  • Plaza de la Constitución. Commonly known as Zócalo in the Centro Historico (Historic Downtown) is one of the largest squares in the world, surrounded by historic buildings, including the City Hall and the Cathedral.
  • La Catedral. The biggest in the Americas. Containing many altars, its principal altar is made from solid gold.
  • Angel de la Independencia (El Angel). A monument in Reforma Avenue and Florencia Street, near Zona Rosa. This monument celebrates Mexico's independence in 1810.
  • Basílica de Guadalupe. Catholicism's holiest place in the Americas, and the destination of pilgrims from all over the world, especially during the yearly celebration on the 12th of December. Located at La Villa de Guadalupe, it is the shrine that guards the poncho of Juan Diego that contains the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe, and is in the northernmost part of the city.
  • Ciudad Universitaria. — The main campus of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Located on Insurgentes Sur Avenue, it is one of the world's largest universities, with more than 270,000 students every semester. In 2007 it was declared a UNESCO world heritage place.
  • Coyoacán. Historic Colonial Arts district which was home to Frida Kahlo, Leon Trotsky, and Diego Rivera, among others.
  • Plaza Garibaldi-Mariachi. The square is surrounded by cafés and restaurants much favored by tourists, and in these and in the square itself groups of musicians play folk music. Most of these groups are "mariachis" from Jalisco, dressed in Charro costume and playing trumpets, violins, guitars and the guitarrón or bass guitar. Payment is expected for each song, but it is also possible to arrange for a longer performances. People set up lemonade stand style bars in the evening to sell you cheap cocktails while you listen. A visit to Mexico is not complete until you experience the fantastic Mariachi Bands, but the neighborhood is a bit sketchy.
  • Ciudadela crafts market. The Ciudadela is a Mexican crafts market where cultural groups from around Mexico distribute their crafts to other parts of the country and the world.
  • Alameda and Paseo de la Reforma. The Alameda is the main park in the Downton area of Mexico City, Paseo de la Reforma ("Reform Avenue") is a 12 km long grand avenue in Mexico City. It was built for the Emperor Maximilian's wife in the 19th century. Its name commemorates the liberal reforms of Mexican President Benito Juarez.
  • Cineteca Nacional (National Film Archive). It was the first to screen art films, and is known for its forums, retrospectives and homages. It has four screening rooms, a video and a film library, as well as a cafeteria.
  • Torre Latinoamericana. Observation Deck hours, 9AM- 10PM. For stunning views of the city. Its central location, height (183 m or 597 ft; 45 stories), and history make it one of Mexico City's most important landmarks.
  • Mexico City US National Cemetery, Virginia Fabregas 31 (Colonia San Rafael), 52 55 5546 0054. Daily 08:00-17:00, closed 25 Dec and 1 Jan. The cemetery is the final resting place for 750 unknown American soldiers lost during the Mexican-American War between 1846 and 1848. Another 813 Americans are also interred here. Tasuta.


Mexico City is full of various plazas and parks scattered through every neighborhood, but the following are some of the biggest, prettiest, most interesting, or best-known.

  • Alameda Central (Metro Bellas Artes or Hidalgo). Named after the poplar trees planted there, it is the oldest urban park in Mexico City (1592) and the largest inside the Centro Histórico.
  • Chapultepec Park and Zoo, Paseo de la Reforma (Metro Auditorio). A large park of 6 km² in the middle of the city which hosts many attractions, including the city zoo and several museums such as the Modern Art Museum, the Museum of Anthropology, the Children's Museum (Museo del Papalote), the Technology Museum, the Natural History Museum and the National Museum also known as Castillo de Chapultepec, the former residence of the Austrian Emperor Maximilian of Habsburg.
  • Xochimilco (Tren Ligero Xochimilco). A vast system of waterways and flower gardens dating back to Aztec times in the south of the city where tourists can enjoy a trip in the "trajineras" (vividly-colored boats). Trajineras pass each other carrying Mariachi or marimba bands, and floating bars and taquerias. Xochimilco is the last remnant of how Mexico City looked when the Spanish arrived to Mexico City in 1521 and it was declared a world heritage site by UNESCO in 1987. A quieter alternative is to visit the Parque Ecológico Xochimilco, accessible by buses running along Periférico.
  • Plaza Garibaldi-Mariachi (Metro Garibaldi-Lagunilla). Surrounded by bars and restaurants that cater to Mariachi Band enthusiasts. It is where bands come to do public auditions outside, on weekend evenings, simply play for pleasure, or for whoever may pay them. A visit to Mexico is not complete until you experience the fantastic Mariachi Bands. You can also find a great "pulqueria" here (a bar that sells pulque, an interesting fermented maguey cactus drink).
  • Parque Mexico and Parque España. Two adjacent parks in the Colonia Condesa. Now they are popular for an evening stroll, and sometimes house outdoor exhibitions or concerts, and are surrounded by cool cafes and bars.
  • Viveros de Coyoacán (Metro Viveros). A large expanse of greenery and trails that is still used as a nursery to grow trees for the city, but also a public park popular with joggers and amblers alike.


Mexico is the city with the largest number of museums in the world, to name some of the most popular:

  • National Museum of Anthropology. Chapultepec. One of the best museums worldwide over, it was built in late 1960s and designed by Pedro Ramírez Vázquez. Notice the huge, impressive fountain in the courtyard. It gathers the best collection of sculptures, jewels and handcrafts from ancient Mexican cultures, and could take many hours to see everything. They also have interesting international special exhibits. Guides are available outside the museum for about M$200 and may be helpful, especially if you don't read Spanish well.
  • Plaza de las Tres Culturas. Sisse Tlatelolco has examples of modern, colonial, and pre-Columbian architecture, all around one square.
  • Museum of Modern Art. Chapultepec. Here you will find paintings from Frida Kahlo, Leonora Carrington and Remedios Varo, as well as a sculpture garden.
  • Dolores Olmedo Museum. Xochimilco. An art philanthropist left her former home, the grand Hacienda La Noria, as a museum featuring the works of her friend Diego Rivera. At least 137 of his works are displayed here, as are 25 paintings of Frida Kahlo. The premises also feature beautiful gardens full of peacocks and a weird species of Aztec dog.
  • Fine Arts Palace Museum (Palacio de Bellas Artes). Centro. A concert hall and an arts center, it houses some of Mexico's finest murals and the Art Deco interior is worth seeing alone.
  • Museo Soumaya, 52 55 1103 9805. Mexico City/Polanco. A private museum and collection of many well-known European artists, including an extensive selection of works by Auguste Rodin.
  • Rufino Tamayo Museum. Chapultepec. Contains the works of Mexican painter, Rufino Tamayo.
  • José Luis Cuevas Museum. Centro. Opened in 1992 and is filled with about 1,000 paintings, drawings, and sculptures from notorious artist, Jose Cuevas.
  • National History Museum in Chapultepec's Castle. Chapultepec. The Museum's nineteen rooms contain, in addition to a collection of pre-Columbian material and reproductions of old manuscripts, a vast range of exhibits illustrating the history of Mexico since the Spanish conquest.
  • Papalote, children's Museum. Chapultepec. If you've got kids, they'll love it! Bright, colorful, and filled with educational experiences for children of all ages.
  • Universum (National University's Museum). Coyoacán. A science museum maintained by UNAM, the largest university in Latin America. Take some time to wander around the Campus.
  • Casa Mural Diego Rivera. Centro. Contains murals of acclaimed artist, Diego Rivera.
  • Rahvuspalee (Zocalo). Centro. Näete mõnda muljetavaldavat Diego Rivera freskot. Hoonesse sisenemiseks peate kandma mingit isikut tõendavat dokumenti.
  • San Idelfonso muuseum. Centro. On mõned Orozco parimad freskod. Ajutised näitused on tavaliselt väga head.
  • Franz Meyeri muuseum. Centro. Näidake Franz Mayeri kollektsioone, see hoiab Mehhiko suurimat dekoratiivse kunsti kollektsiooni ning korraldab ka ajutisi eksponaate disaini ja fotograafia valdkonnas.
  • Mexico City muuseum. Centro. Suurepärane koht Mexico City eklektilise ajaloo tundmaõppimiseks.
  • Templo linnapea muuseum (Zocalo). Centro. Sisaldab asteekide impeeriumi varemeid ja viimaseid jäänuseid. kinnitatud tohutu arheoloogilise leiukoha juurde, kust 1970. aastatel juhuslikult leiti templi vundament.
  • San Carlose muuseum. Centro. San Carlose muuseumis on Mehhiko parimaid maale ja eksponeeritakse 15. ja 16. sajandi maale.
  • Riiklik kunstimuuseum. Centro. Riiklikus kunstimuuseumis on rikkalik Mehhiko kunstikogu, mis ulatub 16. sajandist kuni 20. sajandi esimese pooleni.
  • Frida Kahlo muuseum. Coyoacán Seda nimetatakse ka Casa Azuliks, see on maalri endine maja alates tema sünnist kuni surmani ja on täis mõnda tema teost ja paljusid tema isiklikke esemeid.
  • Anahuacalli muuseum. Coyoacán Maiade arhitektuuri muljetavaldav tänapäevane esitus. Selles on Diego Rivera asteekide ja teiste prekolumbia kultuuride skulptuuride kogu.
  • Leon Trotski muuseum. Coyoacán See oli maja, kus Trotsky elas viimase 1,5 aasta jooksul eksiilis ja mõrvati ühe Stalini agendi poolt. Giidiga ekskursioone pakuvad Töötajate / Revolutsioonipartei liikmed.


NASCARi võistlus Autodromos Hermanos Rodriguez.

Maailma suuruselt teise linnana pakub Mexico City kõigile ja igale eelarvele midagi. Mehhiko vaatamisväärsused keskenduvad vähem rannal lebamisele (Mexico Citys pole ühtegi randa!) Ja rohkem Mehhiko kultuuri ja linnakultuuri uurimisele. . Väliskülastaja jaoks on tüüpiline kohustuslik vaatamisväärsus Centro Historico ja Chapultepeci pargi lähedal ja selle ümbruses asuv koht, mis külastab Teotihuacan linna äärelinnas ja tõenäoliselt Xochimilco külastus, kuigi on palju muid asju, et näha, kas teil on aega tõesti uurida.

Hooajalised pidustused

  • Iseseisvuspäev "Hüüa". 15. septembri õhtul tervitab riigi president (või linnapea) põhiseaduse väljaku (Zocalo) rahvuspalees presidendirõdult rahvahulki ja hüüab kuulsat "Viva Mexico". Zocalo (ja kogu ülejäänud linn) on kaunistatud kaunistuste ja tuledega. See on uskumatu Mehhiko patriotismi väljendus koos peomeeleoluga. Oodake suuri rahvahulki, millel on suur rõõm. Kui soovite väiksemat rahvahulka, korraldavad iga linnaosa keskel asuvad väljakud tavaliselt sarnaseid pidustusi.
  • Iseseisvusparaad. 16. septembri hommikul toimub sõjaväeparaad, mis kulgeb üle Paseo de la Reforma, pöörab paremale Juarezi avenüü juurest, mis hiljem muutub Madero tänavaks ja lõpeb Zocalo juures. 15 000 kuni 30 000 Mehhiko armee, mereväe ja õhuväe sõdurit marsivad tänavatel oma varustust ja relvi välja pannes.
  • Surnutepüha. 1. – 2. Mehhiko on üks väheseid riike maailmas, kes tähistab seda päeva (Dia de los Muertos), kus inimesed lähevad surnuaedadele, et avaldada austust oma lahkunutele, ning kaunistavad nende haudu saialillede ja erksate värvidega. Kuid see pole kurb pidu, vastupidi, inimesed kingivad perekonnale ja sõpradele suhkrust ja šokolaadist valmistatud kolju ja luude kujul maiustusi ning maitsvat leiba "Pan de Muerto". Nende hõrgutiste leidmiseks ärge jätke külastust avalikule turule ja jälgige kohalikele kalmistutele suunduvaid parade.
  • Tarkade meeste päev. 6. jaanuar. Enamik Mehhiko lapsi saavad mänguasjad kolmelt tarkalt (Reyes Magos). See on pidu, millega austatakse eelmainitud piiblilugu. Selle tähistamiseks koguneb pere sööma "Rosca de Reyes'i", mis on omamoodi kook, mis on täidetud Jeesuse plastikust figuuridega. Traditsiooniliselt eeldatakse, et inimesed, kes saavad oma koogiviilu kuju, korraldavad 2. veebruaril Candelaria päeval tamiilidega peo. Alameda keskpargi ümbrus on 6. jaanuarini viivatel päevadel täidetud kostümeeritud Reyes Magosega.


  • Kuus lippu Mehhiko. Carretera Picacho al Ajusco # 1500 kol. Héroes de Padierna. Mexico Cityst edelas on see Ladina-Ameerika suurim lõbustuspark ja ainus Kuue lipu park väljaspool USA-d, Hollandit ja Kanadat. Pargis on mitu miljonit dollarit huvitavaid vaatamisväärsusi, sealhulgas Batman the Ride ja mitte nõrga südamega Medusa Roller Coaster. Sissepääsutasud: täiskasvanud 285 miljonit dollarit, lapsed 170 miljonit dollarit.
  • La Feria de Chapultepec. Circuito Bosque de Chapultepec Segunda Seccion. Sisaldab riigi esimest rulluisutamist, kohustuslikku sõitu rulluisutajate fännidele ja palju muid läheduses asuvaid vaatamisväärsusi, sealhulgas rong, aerupaadid ja loomaaed. Avatud teisipäevast pühapäevani 10.00–18.00. Sissepääs M $ 79,90 (juurdepääs kõigile vaatamisväärsustele).


  • Autodromo Hermanos Rodriguez, 52 5598 3316. CD Deportiva de la Magdalena Mixiuhca. Río Piedadi avenue ja Río Churubusco. Võistlusrada asub "Palacio de los Deportes" (spordipalee) kõrval. Metroojaam "Ciudad Deportiva" (9. liin Brown). Ehitatud 1962. aastal, on see Mexico City F1 võidusõidurada, ehkki Mehhiko Grand Prix katkestati pärast 1992. aasta väljaannet ja naasis F1 kalendrisse alles 2015. aastal. Ayrton Senna ja Alain Prost võitsid sellel rajal 1980. aastate lõpus preemia ja 90ndate algus; Nico Rosberg võitis 2015. aastal taaselustatud võistluse esimese väljaande. See 4,4 km pikkune võistlusrada mahutab igal aastal ka ühe NASCAR-võistluse ning 2007. aastal oli see üks A1 - Grand Prix sarja peatusi.


Kui tegelete spordiga, siis on Mexico Cityl palju pakkuda. Jalgpall on lemmikspordiala ja mehhiklased lähevad sellest hulluks. Linnas toimus kaks FIFA maailmakarika võistlust, üks 1970. aastal ja teine ​​1986. Mehhikos on veel üks oluline spordiala pesapall, paljud mehhiklased mängivad USA-s professionaalselt. Linn korraldas Ladina-Ameerikas esimesena olümpiamänge, tehes seda 1968. aastal; enamus linna spordirajatistest ehitati selleks ürituseks.

  • Estadio Azteca, Calzada de Tlalpan 3665 (Colonia Ursula Coapa: sõitke mööda raudteed Xochimilcosse ja tulge maha Estadio Azteca juures). Üks maailma suurimaid jalgpallistaadione, ehitatud 1961. aastal, ametliku võimsusega 95 500, kuid sageli veel mitu tuhat. See on kodu El Tri, Mehhiko meeste rahvusmeeskond ning koduks ka riigi üks kuulsamaid jalgpalliklubisid: Club América. See toimib ka kontsertide ja esimeste kohtadena NFL põhihooaja mäng väljaspool Ameerika Ühendriike. Jalgpalli hinnad algavad tavaliselt 200–600 miljonit dollarit väljaku tasemel kohtade eest, kuid on kõrgemad rahvuskoondise mängude puhul. Hoiduge edasimüüjatest, sest nad müüvad sageli võltsitud pileteid.
  • Estadio Olimpico de Ciudad Universitaria, Avenida Insurgentes Sur, Ciudad Universitaria. Tuntud lihtsalt kui "Estadio de C.U." Linnast lõuna pool asuv koht oli 1968. aasta olümpia avatseremoonia. See oli ehitatud 72 000 istekohaga, kuid mahutab nüüd 52 000 kohta. Seal asub rahvusülikooli (UNAM) juhitav jalgpallimeeskond Club Universidad Nacional, sagedamini tuntud kui "Pumas". Pumas sai alguse UNAMi tudengite amatöörmeeskonnana, kuid on juba mitu aastakümmet olnud täiesti professionaalne (ehkki endiselt ülikooli omandis ja haldaja). Staadionil toimub mitu spordiala, peamiselt jalgpall ja Ameerika jalgpall. Ühistranspordiga staadionile jõudmiseks võite kasutada metroot ja hüpata Universidadi jaamas (liin 3, roheline) ja hüpata ühte tasuta bussist, mis sõidab ülikooli ringrajal (ainult tööpäevadel).
  • Foro Sol. Kavandatud pesapallistaadionina, see on ka paljude kontsertide toimumispaik.
  • Palacio de los Deportes (Viaducto Piedad ja Rio Churubusco. Metroojaam: Ciudad Deportiva (liin 9)). Ehitatud 1968. aasta olümpiamängude jaoks, täisvõimsusega 22 000, korraldatakse seal mitut sisesporti, sealhulgas kord aastas NBA mänge. Mitmete kontsertide, tsirkuse, ekspositsioonide toimumiskoht.
  • Estadio Azul, Calle Indiana 255. Võõrustaja Cruz Azuli jalgpallimeeskonnas.

Lucha libre

Lucha libre (lõdvalt tõlgitud kui "vabavõitlus") on Mehhikos välja kujunenud professionaalse maadluse stiili mõiste. Oma taskukohase ja meelelahutusliku olemuse tõttu on see kogu riigi lemmikviibimine. Ehkki see sarnaneb mujal asuva professionaalse maadlusega selle poolest, et tulemused on ette määratud, arenes see mujal maailmas maadlusest üsna erinevalt. Maadlejad, Mehhikos tuntud kui luchadores, kipuvad töötama palju kiiremini kui ülejäänud Põhja-Ameerikas, kasutades keerukaid käigukette, arvukalt kõrgelennulisi manöövreid ja sageli realistlikke alistumisi. Samuti puuduvad Mehhiko sõrmustel vedrutoed, mida kasutatakse paljudes teistes riikides, mis tähendab, et maadlejad ei võta tavaliselt kukkumisi selili, nagu nad mujal teevad. Õhuliikumistega kaasneb sagedamini maadleja, kes laseb end vastasest väljaspool ringi välja lasta, võimaldades kukkumisel kukkumist murda. Lõpuks on Mehhiko maadluses palju rohkem kaaluklasse kui teistes riikides.

Teine lucha libre tunnus on rõhk sildimeeskondade matšidele, mis koosnevad enamasti mujal levinud paaride asemel kolmest maadlejast. Märgimeeskondade mängude reeglid on samuti oluliselt erinevad.

Võib-olla on lucha libre kõige eripärasem värvikas mask, mida kannavad paljud esinejad. Ehkki maadlusmaski kontseptsioon laenati USA-st, on see läbi imbunud rollist, mida maskid on Mehhiko kultuuris pikka aega mänginud. Peaaegu kõik luchadores alustavad karjääri neid kandes, kuid enamus kaotavad oma karjääri ühel hetkel oma maskid. Suurimad vasted lucha libre'is on luchas de apuestas ("kihlvedude võitlus"), kus maadlejad panustavad oma maskide, juuste või isegi karjääri tulemuste peale.

  • Areen Mehhiko, Arst Lavista 189, Colonia Doctores. Kuulsaim koht lucha libre jaoks. Arst Lavista 189, Colonia de los Doctores. Siseneda saab Avenida Chapultepeci kaudu. See on väga lähedal Zona Rosale ja Avenida Insurgentesele.
  • Arena Coliseo, República de Perú 77, Centro. Veel üks kuulus koht Lucha Libre ja poksi korraldamiseks. Centro Históricos.


  • Arena Ciudad de México.
  • Auditorio Nacional.
  • Bellas Artes. Ooper, traditsiooniline Mehhiko ja klassikaline muusika.
  • Circo Volador. Alternatiivmuusika ja metal.
  • Ollin Yoliztli. Kodu Mexico City sümfooniaorkestrile.
  • Sala Nezahualcóyotl. UNAMi sümfoonilise orkestri kodu
  • Teatro Metropolitan.


  • Hipodromo de las Americas. Industria sõjaväe avenüü Colonia Lomas de Sotelo. Selle täisvereline ja veerandhobuste võidusõidurada. Võistlusi peetakse peaaegu iga päev, kompleksil on erinevad eelarved, sealhulgas algne klubihoone ja tribüün, kus on 20 000 inimest ja mitu restorani. Kihlvedude alustamine on madalam kui 10 dollarit.


Contemporaneo ülikool, UNAM.

Nagu paljudes muudes asjades riigis, on ka Mexico Citys suurim ülikoolide ja kolledžite kontsentratsioon, alustades UNAM-ist, mis on Ladina-Ameerika üks paremaid ja Ameerika mandri teine ​​vanim ülikool, mis asutati 1551. aastal.

Mõned linna kõige tuntumad ülikoolid hõlmavad järgmist:

Mehhiko linnas saate hispaania keelt õppida, kuna seal on erinevaid koole, mis pakuvad välismaalastele kursusi, näiteks:


Mehhikos on väga ranged immigratsiooniseadused. Töötamiseks peaksite saama loa, mida nimetatakse FM2 või FM3, mida on väga raske saada, välja arvatud juhul, kui abiellute Mehhiko kodanikuga või olete välismaalane, kes töötab rahvusvahelises ettevõttes. Enamik ilma loata töötavaid välismaalasi töötab näiteks keeleõpetajate, kelnerite või müügimeestena. Teistele kuulub restoran või pood. Kui töötate ilma loata ja immigratsiooniametnik saab sellest teada, võib see tähendada trahvi, väljasaatmist või mõnda aega Riikliku Sisserände Instituudi arestimajas veetmist.


Mehhiko on Mehhiko elanike seas kuulus oma tohutute kaubanduskeskuste poolest. Tänavatel nagu Presidente Mazaryk pakutakse kõrgmoe poode.


Palacio de Hierro kaubamaja Mexico City ajaloolises keskuses.
  • Polanco. Kvaliteetsed ostu- ja söögikvartalid asuvad Presidente Masaryki ja Campos Eliseose tänavate ümber. Sellel on ka mitu kaubanduskeskust.
  • Altavista. San Angeli kallis ostutänav.
  • Condesa. Trendikas linnaosa täis alternatiivseid kauplusi ja butiike.
  • Centro Historico, 20 de Noviembre tn. Linna vanim ostupiirkond, siit leiate peaaegu kõike. Vanad kaubamajad on koondatud ringi
  • Pino Suarez. Siin toimub palju noortemeelset moodi. Enamik neist on millegi muu koputamine, kuid kes saab nii madalate hindadega kurta? Metroopeatuse lähedal (Pino Saurez, roosal joonel) on väga suur siseturg, kus on palju rõivaid, kingi ja toidumüüjaid.


Ameerika stiilis kaubanduskeskused ilmusid Mexico Citysse 1960. aastate lõpuks ja on nüüd levinud kogu pealinnas. Siit leiate mõned kaubanduskeskused piirkonniti järjestatud.


  • Reforma 222, Paseo de la Reforma 222, Juárez. Metro Insurgentes või Metrobús Hamburgo.
  • Fórum Buenavista, Eje 1 Norte ja Insurgentes, Buenavista. Metro Buenavista.
  • Plaza Insurgentes, San Luis Potosí 214, Roma. Metrobús Sonora.
  • Parque Delta, Cuauhtemoc 462, Narvarte. Metro Centro Médico või Metrobús Obrero Mundial.
  • Metrópoli Patriotismo, Patriotismo 229, San Pedro de los Pinos. Metroo San Pedro de los Pinos.


  • Parque Lindavista, Riobamba 289, Lindavista. Metro Lindavista.
  • Plaza Lindavista, Montevideo 363, Lindavista. Metro Lindavista.
  • Plaza Satélite, Circuito Centro Comercial 2251, Ciudad Satélite.
  • Mundo E, periférico Norte 1007, Santa Mónica
  • La Cúspide
  • Toreo keskpark, Boulevard Manuel Ávila Camacho 5, Fraccionamiento Lomas de Sotelo, Naucalpan de Juárez. Metro Cuatro Caminos.


  • Antara Polanco; Ejército Nacional 843, Polanco
  • Molière dos22; Molière 222, Polanco
  • Pabellón Polanco; ejército Nacional 980, Polanco
  • Magnocentro 26 Fun & Fashion, Magnocentro 26, Interlomas
  • Parque Duraznos, Bosque de Duraznos 39, Bosques de las Lomas
  • Paseo Arcos Bosques, paseo de los Tamarindos 100, Bosques de las Lomas
  • Santa Fe keskus, Vasco de Quiroga 3800, Santa Fe. Mehhiko suurim kaubanduskeskus. Metroobalderist jõuab Ecobús.


  • Centro Coyoacán, Avenida Coyoacan 2000, Del Valle. Metroo Coyoacán.
  • Plaza Universidad, Avenida Universidad 1000, Del Valle. Metro Zapata. Esimene ostukeskus Mexico Citys.
  • Galerías Insurgentes, Insurgentes Sur 1329, Del Valle. Metro Insurgentes Sur või Metrobús Félix Cuevas.
  • Perisur, mässulised Sur 4690, Jardines del Pedregal. Metrobús Perisur.
  • Galerías Coapa, Calzada del Hueso 519, Villa Coapa.
  • Plaza Cuicuilco. Metrobús Villa Olímpica.
  • Plaza Loreto, Altamirano 46, San Angel. Metrobús Doktor Gálvez.
  • Pabellón Altavista, Camino al Desierto de los Leones 52, San Angel. Metrobús Altavista.
  • Gran Sur, Periférico Sur 5550, Pedregal de Carrasco


  • Premium Outlets Punta Nortes. Mexico Cityst loodes (Mehhiko osariik) Periferico (Mexico Hwy # 57) ja Chamapa La Venta maantee ristumiskohas lähedal Ciudadi satelliit. Sinna jõudmiseks vajate taksot või autot.
  • Las Plazas Outlet Lerma. Mehhiko- Toluca maantee Km. 50 ristmikul Calzada Cholulaga Lerma linnas Toluca lähedal. Sinna jõudmiseks on vaja autot.

Kunst ja käsitöö

  • Mercado de Curiosidades. Centro Historicos.
  • Mercado Insurgentes. Sisse Zona Rosa.

Riiklik kunsti ja käsitöö arendamise fond (Fonart) Avenida Patriotismo 691 Mixcoacis, Avenida Paseo de la Reforma nr 116 Colonia Juárezis ja Avenida Juarez 89 Centros.

Kirbu- ja antiigiturud

Ehkki tänavakaupmehi leidub peaaegu kõikjal Mexico Citys, on järgmised "ametlikumad" kirbuturud, kus müüakse käsitööd, mööblit ja antiikesemeid.

  • Bazar del Sábado. Sisse San Angel. Igal laupäeval näitavad ja müüvad kunstnikud oma maale linna kaunis munakivivööndis. On ka kauplusi, kus nad müüvad käsitööd.
  • Mercado de Artesanias. Sisse Coyoacan laupäeviti, kus osalevad käsitööd kogu riigist ja klassid lastele.
  • Plaza del Angel. Sisse Zona Rosa, Calle Londres (metroojaam Insurgentes). Enamasti kallid antiigipoed, kuulus pühapäevane kollektsiooni turg on peaaegu kadunud.
  • Mercado de Alvaro Obregon. Sisse Colonia Roma
  • Pühapäevane kunstiturg Monumento a la Madres.
  • Tianguis Cultural del Chopo. Mehhiko kontrakultuuri peamine kirbuturg. Mööda Aldama tänavat Soli ja Luna vahel. Metroojaam Buenavista.
  • Mercado de Antiguedades de Cuauhtemoc. Lähedal Centro Historico (metroojaam Cuauhtemoc), igal laupäeval 9.00–17.00.
  • La Lagunilla ja Tepito. Lähedal Centro Historico (metroojaamad Lagunilla ja Garibaldi). La Lagunillal on ühed parimad antiikesemed ja see on huvitavate asjade rägastik, ehkki tegemist on kõrge kuritegevusega piirkonnaga, kus 2006. aastal teatati 317 röövimisest. Tepito on mõeldud pigem piraat-CD-de, varastatud asjade ja koputuste jaoks. See piirkond on tohutu ja sinna on väga lihtne eksida. Poepidajad on enamasti sõbralikud ja suunavad teid lähima metroojaama poole. Turvalisuse huvides peaksid selle turu külastajad riietuma, minema koos kellegi teisega ja saabuma päeva alguses, kui seal on vähem rahvast. Kui sa ei oska hispaania keelt, on ilmselt parem eemale hoida. Kollektsiooni turg toimub igal pühapäeval kell 9.00, peamiselt mööda Paseo de la Reformat ristmikul Allendega.


Kui peatute kauem, võiksite osta toidukaupu ja toitu mis tahes sajast supermarketist. Oma lähedase leidmiseks võite kasutada nende veebisaitide kaupluste leidjaid. Need on mõned kõige tavalisemad:

  • Chedraui.
  • Tipptasemel Linnaturg, väike Sumesa ja suured Mega supermarketites. Sumesal on romade ja Condesa ümbruses mitu asukohta. Omanik Soriana.
  • Soriana. Kui peatute Centro Históricos, on kasulik kesklinn Forum Buenavista kaubanduskeskuses, kuhu pääseb Buenavista metroojaamaga. Romast ja Condesast pääseb hõlpsasti Paruqe Delta kaubanduskeskuse (Metro Centro Médico) sisse.
  • Wal-Mart. Nende omanduses on ka tipptasemel Superama ja odavam Bodega Aurrerá supermarketites. Mitu kogu linnas, sealhulgas üks lennujaama lähedal. Varu peaaegu kõigest, umbes nagu USAs leiduvad superkeskused. Kergesti ligipääsetav on otse Nativitas metroojaama (liin 2) kõrval Calzada de Tlalpani lääneküljel. Väljuge metroost lääneküljel (Calle Lago Pte. Suunas) ja tehke jaamast väljumisel vasakule. Esimene asi vasakul, jaamahoone kõrval, on kaldtee, mis läheb üles Wal-Marti sissepääsuni. Rongist nähtav, võimatu mööda vaadata.

Rahvuslikud toidupoed

Üldiselt raskesti leitavate koostisosade, näiteks Mehhikos ebatavaliste köögiviljade ja vürtside jaoks proovige Mercado de San Juani (Ernesto Pugibeti tänav, Salto del Agua metroojaam). Siit leiate isegi eksootilisi liha, nagu iguaan, alligaator, jaanalind ja foie gras. Minge turu keskel asuvasse juustuputka ja küsige proovi - sõbralik omanik annab teile leiba, veini ja kümnete erinevat tüüpi juustuproove.

Korea keel

  • Supermercado Seul (Florencia avenüü ja Hamburgo tänav, Zona Rosa).
  • Souli turg (Hamburgo 206, Zona Rosa).
  • Uri turg (Londres 234, Zona Rosa).

Jaapani keel

  • Mikasa (San Luis Potosí 170, saate Insurgentes Sur Avenue'st, Medellín ja Monterrey vahel). Palju Jaapani toidu koostisosi, komme ja jooke
  • Kokeshi (Amores 1529, Colonia del Valle (Parroquia tänava ja Felix Cuevase avenüü (Eje ​​7) vahel), 52 5534 7131. Enamasti Jaapani toidukraami, kuid müüakse ka teisi Aasia toite. Samuti müüvad nad Jaapani söögiriistu.


  • Super Kise (Divisjon del Norte 2515, Del Carmen, Coyoacan). Linnast lõunas müüvad nad Korea, Hiina ja Jaapani toidukaupu.


Paljud Mehhiko toidukaubad, sealhulgas piim, vastavad koššerile. Kui otsite konkreetseid tooteid, proovige mõnda Polanco naabruses asuvat kauplust. Mõnes Superama harukontoris leiate kosheri osakondi, eriti neid, mis asuvad Polanco, Tecamachalco ja Santa Fe linnaosades.


Kuigi on lihtne arvata, et Mexico City on tacode maailmapealinn, võib sellest linnast leida peaaegu igasugust toitu. Seal on piirkondlikke hõrgutisi kogu Mehhikost, samuti rahvusvahelisi roogasid, sealhulgas Jaapani, Hiina, Prantsuse, Poola, Itaalia, Argentina, Belgia, Iiri. Peamised restoranialad asuvad Polanco, Condesa, Centro, Zona Rosa, Avenida Insurgentese ääres Viaductost Copilconi ja hiljuti Santa Fe.

Suurepärase Mehhiko köögi saamiseks võite proovida El Cardenal (Sheraton Centro Histórico), Los Girasoles (Tacuba 8), Aguila y Sol (Emilio Castelar 229), Izote (Masaryk 513) ja millegi taskukohasema jaoks Tacuba kohvik (Tacuba 28). Teine suurepärane (kuid kallis) kogemus on einestamine vanas ümberkujundatud haciendas: proovige Hacienda de los Morales (Vázquez de Mella 525), San Angel Inn (Diego Rivera 50) või Antigua Hacienda de Tlalpan (Calzada de Tlalpan 4619).

Seal on mitu Mehhiko keti pererestorani, mida võib pidada ohutuks ja sarnaseks olenemata teie asukohast, sealhulgas Vips, Lyni oma, Toksja traditsioonilisem Sanbornid, mis kõik meenutavad Denny omi Ameerika Ühendriikides. Nad on ühtlaselt head, kuid mitte kunagi suurepärased. Võite eeldada, et maksate 100–150 miljonit dollarit inimese kohta. Kui teil on eelarve, võite proovida ka ühte paljudest comida corrida (määratud menüü) restoranid, kus käivad paljud kontoritöötajad. Mõned neist pakuvad väga head toitu, on tavaliselt ohutud ja peaksid jääma vahemikku 50–100 M $.

Võib-olla on kõige levinum toit peaaegu kõikjal Mehhikos kiirtoidupoed, mis asuvad tänavapoolse hoone esimesel korrusel või puestos, tänavatornid, mis asuvad kõnniteel või peaaegu kõikjal, kus on ruumi. Enamik neist serveerib tavalisi tako või tortad (täidisega leivaküpsised, mis sarnanevad alam- või võileivaga) ja need võivad olla väga odavad (10–50 dollarit). Hügieen varieerub heast kuni kuristikuni, seega sööge kohas, kus on palju inimesi. The Taquería Aguayo aastal Coyoacán on suurepärane näide.

Kui soovite oma nägu rohkelt ehtsat Mehhiko toitu odavate hindadega toppida, minge turule, nagu La Merced (endine keskturg, mis asub metroo roosal joonel peatuses "Merced"). Seal on nii restorane kui ka stende, kus serveeritakse maitsvaid toite. Siin on populaarsed huarachid, mis on midagi sellist, nagu hiiglaslikud tortillad, millel on erinevad lisandid / täidised, nagu ka alambrid. Teine suurepärane turg asub kiviviske kaugusel Salto del Agua metroopeatusest; Mercado San Juan Arcos de Belem. See on täis toiduputkasid, kus pakutakse kõiki Mehhiko lemmikuid, kuid leidke see väikeste pagarite vastas, mis asub ühe tagumise sissepääsu juures. Calle Delicias, mis teenib Torta Cubana. Inimesed, kes seda juhivad, on hämmastavalt vastutulelikud ja toit, eriti Cubana, on suurepärane.

Kui soovite midagi ohutut ja igavat, on enamikul Ameerika kiirtoidukettidest siin frantsiisid. Näete McDonald's, Burger King, KFC, Pizza Hut, Papa John's Pizza, Domino's Pizza, TGI Friday's, Chili's, Dairy Queen, Subway ja jah, isegi Starbucks. Need kõik on üsna taskukohased.

El Globo, prantsuse stiilis pagaritöökojas, on asukohti kogu linnas, kus müüakse aastavahetuse ajal nii prantsuse kui ka traditsioonilisi Mehhiko saiakesi, nagu orejas (väikesed kõrvad), éclairid, empanadad ja rosca. Seda ei saa võita kiire suupiste või kotitäie saiakeste jaoks, mida hiljem süüa.

Ära jäta võimalust minna Madridi Panaderia (calle 5 de Febrero, üks kvartal Mehhiko kesklinna peaväljaku juurest lõunasse). See on väga vana ja tüüpiline pagariäri, neil on värsket leiba tavaliselt kaks korda päevas, kuid kui kliente on palju, küpsetavad nad lausa neli korda päevas.

Aasia toidurestorane on palju ja kvaliteet on hea ning pakub odavaid Hiina kohvikuid kuni kalli ja väga hea Jaapani toitu. Korea, Jaapani ja Hiina on kõige levinumad köögid Mehhikos, samas kui India, Tai ja Indoneesia kööki on raskem leida. Enamik sushikohti paneb aga sushirullidele liiga palju riisi ja vähe kala.

Taimetoitlane (taimetoitlane hispaania keeles) alternatiive on tavaliselt saadaval suuremates restoranides, kuid ärge oodake tänavamüüjatelt palju. Taimetoitlaste või veganite jaoks mõeldud võlulaused on "sin pollo" (kana pole), "sin carne" (liha pole), "sin huevo" (munadeta) ja "sin queso" (ilma juustuta). Kui saate seda edastada ja seejärel menüüsse žestikuleerida, annab kelner teile tavaliselt soovitusi. Tavalistes restoranides proovivad nad teie jaoks isegi olemasolevat rooga muuta. Lihtsalt veenduge, et teil oleks selge. Tšiili Rellenos täidetakse tavaliselt lihaga, kuid erinevad täidised on igas taimetoidurestoranis kindel standard.

Restorani põhitõed

Näpunäited- jootraha (propina hispaania keeles) eeldatakse, et kõigi istumisrestoranide korralik teenindus on 10%. Väga hea teenuse eest saate jootraha (15%) või halva teenuse eest vähem või üldse mitte.

Mehhikos pole hinnavahet, kui istute sees või väljas, sama on ka siis, kui sööte baaris või istute laua taga.

"El Jarocho" (Centro Coyoacan) on hämmastav koht, kus kohvi juua. Samuti müüvad nad saiakesi ja muud toitu. See koht on Starbucksiga võrreldamatu. Coyoacánis on selle üha kasvava populaarsuse tõttu mitu asukohta.

Ära lahku proovimata

  • Tacos al pastor
  • Cecina Adobada
  • Tacos de tripa
  • Gringas
  • Enchiladas Suizas
  • Enchiladas de mole
  • Pozole
  • Quesadillad
  • Sopes
  • Tortad
  • Sopa de tortilla
  • Chilaquiles
  • Huevos Rancheros
  • Arrachera
  • Micheladas
  • Huaraches
  • Alambres
  • Tacos de suadero
  • Tacos de canasta
  • Enfrijoladas
  • Tacos de barbacoa
  • Migas
  • Agua de Jamaica
  • Pambazos

Kiireks hommikusöögiks võite alati proovida a tamal (aurutatud maisitainas kana või sealihaga), ostetud tänavalt või spetsialiseeritud kauplustest, kaasas tass atole (kuum šokolaad maisitärklise jook), mis on tagasihoidlike hommikusöök tööle minnes. Need on sageli tortas de tamal kujul.


Mehhikos on teil peaaegu lõputu valik pidutsemisvõimalusi. Öösel iseseisvalt reisimine Mexico City teatud piirkondades ei ole hea mõte, eriti Plaza Garibaldil, kus taskuvarkajad on alati valmis teid vabastama teie valveta sularahast. Üks viis, kuidas saate ööelu ohutult vaadata, on a Ööklubi tuur. Need ekskursioonid viivad tavaliselt mõne klubi juurde ja hõlmavad transporti. Mehhiklased on enamasti väga sõbralikud ja naudivad suhtlemist.

Mehhiko tüüpiline joogikoht on cantina, baar, kus toit on tavaliselt tasuta ja jookide eest tasutakse (täpsed reeglid ja miinimumid erinevad). Cantinas pakutakse laias valikus Mehhiko ja välismaiseid jooke, mille hinnad on tavaliselt USA hindadega võrreldes mõistlikud, ja teile pakutakse pidevalt erinevaid Mehhiko toite, näiteks tacosid (peaksite küsima botaanikat). Kui teie sallivus Mehhiko muusika (mariachi või muu) ja suure müra suhtes on siiski väike, ei pruugi see teie jaoks sobiv koht olla. Cantinas on avatud mõõdukalt hilja, tavaliselt vähemalt üle südaöö. Kuid mõned kantiinad, nagu La Victoria, mis asub Plaza Garibaldi lähedal, on lõunaks avatud ka keskpäeval.

Madalama klassi traditsiooniline võimalus on minna pulqueríasse, kus saab juua pulque'i (valkjas valkjas jook). Olles aastakümneid järsult langenud, leiavad paljud noored uut populaarsuse kasvu. Neid võib leida Centro Históricost ja Xochimilco ümbrusest. Kui sulle pulque ei meeldi, pakuvad nad tavaliselt ka õlut.

Paljud baarid mängivad kombinatsiooni hispaania ja ingliskeelsest rokist, elektroonilisest muusikast ning mõnest Ladina / Kariibi mere muusikast. Need ribad kipuvad sulgema umbes 3-4.00.

Klubimuusika jaguneb peamiselt kolme põhikategooriasse, pop-, roki- ja elektrooniline muusika. Pop-kohtades mängitakse tavaliselt seda, mis on muusikaedetabelites, ladina poppi ja mõnikord ka Mehhiko traditsioonilist muusikat ning neid külastab noorem (mõnikord väga noor) publik ja need on sageli kõrgema klassi esindajad. Rokkipaigad mängivad rokki laias tähenduses, inglise ja hispaania keeles. Enamik inimesi on nendes kohtades vähemalt üle 18-aastased. Elektroonikaklubid, mis meelitavad kõiki Mehhiko suurest raeverite ja elektroonika fännide subkultuurist, igas vanuses. Enamik klubisid suletakse hilja, kõige varem kell 3–4 ja mõned on avatud kuni kella 7–8.

Parim panus oli varem Zona Rosa, kus on palju tänavabaare, kus mängivad rokkansamblid, ja suur valik klubisid, eriti striptiisiklubisid ja geibaare. Zona Rosast lõuna pool on Condesa ja Roma piirkonnad, kus on palju baare ja restorane. Teine hea piirkond on Polanco, eriti tänav nimega Mazaryk, kus leiate palju häid klubisid, kuid kõige parem on broneerida. Republica, La Santa or Guilt (gay club) are posh and exclusive clubs on that street. Be forewarned - entrance is judged on appearance and to get a table a minimum 2-bottle service is required, unless its a slow night [min. US$80 per bottle]. Posh and upper scale night clubs can be found in the Lomas area, particularly the Hyde, Sense and Disco Lomas Clubs, but be warned some of these could be extremely expensive, where the cover charge could range from 250 pesos upwards and bottles start at US$130. In addition, getting in could very difficult, as these are the most exclusive in town. There are also exclusive gay clubs in that area with the same characteristics: Envy night club on Palmas 500 and Made nightclub on Chapultepec next to the lake and the restaurant El Lago Chapultepec.

The other common Mexican-style thing to do when going out is to go dancing, usually to salsa, meringue, rumba, mambo, son, or other Caribbean/Latin music. This is considerably more fun if you're a somewhat competent dancer, but even complete beginners who don't mind making fools of themselves will likely enjoy it. Most dance places close late, 3-4AM is common.

The legal drinking age is 18. It is illegal to consume alcohol in public ("open container"). This is strictly enforced and the penalty is at least 24 hours in jail.

Take an identification card such as a copy of your passport.


Embassy Suites hotel facing Cristobal Colon statue in Reforma.

The city has literally hundreds of hotels in all price ranges, though the district you want to stay in will be a good indicator of price and quality. Zona Rosa is a tourist haven with a strong mid-range selection; Polanco district is where high-end hotels thrive, and the Centro Histórico is home to plenty of budget hotels and backpacker hostels. A wide variety of hotels can also be found along Paseo de la Reforma.

  • Hotel Rioja, 45 Cinco de Mayo, Centro, Mexico City, Mexico, 52 55 21 8333. Sisseregistreerimine: 7:00. Unpretentious & inexpensive. Very clean & very close to the Zocalo. Wifi in Lobby & your room if you are lucky. Spanish helpful but not required. M$270 and up, cash only (July 2011).


  • Hostel Mexico City, República de Brasil #8 (northwest corner of Catedral Metropolitana, metro Allende or Zócalo, line #2 blue), 52 55 5512-3666, 52 55 5512-7731, . Centrally located close to the Zócalo in the Historic Center. Breakfast included, Internet, laundry, lockers, tours and tourist information. Dorm from M$140 pesos, private from M$250.
  • Hostal Virreyes, Calle José María Izazaga #8 (corner with Eje Central Lázaro Cardenas, metro Salto del Agua, line #1 pink and line #8 green), 52 55 55 21 41 80. Offers excellent private rooms and adequate dorms. Is also a stone's throw from a good market, Mercado San Juan Arcos de Belem. It has decent, well-priced internet access, free Wi-Fi, breakfast and a cinema club. The staff are really helpful and a security guard is present 24 hours. Monthly rates from M$3000 and up. Dorm M$150, double M$370.
  • Hotel Habana, Rep De Cuba No. 77, Mexico City, Distrito Federal, CP. 06010, 52 55 55 18 15 91. The Hotel Habana in the Calle República de Cuba has well-appointed rooms for a good price.
  • Hotel Rio de Janeiro, Rep De Brasil, near Zocalo, Mexico City, Distrito Federal, CP. 06010, 52 5555181591. Decent rooms with TVs with local channels. You can get a room for M$70 if you are by yourself and don't mind sharing a bathroom. The price for two people is only M$90 with a shared bathroom. The rooms with attached bedrooms are also cheap. Basic, but clean and with personal TVs.

If you are on a low-budget, you can find hotels as low as US$10 if you take a room with a shared bathroom. Most are centred in the Centro Historico and are very decent.

Hostels from US$5 are cheaper than getting your own private room with full facilities like a TV and restroom, but the cheap hotels are not listed on the internet and many foreigners jump into the hostels for a much worse value. The hostels are a good place to meet people but you should only stay there if you don't mind noise and sharing a restroom. There are plenty of other places to meet people besides hostels so be sure to look around before deciding to stay at one just because it has a sign in English.


  • El patio 77 B&B, García Icazbalceta #77, Col San Rafael Mexico DF (3 blocks from SAN COSME metro station (Blue Line)), (52)(55)55928452, . Sisseregistreerimine: 15:00, väljaregistreerimine: 12:00. El patio 77 is the first eco-friendly B&B in Mexico City. This only 8-room boutique guest house is a huge French style mansion from the 19th century located in the heart of the city. Starting at US$70 tax.
  • Holiday Inn Zocalo, Av Cinco De Mayo 61 Col Centro Colonia Centro Mexico City 06000. Modern three star hotel that has an amazing rooftop balcony restaurant overlooking Zocalo Square. The rooms are small but comfortable, well furnished although the internet access in the lobby can be inconsistent. US$102.
  • Hotel Majestic, Av Madero 73, Centro Histórico, Mexico City 06000. While boasting an impressive tezontle stone façade, this two star hotel is let down by small rooms and staff that seem ambivalent. However, it is an unbeatable location and the terrace restaurant gives stunning panoramic views of the Zócalo. Starting at US$86.
  • NH Centro Histórico, Palma 42, Centro Histórico, Mexico City 06000, 52-55-51301850. The NH Centro Histórico is in the heart of the city of Mexico, only a few steps away from the historic 'Plaza de la Constitución' better known as “Zócalo”, and the magnificent historical 'Metropolitan Cathedral', the 'National Library' and 'Mexico City Museum'. The NH Centro Histórico offers the ideal starting point to visit the most important symbolic buildings and monuments. There are 2 other NH Hotels in Mexico City. Starting at US$83.
  • Barceló México Reforma, Paseo de la Reforma, 1, 52 55 5128 5000, . Meliã México Reforma is on the renovated Paseo de la Reforma Avenue, near the financial, cultural and historic districts of Mexico City. Starting at US$152.
  • Camino Real Aeropuerto, Puerto México 80, Col. Peñón de los Baños (Connected to Int'l Airport (MEX) Terminal 1), 52 (55) 30 03-0033. Though a fairly standard hotel as far as rooms and facilities go, its ideal feature is a walkway directly connecting it to Terminal 1 of Mexico City-Benito Juárez International Airport. Check-out is usually quick, and you can be in the terminal in less than one minute. For travellers flying in/out of Terminal 2, the "Tren Aéreo" (Air Train) that connects T1 to T2 is steps away. Restaurant and bar, plus 24-hour room service. Rooms are clean and comfortable, though somewhat small. Wi-fi in lobby and wired Internet access in the rooms (for a fee). Starting at US$107.


  • Four Seasons Mexico City, Paseo de la Reforma 500 Colonia Juárez Mexico City 06600. Historic setting, built in a square around a large open-air courtyard containing restful tropical gardens with a fountain, sculptures, a cafe, and a restaurant. All rooms are fitted and finished to a high standard and great service from the staff, especially the concierge. Starting at US$293.
  • JW Marriott Hotel Mexico City, Andres Bello 29 Mexico City 11560 Mexico. Situated in the trendy Polanco district, with great shopping and restaurants within walking distance, the JW Marriott delivers all expectations. The rooms are luxurious and comfortable, with exceptional detailing, and the staff goes out of their way to ensure that every request is catered to. Starting at US$229.
  • Hyatt Regency Mexico City, Campos Eliseos 204 Col. Polanco Mexico City 11560. Formerly the Nikko Hotel, it hosts some of the best Japanese restaurants in town and some art galleries worth visiting. Perfect location for restaurants and major museums. Starting at US$195.
  • Presidente Intercontinental Mexico City, Campos Eliseos 218 Mexico City, Distrito Federal 11560 Mexico. It's hard to miss this hotel which towers 42 stories high in a sleek, ultra modern design. All rooms featuring a view of the city or Chapultepec Park and feature a daily maid service, air conditioning, kitchenettes and cable television. The hotel itself has a car rental desk, health club and business center. Starting at US$249.
  • W Hotel Mexico City, Campos Eliseos 252 Mexico City 11560. The W Hotel displays its signature sexiness in Mexico city, with sleek designs, cherry red walls in the rooms and the traditional all white beds. Great for young professionals, families and mature customers may not appreciate the thumping techno music that accompanies them throughout the hotel. Starting at US$309.
  • The St. Regis Mexico City, Paseo de la Reforma 439 Mexico City 06500. The St. Regis Mexico City is ensconced in the sleek, 31-story Torre Libertad. It overlooks the Paseo de la Reforma in the heart of one of the city's most exciting zones. Starting at US$394.
  • Hotel Camino Real Polanco México, Mariano Escobedo 700 Mexico City 11590. Strategically located in the exclusive financial and commercial zone of Polanco close to sites of interest such as: El Bosque de Chapultepec (Chapultepec Park), the Museum of Anthropology and History and the Rufino Tamayo Museum. Starting at US$230.
  • Hotel Habita, Presidente Masaryk 201 Mexico City 11560. Habita is Mexico City's most comtemporary luxury hotel. Uniquely located in the upscale area of Polanco, the hotel appears as a floating glass box. Inside, serene and elegant spaces combine modern design with personalized service. Starting at US$245.
  • CONDESA df, Veracruz 102 Mexico City 06700. This design hotel is the star in the Condesa neighborhood. Artsy, cool, stylish and fun, CONDESA df truly exemplifies its neighborhood — fashionable and trendy, yet respectful and traditional. Starting at US$200.


To stay in contact while traveling in México City.


If someone is calling you the country code is 52 then the area code is 55 then the 8 digit phone number. For a mobile phone, you might need to add a 1 between the 52 and 55. If you want to make a long distance call in Mexico from a landline, you should dial the prefix 01 for national calls followed by the area code. From a mobile phone, start from the area code. If you are making an international long distance call, you must dial 00 followed by the country code, for example, if you're calling the U.S. you should dial 00 1 and the area code, if you're calling the U.K, dial 00 44 and the area code, and so on.

If you want to use your cellular phone you can get your phone unlocked before you go. When you arrive in Mexico City, you can purchase a Telcel or Movistar SIM card, locally known as a "chip". This will get you a Mexican cell phone number. Remember this is a prepaid cellular option. You get free incoming calls. People calling you from long distance will need to dial in this format: 52 1 plus the area code 8 or 7 digit phone number. Mexico city (55), Guadalajara (33) and Monterrey (81) have 8-digit numbers, and 2 digit area codes. The rest of the country has 7-digit numbers and 3-digit area codes. There are no long distance charges within the country.

Calling from a Mexican phone (either land or mobile) to a Mexican cell phone is called ¨El Que Llama Paga¨ meaning only the person making the call pays for the air time. From a landline, you should dial the 044 prefix before the 10-digit number composed of the area code and the mobile number to be dialled, such as 044 55 12345678. From a mobile phone, just start from the area code.

Another option is to buy a prepaid Mexican phone kit, they frequently include more air time worth than the kit actually costs, air time is called ¨Tiempo Aire¨. For Telcel these kits are called ¨Amigo Kit¨ for Movistar they are called ¨Movistar Prepago¨ and for Iusacell ¨Viva Kit¨ you can just keep the phone as a spare for whenever you are in Mexico; there are no costs in between uses. These kits start at around US$30 and can be purchased at the thousands of mobile phone dealerships, or at OXXO convenience stores, and even supermarkets.

Mobile telephones

There are four main cell phone operators in Mexico.

  • Telcel The largest coverage in Mexico, using 3.5G, 3G and GSM (HSPA , HSDPA & EDGE) and 4G (LTE)
  • Movistar A GSM & 3G (HSDPA) network with decent coverage in most of the country
  • Iusacell (includes former Unefon network) A CDMA (EVDO) and GSM-based 3G (HSDPA) and 3.5G (HSPA ) network with an average coverage in most cities and large towns.
  • Nextel (iDEN push to talk, similar to Nextel offered in the U.S. by Sprint Nextel and Boost Mobile but has different owner)


Mexico City has good access to the internet. There are some internet cafes throughout the city, many of them in Zona Rosa, but their number is rapidly dwindling as many people now have internet access on their smartphones. Price vary from M$10-20 an hour. Look for the word 'Cyber' or 'CiberCafe' in order to find a place with internet access.

Free hot spots for wi-fi connection to the internet are available in several places around the city, particularly in public squares, along Reforma, and inside shopping malls, cafés and restaurants. Other hot spots around the city (such as at the airport and Sanborns restaurants) are not free, usually operated by the Mexican phone company Telmex through their Internet division Prodigy Móvil. In order to be able to connect in those places, the user must be subscribed to the service, or buy a prepaid card known as "Tarjeta Multifon"; visitors coming from the US can access the service using their AT&T or T-Mobile Internet accounts. Cards can be bought at the Sanborns restaurant chain, Telmex stores and many stores that offer telephony related products.


There are no full-time English spoken radio stations in Mexico, however these are a few options to listen:

  • Imagen 90.5 FM Features a twice-a-day English news program at 5:30AM and 11PM with a summary of the most important news around the globe.
  • Ibero 90.9 FM University radio station that plays mainly indie-rock but also has cultural programs.
  • Alfa 91.3 FM Broadcasts English language hit pop music.
  • Beat 100.9 FM Electronic music station.
  • Mix 106.5 FM Hits in English from the 80s, 90s, and nowadays pop/rock music.
  • Universal 92.1 FM Old hits in English (70s, 80s).


With the exception of The News, you won't find newspapers in English or other foreign languages in regular newsstands, however, you can find many at any Sanborns store. Many U.S. newspapers have subscriptions available in Mexico, including the Wall Street Journal, Today, New York Times ja Miami Herald.

Almost all national newspapers are based in Mexico City and have local news. Some of the most read newspapers include:

Free newspapers are often given away at intersections and metro stations, most commonly Publimetro.

Ole turvaline

Despite its reputation, travel in Mexico City is generally safe and most people find it surprisingly non-threatening. Areas around the historic center and other places where tourists usually go are generally well-lit and patrolled in the early evening. Much of your travel within the city will be done via public transportation or walking. Mexico City is an immensely crowded place, and as with any major metropolitan area, it is advised to be aware of your surroundings.

Do not show money in front of others as this generally attracts pickpockets. Protect your personal information, such as your PIN number when entering it at an ATM or bank terminal. When paying at a restaurant, it's best if you don't let your card be taken away but instead ask for the terminal to be brought to you or go where it is located.

Do not leave anything of value visible from your car window, always use the trunk, even things that could be considered to hold something of value (for example, an empty gift box) will attract unwanted attention to your car and might prompt a broken window.

Plan ahead, and know where you are going and how you will arrive. Most people in Mexico City are quite hospitable and some will speak English, and people who work for hotels and other hospitality-oriented businesses will always help. This will help in avoiding confusion, becoming lost or stranded. Also, you can ask a local for advice to get somewhere, though you might need basic Spanish to do this. In the Polanco, Sante Fe and Lomas districts, some police officers and many business people and younger children speak English, as it is very common to learn it in school.

The least safe places where tourists often go are around the North part of the Centro Historico, such as around Garibaldi square. Be extra vigilant if you go there at night. You can find a detailed crime map based on official statistics siin.

Safety at public transport

There are pickpockets in Mexico City. Purses and bulky, full back pockets are quite attractive. Do not keep your passports, money, identification, and other important items hanging out for someone to steal. Place items in a hotel safe, or tuck them away inside your clothes. A money belt might be a good option. The Metro or Subway system can get extremely crowded, which creates opportunities for pickpockets on cars that are often standing room only.


Taxi robberies, so-called "express kidnappings", where the victim is robbed and then taken on a trip to various ATMs to max out their credit cards, do occur, although safety in the city has improved. 95% of total kidnapping victims are nationals, so your odds of being taken are very slim, they are not targeting strangers, yet you should always use your common sense.

The two most common recommendations for a safe cab riding experience are to make sure you take an official cab, and to notify a person you trust of the license plate number of the cab you are riding. There is a free app called Taxiaviso for iPhone, Android, and Blackberry (soon) that allows you to verify if a cab is official by comparing the taxi license plate number with the government provided data and that lets you communicate through Facebook, Twitter and/or email the license plate number of the cab you have taken or even communicate an emergency through these mediums.


Well organized bands of pickpocketers are operating in the most common Mexico City Metro lines, most of which are close to touristic spots. One of the most common methods of pickpocketing in addition to the thefts inside the wagons is work in teams of 4 or 5 persons that push the victims into the doors trying to emulate a fake crowd. The victim tries to enter or exit the wagon and the thefts take advantage of this deliberated movement of distraction to extract mainly phones or wallets that are inside the pockets of the victims and it gives to a third person inside or outside the wagon that escapes with the objects. In case of pickpocketing the method of warning to the police is pushing the "alarm signal" red lever (warning sign) close to the doors. Take in consideration that if the thefts are discovered they will argue violently in their favor to the police elements and will ask for a revision of all their belongings, knowing that they give the objects to other accomplice that hurried from the station and there is no evidence of theft, one of the conditions that the police will ask to begin a formal detention and prosecution. The most common stolen objects are cellphones, specially high end-models. Stay safe keeping your cellphone and wallet inside a security bag or money belt with zippers and avoid enter the wagons into the middle of the platform where are more common find crowds at the doors.

Buses and trolleys

While the most tourist areas are safe and the areas with more incidents are outside them, buses are stolen by armed robbers. In case this happens do not try to resist, give your belongings (cell phones and money), do not make violent movements and do not try to look at the thieves. Murders have been reported by people who do it.

Also be careful of pick-pocketing which is reported to happen especially around line B of the subway.

Violent robberies on trolleybuses or M1 buses (public transport of Mexico City Government) are not common at all.

Police officers

Police officers in Mexico get paid a third of what New Yorgi linn police officers make, and some rely on bribes and corruption to make more money (however, never offer a bribe first since not all officers will want or accept them). Paying bribes supports systematic corruption that impoverishes the country and weakens the rule of law, so if you care about that, adamantly reject bribery and ask for their badge number, they will generally leave you alone. The historic center and other major sites often have specially trained tourist police that speak English or other foreign languages and are more helpful than ordinary transit cops.

The Mexico City Government has opened a specialized prosecution office (Ministerio Público in Spanish) for foreigners that find themselves affected by robberies or other crime situations. It is in Victoria Street 76, Centro Historico. Multilingual staff are available.


Mexico City air pollution index scale

Although the smog layer is visible nearly every day, its effects in terms of breathing and eye irritation are usually barely noticeable and it should not normally be cause for concern for visitors. That said, it makes sense for visitors to be aware of the issue.

Pollution is highest in the winter from late November to early February, especially when a greenhouse effect causes cold dirty air to be trapped under warm cleaner air. You can check the current air quality on the Atmospheric Monitoring System website, which updates every hour at several locations. This government body established an index denominated IMECA (Metropolitan Index for Air Quality) in order to make the population aware of the current air pollution situation.

When the index exceeds 150 points, an "Environmental pre-contingency" is usually issued and people are asked to refrain from performing open-air activities such as sports. In the case of an "Environmental Contingency," only vehicles with a zero or double zero emissions sticker can circulate.


Earthquakes are very common at the junction of the Pacific and North American tectonic plates, which meet close to the Mexican Pacific coast about 400 km (250 mi) away. This is far enough away from the city so that when an earthquake occurs, Mexico City has about a 30- to 90-second warning. This alarm is broadcast loudly from the speakers installed at the security cameras. It sounds like an air-raid alarm followed by a spoken recording ("Alerta Sísmica"). Should you hear this alarm or feel an earthquake, remain calm and follow some simple rules: if you are indoors, stay under the doorways, move away from objects that can fall, and/or follow exit paths ("Rutas de Evacuación") out to the streets; if you are outdoors, move away from slopes or electrical wires towards open areas or places marked "safe zones." Since large parts of the city (Center, East and North) were built on the soft clay from the dry bed of lake Texcoco, earthquakes can feel quite powerful despite the distance.

The catastrophic earthquake of 8.1 magnitude on the Richter scale, that took place in the morning of September 19, 1985, killing 9,000 to 30,000 people, remains fresh in the memory of many of Mexico City's inhabitants. Right after the 1985 earthquake, many buildings were reinforced and new buildings are designed to meet structural criteria by law. No major building collapse has happened since, even after several strong earthquakes. You can check the latest earthquake activity at the National Earthquake Center an institute of the National University (UNAM).

In case of emergency

Dial 911, the number for all emergencies (fire, police and medical).


Some people may consider Mexico City to have a bad reputation, in terms of crime statistics, air pollution, and on more contrived issues, such as earthquakes. However, crime and pollution levels are down over the last decade and you shouldn't face any trouble within the tourist areas. As in some large cities, there are areas that are better to be avoided, especially at night, and precautions to take, but Mexico City is not particularly dangerous.

When walking in the city you could be approached by people. Usually they are just trying to sell something or begging for a few coins, but if you aren't interested, it is not considered insulting to just ignore them. If you clearly look like a foreigner, you will likely be approached by students wanting to practice their English. Sometimes they will want to record the conversation for a school assignment. If someone of importance (such as a police officer) approaches you for a particular purpose, they will definitely let you know.

If you do get approached by a police officer, understand that there are three different types: the Policia (Police), who are usually driving around the city with their lights flashing; Policia Auxiliar (Blue uniform)(Auxiliary Police), who are like security guards; ja Policia de Transito (Bright Yellow hat and vest) (Traffic Police) who simply direct traffic.

If you are cruising around town and don't want to look like a tourist, avoid wearing shorts. It gets hot here, but it is remarkable how few locals in the capital city wear shorts. Some churches won't even let you walk inside if you are wearing shorts.

Remember most Mexicans are very curious in regards to foreigners and are willing to help. If in need for directions, try to ask young people, who may speak a little English.


Many locals (not all of them, of course) have very aggressive driving habits as a result of the frequent traffic jams in the city. Some traffic signals are more an ornament than what they were made for, such as Stop signs, although most people respect traffic lights and pedestrian ways. When traffic is not present, particularly at night, locals tend to speed up so be careful when changing lanes. Street names and road signs may not be present everywhere so it is strongly advisable to ask for directions before driving your car. A GPS device is a big help. Sometimes potholes, fissures, and large-yet-unmarked speed-bumps ("topes") are common on the roads, so exercise some caution. Even at a small crawl, these can damage a car, especially in the backroads between towns in the Southern area. A fast succession of white lines cutting the road perpendicularly means that a tope is approaching and you should slow down immediately.

When off the main roads, maneuvering in the narrow streets and alleys can be tricky. Often a paved road turns to cobblestone (in historic neighborhoods) or dirt (if this happens, you've gone way off the tourist areas). Also, some streets are blocked off behind gates and do not let drivers pass without stating their destination, converting them into small gated communities. If you are driving through small streets or a housing development, you should beware of children, as they often run on the pavement as if they were in their backyard. You should also be mindful of people on bicycles and motorcycles alike, because they tend to drive in the narrow spaces between cars. The best thing to do is to yield to them. Trolleys and the Metrobús often have exclusive lanes and the right of way when they don't. On streets with the Metrobús, left turns are not allowed.

Those who are used to having a berm or paved area to the side of the road will quickly notice that the berm is missing on many roads and freeways such as Viaducto and Periferico. If you go off the side of the road, there will be a 20-30-cm (4-6-inch) drop off of the pavement. Driving in Mexico City should be avoided if at all possible. In high density areas such as Centro Historico, Mexico City, there is no street parking available during business hours.

Even the best of plans can go wrong when you arrive at your proposed exit at 110 km/h (65 mph), and there is a detour onto some other road with no markings or road signs, with everyone going as fast as they can go. At that point you may want to exit immediately and regroup before you end up miles from where you planned to exit. Maps and road signs likely will be lacking any usable information in a situation like this and your best bet may be to navigate by the seat of your pants a parallel route to the one you found closed.


In many nightclubs, bars and restaurants it is common for minors to drink without proving their age as long as they appear to be over 18. It is also permitted for minors to drink alcohol if they are in the company of an adult who is willing to take responsibility. Drinking alcoholic beverages in the street is strictly prohibited—doing so will certainly get you in trouble with the police. Drunk driving is also strictly prohibited and punished with 24-72 hours of mandatory jail time. The police have incorporated random alcohol tests on streets near bars and clubs as well as highway exits to enforce this. The system is very efficient, and you will sometimes see a stopped car or truck with a policeman interrogating the occupants.


Smoking inside enclosed areas in public buildings, restaurants and bars is strictly prohibited by law. Fines can be steep, so if you want to smoke in a restaurant it is best to ask the waiter before lighting up. Of course, going outside is always an option. Personal use of electronic cigarettes is permitted.


Small quantities of all drugs are decriminalised, but offenders could be imprisoned if found in possession of more than one personal dose. You don't want to go to jail while a judge determines if what you're carrying is a personal dose.


Being the national capital, Mexico City hosts a large number of embassies. A majority of them are clustered in the areas surrounding Bosque de Chapultepec in Delegación Miguel Hidalgo and in the adjacent and more central Delegación Cuauhtémoc. There are others located further south in Delegacion Álvaro Obregón as well. Some of the embassies in Mexico City are accredited as non-resident embassies to Central America, the Caribbean and/or South America while others are accredited to Mexico from Washington DC or from their Permanent Mission to the United Nations in New York:

  • ArgentinaArgentina, Av. Paseo de las Palmas N° 1670, Col. Lomas de Chapultepec, Del. Miguel Hidalgo, 52 55 5520-9430, faksimine: 52 55 5540-5011. Mon-Fri 08:30-17:00. Embassy is also accredited to Belize
  • AustraaliaAustraalia, Rubén Darío 55, Col. Bosque de Chapultepec, Del. Miguel Hidalgo 11580, 52 55 1101-22000, faksimine: 52 55 1101-2201. Mon-Fri 08:30-17:00. Embassy is also accredited to Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama
  • AustriaAustria, Sierra Tarahumara 420, Col. Lomas de Chapultepec, Del. Miguel Hidalgo 11000, 52 55 5251-0806, faksimine: 52 55 5245-0198. Mon-Fri 09:00-12:00. Embassy is also accredited to Belize Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua where they have and oversee honorary consulates.
  • BrasiiliaBrazil (Brasil), Lope de Armendáriz 130, Col. Lomas Virreyes, Del. Miguel Hidalgo 11000, 52 55 5201-4531, faksimine: 52 55 5520-6480.
  • BelizeBelize (Belice), Bernardo de Gálvez 215, Col. Lomas de Chapultepec, Del. Miguel Hidalgo 11000, 52 55 1101-22000, faksimine: 52 55 1101-2201. Mon-Thu 09:00-17:00; Fri 09:00-16:30.
  • BelgiaBelgium (Belgica), Ave Alfredo Musset 41, Col. Polanco, Del. Miguel Hidalgo 11550, 52 55 5280-0758, faksimine: 52 55 5280-0208. Mon-Fri 08:30-13:30.
  • Boliivia[varem surnud link]Bolivia, Goethe 104, Verónica Anzúres, Del. Miguel Hidalgo 11550, 52 55 5255-3620, 52 55 5255-3630. Mon-Fri 08:30-12:00 & 13:45-16:30.
  • KanadaKanada, Schiller 529, Col. Bosque de Chapultepec (Polanco)Del. Miguel Hidalgo, 52 55 5724 7900, faksimine: 52 55 5724 7980, . Mon-Fri 09:00-12:00 & 14:30-16:00; notarial services are available at 09:00-10:00 only.
  • TšiiliChile, Andrés Bello Nº10, Piso 18, Edificio Forum Colonia, Col. Polanco, Delegación Miguel Hidalgo, 52 55 5280-9682, 52 55 5280-9682, 52 55 5280-9689. The consulate is at a separate location at Calle Arquímedes N° 212, 5° Piso, Colonia Polanco, Delegación Miguel Hidalgo
  • HiinaChina, Av. Río de la Magdalena 172, Colonia Tizapán – San Ángel, Delegación Álvaro Obregón 01090, 52 55 5616 4324, 52 55 5616 4309, 52 55 5616 4239. M-F 9AM-1PM, phone service 4PM-7PM.
  • KolumbiaColombia, Paseo de la Reforma 412 Piso 19, Col. Benito Juarez, Del. Cuauhtemoc, 52 55 5525-0277. The consulate is at a separate location at Paseo de la Reforma 319 Piso 1, Col. Cuauhtemoc. Tel: 52 55 5525-4562
  • Costa Rica[surnud link]Costa Rica, Rio Po #113, Col. Cuahtémoc, Del. Cuahtémoc, 52 55 5525-7766, faksimine: 52 55 5511-9240.
  • KuubaCuba, Presidente Masaryk, No. 554 Col. Polanco. Delegación Miguel Hidalgo 11560 (Entre Bernard Shaw y Línea Ferrocarril de Cuernavaca), 52 55 6236 8737.
  • TaaniDenmark (Dinamarca), Tres Picos #43, Col. Polanco., Delegación Miguel Hidalgo 11580, 52 55 5255-3405, faksimine: 52 55 5545-5797.
  • Dominikaani VabariikDominican Republic (Republica Dominicana), Prado Sur 755, Col Lomas de Chapultepec, Del. Miguel Hidalgo 11000, 52 55 5540-3841. The consulate is at a separate location at Francisco Petrarca #336, Int. 301, 3a Piso, Col. Chapultepec Morales. Tel: 52 55 5260-7262
  • EcuadorEcuador, Calle Tennyson N° 217, Col. Polanco, Del. Miguel Hidalgo 11560 (entre Av. Homero y Horacio), 52-55 5254-4665. Mon-Fri 09:00-17:00.
  • El SalvadorEl Salvador, Calle Temistocles 88, Polanco, Polanco IV Secc, Del Miguel Hidalgo 11560, 52-55-5281-5725.
  • EgiptusEgypt (Egipto), Alejandro Dumas 131, Col. Polanco, Del Miguel Hidalgo 11560, 52 1 5281-0823, 52 1 5281-0698.
  • SoomeFinland (Finlandia), Monte Pelvoux 111, 4. piso, Colonia Lomas de Chapultepec, Delegación Miguel Hidalgo 11000 México D.F., 52-55-5540 6036, faksimine: 52-55-5540 0114, . Mo-Fr 9AM-1PM. Embassy is also accredited to Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama
  • PrantsusmaaFrance (Francia), Av Campos Elíseos 339, Miguel Hidalgo, Polanco, Polanco III Secc, Delegación Miguel Hidalgo 11560 México D.F., 52-55-9170-9700.
  • SaksamaaGermany (Alemania), Horacio 1506, Col. Los Morales, Sección Alameda, Delegacion Miguel Hidalgo 11530, 52 55 5283-22-00, faksimine: 52 55 5281-25-88. Mon-Thur 07:30-16:30; Fri 07:30-15:00.
  • KreekaGreece (Grecia), Monte Ararat 615, Lomas de Chapultepec V Secc, Del. Miguel Hidalgo, 52-55-5520-2070.
  • GuatemalaGuatemala, Explanada 1025, Col. Lomas de Chapultepec V Secc, Del. Miguel Hidalgo, 52-55-5520-9249.
  • HaitiHaiti, Sierra Vertientes 840, Col. Lomas de Chapultepec, Delegación Miguel Hidalgo 11000, 52 55 5580-2487, 52 55 5557-2065. M-Th 09:00-16:00, F 9:00-15:00.
  • HondurasHonduras, Calle Alfonso Reyes #220, Col. Hipódromo Condesa, Del. Cuauhtémoc 06170, 52-55-5211-5747.
  • Iraan[varem surnud link]Iran, Paseo de la Reforma 2350, Col. Lomas Altas, Del. Miguel Hidalgo, 52-55-9172-2690.
  • Iraak[surnud link]Iraak, Paseo de la Reforma No. 1875, Col. Lomas de Chapultepec, Delegación Miguel Hidalgo 11000, 52 55 5596-0933, faksimine: 52 55 5596-0294.
  • Iirimaa[surnud link]Ireland (Irlanda), Cda. Blvd. Manuel Avila Camacho No. 76, piso 3 Col. Lomas de Chapultepec, Del Miguel Hidalgo 11000.
  • IisraelIisrael, Sierra Madre No. 215, Col. Lomas de Chapultepec, Del. Miguel Hidalgo 11000, 52 55 5201-1500, faksimine: 52 55 5201-1555.
  • ItaaliaItaly (Italia), Av. Paseo de las Palmas 1994, Col. Lomas Chapultepec, Del. Miguel Hidalgo 11000, 52-55-5596-3655, 52 55 5596-7710. M,Tu,Th 09:00-13:00; 15:00-16:00 Passport Issuance; 13:30-15:00 Visa Issuance.
  • JamaicaJamaica, Paseo de las Palmas 1340, Col. Lomas de Chapultepec Morales, Del. Miguel Hidalgo 11000, 52 55 5250-6804, 52 55 5250-6806. M-Th 09:00-17:00, F 09:00-15:00.
  • JaapanJapan (Japón), Paseo de la Reforma No.395 Col. Cuauhtémoc, Del. Cuauhtémoc 06500, 52 55 5211 0028, faksimine: 52 55 5207 7743.
  • Lõuna-KoreaKorea (Corea del Sur), Lope Diaz de Armendariz 110, Col Lomas de Chapultepec IV Secc, 11000 Del. Miguel Hidalgo, 52 55 5202-9866. Mon-Fri 09:00-13:00 & 15:00-17:00.
  • LiibanonLebanon (Líbano), Julio Verne No. 8, Del Miguel Hidalgo C.P. 11560, 52 55 5280-5614, 52 55 5280-6794.
  • HollandThe Netherlands (los Paises Bajos), Av. Vasco de Quiroga 3000-7a Piso, Edificio Calukmul, Colonia Santa Fe, Delegacion Miguel Hidalgo 11000, 52 55 5258-9921, 52 55 1150-6550, faksimine: 52 55 5258-8138.
  • Uus-MeremaaNew Zealand (Nueva Zelanda), Corporativo Polanco, Jaime Balmes 8, Piso 4 - 404A, Col Los Morales, Del. Miguel Hidalgo 11500, 52 55 5283-9460, faksimine: 52 55 5283-9480. Mon-Fri 09:30-14:00 & 15:00-17:00. Embassy is also accredited to Belize, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama & Venezuela
  • NicaraguaNicaragua, Prado Norte 470, Col. Lomas de Chapultepec, Del. Miguel Hidalgo, 52 55 5283-9460, faksimine: 52 55 5283-9480.
  • NorraNorway (Noruega), Avenida Virreyes 1460, Col. Lomas Virreyes, Del. Miguel Hidalgo 11000, 52 55 5047-3700. M-Th 09:00-15:00, F 09:00-12:00.
  • Panama[surnud link]Panama, Calle Sócrates No.339, Colonia Polanco, Delegacion Miguel Hidalgo 11560, 52 55 5280-7857.
  • PeruuPeruu, Paseo de la Reforma 2601, Colonia Lomas de Reforma, Delegacion Miguel Hidalgo, 52 55 1105-2270. Mon-Fri 09:00-14:00 (to receive and issue documents). The consulate is at a separate location at Presidente Masaryk, No. 29, Colonia Polanco, Del. Miguel Hidalgo. Tel: 52 55 5203-4838 or 4401-2381 (Emergencies)
  • FilipiinidPhilippines (Filipinas), Rio Rhin 56, Colonia Cuauhtemoc, Delegacion Cuauhtemoc, 52 55 5202 9360, faksimine: 52 55 5202 8403, . Monday to Friday 0800H to 1700H.
  • ParaguayParaguay, Homero 415 , Col. Polanco, Delegacion Miguel Hidalgo, 52 55 5545-0403, 52 55 5545-0405.
  • PortugalPortugal, Alpes 1370, Col. Lomas de Chapultepec V Secc, Delegacion Miguel Hidalgo 11000 (Entre Montañas Rocallosas y Montes Apalaches), 52 55 5520-7897. Mon-Fri 08:00-12:00 & 13:00-15:00.
  • VenemaaRussia, Maestro José Vasconcelos 204, Col. Hipódromo Condesa, Del. Cuauhtémoc 06140, 52 55 5271-4856.
  • HispaaniaSpain (España), Calle Galileo 114, Col. Polanco, 1150 Del Miguel Hidalgo (Corner of Horacio and c/ Galileo), 52-55-5281-5725. Mon-Thur 09:00-17:00; Fri 09:00-15:00.
  • Lõuna-AafrikaSouth Africa (Sudáfrica), Andrés Bello 10, Piso 9, Col. Polanco, Del Miguel Hidalgo CP-11560, 52 55 1100-4970. Mon-Fri 08:30-16:30.
  • RootsiSweden (Suecia), Paseo las Palmas 1375, Paseo de las Palmas, Col. Lomas de Chapultepec, Del Miguel Hidalgo, 52 55 9178-5010, faksimine: 52 55 5540-2347.
  • ŠveitsSwitzerland (Suiza), Torre Optima, Piso 11, Paseo de las Palmas, Col. Lomas de Chapultepec, Del Miguel Hidalgo 11000 (Corner of Horacio and c/ Galileo), 52-55-91 78 43 70, faksimine: 52 55 55 20 86 85. Mon-Thur 09:00-12:00 & 14:00-15:00; Fri 09:00-12:00.
  • TürgiTürgi, Monte Líbano No. 885. Col. Lomas de Chapultepec, Del. Miguel Hidalgo 11000, 52 55 5282-5446, 52 55 5282-4277. Mon-Fri 09:00-13:00 & 14:00-16:30 (10:00-12:30 Consular Section).
  • SuurbritanniaUnited Kingdom (Reino Unido), Río Lerma, No. 71, Col. Cuauhtémoc, Del. Cuauhtémoc, 52 55 1670-3200. Mon-Thur 08:00-16:30; Fri 08:00-14:00. Consular services are temporary available at Torre Cuadro (3rd floor) ; Cda. Blvd. Avila Camacho, 76-3; Col. Lomas de Chapultepec, Del. Miguel Hidalgo
  • Ameerika Ühendriigid1 United States (Estados Unidos), Paseo de la Reforma 305, Col. Cuauhtémoc, Del. Cuauhtémoc, 52 55 5080 2000, faksimine: 52 55 5080 2005.
  • UruguayUruguay, Hegel 149 – Piso 1, Col. Polanco, Del. Miguel Hidalgo, 52 55 5531-0880. Mon-Fri 09:00-15:00.
  • VenezuelaVenezuela, Schiller 326, Polanco, Del. Miguel Hidalgo 11550, 52 55 5203-4233.

See this Link from Instituto Nacional de Migración (INM), the Mexican Immigration Department for a list of embassies and consulates of additional countries in Mexico.

Mine edasi

  • Oaxtepec— Oaxtepec is a short distance away from Mexico City and is a great place to get out of the hectic city and do some swimming. The climate is constantly warm and sunny and there is a very affordable and very fun waterpark (only half is open on weekdays, on the weekends the rest of the park is open). There are plenty of lodging options and most include access to a club house with a sauna and an olympic pool and diving pool. A bus leaves every 10 minutes from the Taxqueña bus station and costs 81 pesos through OCC.
  • Cuernavaca— Cuernavaca is the capital city of the state of Morelos. Its only 45 minutes away from Mexico City and is known worldwide as "The City of Eternal Spring" due to its excellent temperate climate with an annual average of 20°C.
  • Taxco— Famous for its beautiful colonial architecture and narrow cobbled streets.
  • Teotihuacan— The ancient city of giant pre-Columbian pyramids.
  • Puebla— UNESCO world heritage place for its colonial architecture and site of the battle with the French army in the mid-1800s. The city is located 100km away from Mexico DF and is known throughout Mexico for its cuisine; it’s worthwhile to take a one-day trip from Mexico City to do some sight-seeing and sample some of the food. Many good restaurants are conveniently located near the main square.
  • Valle de Bravo- Ilus linn järve kõrval ja keset metsa, suurepärane koht igasuguste spordialade harrastamiseks (nt mägirattasõit, purjetamine, veesuusatamine ja paraplaaniga sõitmine). Kaaluge sõitu Nevado de Tolucast üles ja järve hoidvasse kraatrisse. Nevado de Toluca on uinuv vulkaan teel Valle de Bravo poole. Samuti on hiline talv / varakevad parim aeg monarhiliblikate vaatamiseks VdB-sse minnes.
  • Pachuca "Ilus tuuline" - hubane väike kaevurite linn.
  • Lõvide rahvuspargi kõrb- 20 minuti kaugusel linnast leiate end keset metsa puudest ümbritsetud. Võtke matk La Venta'st "El Conventosse" või kuni "Cruz Blanca" ja sööge lõunaks mõned suurepärased quesadillad, te ei saa neist mööda vaadata, sest see on ainus "Cruz Blanca" struktuur. Kui leiate mägiratta, on see üks parimaid kohti, kus sõita.
  • Tepoztlan- lahe uue ajastu linn Mexico Cityst lõunas, millel on mäe otsas huvitav püramiid. Teekond ülespoole püramiidi vaatamiseks võtab aega umbes tund ja on seda väärt, kui näete vaadet üleval. Tepoztlan on tuntud ka oma sagedase ufotegevuse poolest. Uskuge või mitte, kui soovite, kuid suur osa linnaelanikest väidab, et on "ovneid" näinud.
  • Bernal- Umbes 2,5-tunnise sõidu kaugusel Mexico Cityst (põhja poole Querétaro suunas) on kuulus La Peña de Bernal. Populaarne suvisel pööripäeval. Väga väike linn, kuid elav.
Marsruudid läbi Mexico City
GuadalajaraToluca W Carretera föderaalne 15D.svg E → Ocoyoacac → LÕPP
Queretaro ← Tepotzotlan ← N Carretera föderaalne 57D.svg S → SE haru LÕPP kell Carretera föderaalne 150D.svg San Marcos Huixtocos → SW haru LÕPP kell Carretera föderaalne 15D.svg Acopilcos
Pachuca ← Ecatepec de Morelos ← N Carretera föderaalne 85D.svg S LÕPP Jct Carretera föderaalne 95D.svg
LÕPP ← Tres Marias ← N Carretera föderaalne 95.svg S CuernavacaTaxco
LÕPP Jct Carretera föderaalne 85D.svg ← San Juan de Teotihuacan ← SW Carretera föderaalne 132D.svg NE las pirámidesTulancingo
Toluca ← San Francisco Chimalpa ← W Carretera föderaalne 134.svg E LÕPP
LÕPP SW Carretera föderaalne 136.svg NE ApizacoTexcoco
LÕPP ← Ciudad Nezahualcoyotl ← NW Carretera föderaalne 150D.svg SE → San Marcos Huixtoco → PueblaCordoba
See linna reisijuht Mehhiko on kasutatav artikkel. Sellel on teavet sinna jõudmise ning restoranide ja hotellide kohta. Seiklushimuline inimene võiks seda artiklit kasutada, kuid palun parandage seda lehe muutmisega.