Buffalo - Buffalo

Muude samanimeliste kohtade kohta vt Buffalo (täpsustus).

Aasta suurim linn New Yorgi osariiks Niagara piir, Pühvel on üllatusi täis linn. Ehkki Buffalo on vahel naljahammas kanatiibade, selle pikka aega kannatanud spordimeeskondade ja lumemägede üle, mille alla ta väidetavalt igal talvel on maetud, räägivad kohalikud elanikud ja teised teadjad teistsugust lugu: elavat ööelu, maailmatasemel muuseumid ja kultuurilised vaatamisväärsused, tihedalt ühendatud linnaosad, kus on kogukonnavaim ja tõeline kohatunne, võidukas kombinatsioon kõrgest elukvaliteedist ja madalatest elukallidustest - ning kõige päikeselisemad suved Ameerika Ühendriikide kirdeosas.


Buffalo piirkonnad - värvikoodiga kaart
Buffalo keskne äripiirkond uhkeldab monumentaalse arhitektuuriga, taaselustatud ajaloolise rannajoonega Teatripiirkond, Türgi tantsuklubid Chippewa tänav, ja Meditsiiniline koridor.
 Allentown ja Delaware'i piirkond
Allentowni hipsteribaarid, rokiklubid ja kunstigaleriid on elav vaste rahustatud Delaware'i piirkonna vaiksetele elamutänavatele. Mõlemad on taevas arhitektuurihuviliste jaoks, võluvad viktoriaanlased vooderdavad Allen Streeti kõrvaltänavaid ja uhkeid kullatud ajastute häärbereid Delaware Avenue's Miljonäride rida.
 Elmwoodi küla
Mis kunagi oli Buffalo osariigi kolledžüliõpilasgettost on nüüd saanud burgeri oaas südalinnas: kui teil on raha põlemiseks, siis omapärased moebutiigid ja kingipoed Elmwoodi avenüü kutsuvad teie nime (see läheb kahekordseks, kui teie maitse kulgeb pigem "põhi" kui trendikas suunas). Vahepeal riba põhjaotsas asub Muuseumipiirkond on koduks Buffalo parimatele.
Põhja-Buffalo, millel on rohkem äärelinna tunnet kui teistel Buffalo linnaosadel, on mitmekesine hodgepodge, mis koosneb Väike Itaalia mööda Herteli avenüüd, kortsuline, kuid meeldiv Ülikooli kõrgusedja kaunilt haljastatud ajaloolised elamupiirkonnad Pargiäär, Central Parkja Pargi niit.
 West Side
Buffalo kõige tõusevam piirkond. Pikk hispaaniapärase kultuuri epitsenter Buffalos uhkeldab West Side nüüd tõelise ÜRO sisserändajate kogukondade ja algava kunstimaastikuga Granti tänav, räsitud viktoriaanlikud suvilad aastal Prospekti mägi ja West Village järk-järgult kuni nende endise hiilguse ja veeparkide ohtralt. Põhjas on ajaloolised Must kivi ja töölisklass Riverside.
Iirimaa lõuna-Buffalo võib muust linnast Buffalo jõe ääres eraldatuna tunduda uhke omaette linnana: põhjas asub ajalooline Vana esimene palat ja Munakivipiirkond ja äsja ümberehitatud Larkinville; idas mõnus parklamaa ja vaiksed elamutänavad; läänes Buffalo vägeva tööstusmineviku viljaelevaatorid ja raudteejaamad; piki järvekallast ümberkujundamine Välissadam, Buffalo uusim suvine mänguväljak.
 Ida pool
Buffaloonlased põlgavad East Side'i kiiresti ära kui narko- ja kuritegevusega nakatunud getot. Need, kes on piisavalt targad kohalikke tähelepanuta jätma, saavad auhinnaks lõualuu viskamise tohutud, ehitud kirikud ehitatud 19. sajandi saksa ja poola sisserändajate poolt, hariv ülevaade Buffalo Aafrika-Ameerika ajalukku, kultuurilised vaatamisväärsused nagu Buffalo teadusmuuseumja muid üllatusi selles tõeliselt pekstud teerajoonis.

Saage aru

Buffalo on New Yorgi osariigi suuruselt teine ​​linn, kus elab (alates 2010. aastast) 261 310 elanikku linnas ja 1 135 509 Buffalo-Niagara Fallsi pealinnapiirkonnas. Buffalo on Lääne-New Yorgi piirkonna kultuuri- ja majanduskeskus. Ehkki viimase poole sajandi jooksul on seda õigustatult peetud seisvaks töölisklassi linnaks, mida on kannatanud deindustrialiseerimise järelmõjud, on Buffalo majandus märkimisväärselt pöördunud - 2014. aasta aprillis oli töötuse määr 5,8%, mis jääb alla riikliku määra sellel kuul 5,9% ja üleriigiline määr 6,1%. Võib-olla üllatuslikult, arvestades Buffalo rasketööstuse keskuse ajalugu, on Buffalo mainitud ka USA puhtuselt kolmandaks linnaks. Ajaloolise kaitse riiklik usaldusüksus nimetas Buffalo üheks 2009. aasta kümnest eristuvast sihtkohast, kelle 2011. aasta riiklik säilituskonverents toimus Buffalos ja oli selle organisatsiooni ajaloos suurim ja kõige paremini osalenud aastakonverentsidest. Muude Buffalole omistatud tiitlite hulgas on koht ka 2009. Aasta 44 külastatava koha hulgas New York Times, "All-America City Award" aastateks 1996 ja 2002 ning üks kümnest parimast linnast USA-s, kes on pere loonud, vastavalt 2010. aasta funktsioonile Forbes ajakiri.


Suur osa Buffalo külastajate ligitõmbavusest on tema kui olulise tööstuskeskuse ajaloo endiselt käegakatsutav tunne. Majesteetlikud ajaloolised hooned ja vaatamisväärsused iga nurga taga räägivad linnast, mis oli kunagi suurepärane ja kus on olemas kõik tööriistad, et kunagi jälle suurepärane olla.

Piiri algused

Ehkki irokeesid olid selle piirkonna asustanud juba tükk aega enne Kolumbust ja seda külastasid 17. sajandist alates perioodiliselt Prantsuse karusloomapüüdjad, oli Buffalo ajalugu iseenesest algab umbes 1789. aastal, kui Cornelius Winney rajas Buffalo jõe suudmesse kauplemispunkti. Sel ajal oli see koht veel kaugel valge asustuse piirist. Alles 1793. Aastal oli Hollandi maafirma, Hollandist pärit investorite sündikaat Hollandostis Lääne-New Yorgi kõrbestiku, kuhu kuulus ka Buffalo. Maaagent Joseph Ellicott, kes saabus Winney kauplemispunkti 1798. aastal, leidis, et sellel on potentsiaal olla õitsva linna asukoht. Ta andis külale, mille ta sinna rajas, nimeks Uus Amsterdam, ehkki see nimetati peagi kõrval asuva jõe järgi Buffaloks. (Küsimus, kust Buffalo jõgi ise nime sai, on endiselt väga mõistatus - kõige tuntum teooria, mille kohta Prantsuse maadeavastaja Sieur de la Salle hüüab beau fleuveehk "kaunis jõgi", mida ta nägi 1679. aastal mööda Erie järve sõites, on peaaegu kindlasti vale; samuti ei olnud teada, et pärast valge mehe saabumist oleks New Yorgis olnud ühtegi pühvlit ega piisonit, ehkki 17. sajandi Prantsuse maadeavastajad leidsid praegu Erie järve lõunakaldalt suhteliselt lähedal elavaid inimesi. päeval Ohio.) Ellicott pani paika suure radiaalse tänavate ja avalike väljakute mustri, mille inspireeris tema vend Andrew Washington DC.; vaatamata oma kõrgetele püüdlustele jäi Buffalo väikeseks eelpostiks, mille peamine kuulsusnõue oli selle varajase ajaloo vältel 1812. aasta sõja ajal mitmete oluliste sõjaliste rajatiste ja lahingute koht (teadaolevalt põletasid küla maa alla brittid sõja Niagara piirikampaania raames detsembris 1813).

Kanali sadamast "Valguse linnani"

Buffalo staatus piiriveekoguna lõppes järsult, kui pärast tuliselt vaidlusi naaberkülaga Black Rockiga (hiljem lisati tema rivaalile) määrati Buffalo sadam Erie kanali läänepoolseks otsaks, mis on suur sisemaa laevatee aastal Hudsoni jõest läände Albany kokku 363 miili (584 km) kaugusele. Selle ajani USA-s tehtud kõige ambitsioonikam infrastruktuuri töö, Erie kanal, vähendas oluliselt transpordikulusid ja muutis Appalachi elanikest läänes asuvate maade ulatusliku asustuse majanduslikult tasuvaks. Erie kanali kaubandusliku tähtsuse suurust illustreerib asjaolu, et esimese viie aasta jooksul pärast selle valmimist oli Buffalo elanikkond enam kui kolmekordistunud (8668-ni); kaks aastat hiljem, 1832, ühendati Buffalo lõpuks linnaks.

Asub kesklinna varjus Kommertslipp (siin nähtud) oli kunagi Läänepoolne ots Erie kanal, mis ehitati 1825. aastal ja mis muutis Buffalo peaaegu üleöö unisest piirikülast USA üheks kõige kiiremini arenevaks linnaks ja kõige olulisemaks sisemaaks. Nüüd on see keskne osa Kanaliäärne ümberehitamine kesklinna veepiiril.

Buffalo varajane majanduslik tugisammas oli ümberlaadimissadam, kus teravilja Kesk-Lääne laaditi järve kaubalaevadelt maha ja viidi kanalipaatidele, mille poole suunduti New Yorgi linn; see oli Buffalos, kuhu ehitati 1843. aastal maailma esimene viljaelevaator, ja Buffalo sadama ümbruses on endiselt palju lifte. 19. sajandi teisel poolel vananes Erie kanal järk-järgult, kuid see mõjutas vaevalt Buffalo plahvatuslikku kasvu. Selle asemel säilitas linn oma transpordisõlme staatuse, minnes üle USA tähtsuselt teisele raudteekeskusele (pärast Chicago); New York Central, Pennsylvania, Michigan Central, Nickel Plate, Erie, Delaware Lackawanna & Western, West Shore, Baltimore & Ohio ning Lehigh Valley Railroads läbisid kõik raudteeajastu tipul Buffalo. Lisaks sai terasetööstus kohaliku majanduse peamiseks mängijaks 1899. aastal, kui Lackawanna teraseettevõte kolis oma Scranton, Pennsylvanias linnaliinist lõunasse jäävale alale. Aastaks 1900 oli Buffalo elanike arv üle 350 000 ja kuulus USA kümne suurima linna hulka.

Pan-American Exposition oli ülemaailmne mess, mis toimus Buffalos 1901. aastal, linna kuulsuspäevade tipus; selle eesmärk oli muuhulgas näidata elektrienergia tehnoloogilist imet ja majanduslikke võimalusi (Buffalo lähedus Niagara kosk, mis oli hüdroelektri tootmise varajane ettevõtmine, andis talle selle aja kõige odavama elektriga). Ehkki pimestav vaatepilt selle uue tehnoloogia abil öösel valgustatud laadaplatsilt pälvis Buffalo püsiva hüüdnime "Valguse linn", on Pan-Ameerika ekspositsiooni peamine ajalooline tähtsus oma olemuselt palju süngem: see oli näitusel, kus 6. september 1901 tulistas anarhist Leon Czolgosz surmavalt USA president William McKinley, mõni hetk pärast kõne lõpetamist muusikatemplis.

Keeldu ...

Pühvel jätkas kasvu 20. sajandi esimesel poolel. Hakkasid aga ilmnema trendid, mis 1950. aastaks põhjustavad linna kasvu pidurdumist, peatumist ja seejärel tagasikäiku. Nagu teisteski Ameerika linnades, hakkasid ka jõukamad elanikud oma kodust linna lahkuma, et saada vaiksemaid ja rohelisemaid äärelinna kinnistuid väljaspool linnaliini. See algas 1910. ja 1920. aastatel - paljud Buffalo vanemad äärelinnad, näiteks Kenmore, Eggertsville, Männimägija Snyder, mis on selle aja kuupäev - ja lõi II maailmasõja järgsel majandusbuumil suure käigu sisse. Samal ajal hakkas kasvav Ameerika keskklass Kirde linnade edasisel kulul üha suuremas koguses rändama kergema kliimaga lääne ja lõuna piirkondadesse. Riikidevahelise kiirteesüsteemi ehitamine soodustas eeslinnastumist samal ajal, et see aitas kaasa raudteede ja Buffalo sadama allakäigule, kuna kaupu sai veoautodega odavamalt vedada.

Kuid 20. sajandi lõpus Buffalo kandnud vabalangemise ainus kõige olulisem põhjus oli St. Lawrence'i meretee avamine 1959. aastal. Ajalooliselt oli Buffalo tähtsus sadamana suuresti tänu barjäärile, millele Niagara juga tekitas saatmine. Kuid tänu Wellandi kanali laiendamisele Seaway osana said teravilja ja muude kaupadega koormatud kaubavedajad pääseda ookeanile otse St. Lawrence'i jõe kaudu, selle asemel et peatuda Buffalos, et oma lasti üle viia idapoolsetele raudteevagunitele. . Kümne aasta jooksul pärast Seaway avamist oli enamus Buffalo sadama viljaelevaatoritest maha jäetud ja kunagi laevadega täitunud sadam oli nüüd peaaegu tühi. Samuti terasetehas aastal Lackawanna sulges oma uksed hea algusega 1977. aastal, suutmata konkureerida odavama välismaise terasega. 1980. aastaks oli Buffalo elanikkond umbes sama suur kui 1900. aastal, langedes ligi 40% tipust 580 132, mis oli vaid kolmkümmend aastat varem.

Vigastuste solvangu lisamiseks reageerisid Buffalo kodanikujuhid 1960. ja 70. aastatel linna halvenevatele sotsiaalsetele oludele, lammutades (linna uuendamise ja slummide eemaldamise nimel) etnilisi naabruskondi sellistes kohtades nagu Ellicott District ja Lower West Side, mis olid küll töölisklassid, kuid olid paljudel juhtudel terved ja elujõulised. Eelkõige läksid lääneranniku pallid kaotsi kunagise Alam-West Side'i "Väikese Itaalia" suurepärastest tellistest viktoriaanlikest suviladest, samal ajal kui Ellicotti linnaossa püstitatud uutest avalikest elamuprojektidest said peagi kõrghoonete versioonid slummidest, mida nad asendati, kuna ainuüksi uute hoonete ehitamine ei aidanud naabruskonna sotsiaalseid probleeme lahendada. Samal ajal ehitati lärmakad ja pealetükkivad kiirteed otse Delaware Parki ja Humboldt Parkway kaudu, hävitades rohelise õhkkonna maastikuarhitekt Frederick Law Olmstedi poolt kavandatud (vastavalt) suurima pargi ja suurejoonelise pargitee kaudu; õnneks säästis naabruskonna elanike jõuline vastuseis sarnase saatuse ka Allentowni ajaloolisele ringkonnale. Kesklinnas esines Buffalo arhitektuuripärandi mõttetu hävitamise paljudest näidetest ainult üks 1969. aastal, kui peaplatsile pääsemiseks lammutati mitu nägusat viktoriaanlikku kaubandusblokki ja uimastatav, lossi moodi Erie maakonna hoiukassa hoone. Torn, leebe modernistlik kontoritorn koos külgneva äärelinna stiilis ostukeskusega, mis ei suutnud ostjaid täielikult kesklinna tagasi meelitada äärelinna ribakeskuste ja väljakute kasuks.

... ja uuestisünd

Hoolimata nendest tõsistest probleemidest ei ületanud Buffalo mentaliteet kunagi piiri täielikuks defeatismiks, millest oli abi, kui Buffalo langus hakkas 1990ndatel tasanema. Seneca Buffalo Creeki kasiino avamisega 2007. aastal kaasnenud laiapõhjalised rohujuuretasandi protestid, mis olid linnale esitatud kui arengu ergutamise ja turistide ligimeelitamise vahendid, on linna uue lähenemisviisi ehk kõige olulisem näide: mitte Tuginedes ühepildilistele "hõbekuulilahendustele" linna probleemidele nagu kasiino, on Buffalo hakanud oma strateegiat kujundama teiste Roostevöö linnade edukale taaselustamisele, näiteks Pittsburgh ja Cleveland - strateegia, mis aktsepteerib reaalsust, et rasketööstus on lõplikult kadunud, ja selle asemel kasutatakse Buffalo ebatavaliselt suure hulga kolledžite ja ülikoolide väärtuslikku ressurssi mitmesuguste kõrgtehnoloogiliste tööstusharude, näiteks meditsiiniuuringute ja biotehnoloogia ettevõtmised, mis on idanenud kesklinnast põhja poole Buffalo ülikooli meditsiinikooli egiidi all. Ärirajoon, mis oli kunagi täis laudadega kaetud vitriine ja oli pärast tööpäeva lõppu ja nädalavahetustel peaaegu mahajäetud, on nautinud uut elujõudu tänu suuresti kasutusest kõrvaldatud kontoripindade muutmisele kesklinna tippklassi korteriteks ja korterelamuteks. kaup, mille järele avastasid paljud buffaloonlased üllatuse, et nõudlus oli märkimisväärne. Lisaks võib Buffalo kiidelda arhitektuuripärandiga, mis on endiselt märkimisväärne vaatamata 1960. aastate ebaõnnestumistele, elavale kultuuriasutuste hulgale ja igavesti madalale elukallidusele. Viimase paari aasta jooksul on see uus lähenemisviis Buffalo looduskaitsjate kogukonnas leidnud uue tugevuse, kodanike pühendunud pühendumuse sellistele kultuurilistele vaatamisväärsustele nagu Albright-Knoxi kunstigalerii ja Buffalo loomaaed ning kohaliku majanduse mitmekesistamine. Seevastu Buffalo traditsioonilisest rasketööstusest alles jäänud osa on saanud kasu Ameerika tööstuse tagasilöögist pärast 2008. aasta majanduslangust; näiteks vaatamata General Motorsi tolleaegsetele rahalistele probleemidele tegi see ettevõte märkimisväärseid investeeringuid lähedal asuvas tehases Tonawanda 2010. aastal, lisades selle käigus mitusada uut töökohta. Ehkki Buffalo ei ole oma rahvastikukaotust täielikult peatanud ja veel on vaja teha palju edusamme, on eksimatu see vähene nuhkimine, millega "Illusioonideta linna" elanikud end täna kannavad ja pärast aastakümneid kestnud langust taas võimenduvad.

Kliimakaart (selgitus)
Keskmine max ja min. temperatuurid ° F-s
SademedLund kokku tollides
Vaadake Buffalo 7-päevast prognoosi Andmed NOAA (1981–2010)
Meetriline teisendamine
Keskmine max ja min. temperatuurid ° C
SademedLund kogusummad millimeetrites


Ehkki Buffalol on kõige tuntum talvede poolest, on tal neli väga väljendunud hooaega.

Talve esimesel poolel, alates umbes novembrist, võib linn saada järveefektiga lumi: külmad tuuled, mis puhuvad üle Erie järve soojemate vete, koguvad palju veeauru, mis lumesajuna heidetakse kohe, kui nad maale jõuavad. Tavaliselt lõpeb see jaanuaris, kui järv lõpuks külmub. Vastupidiselt levinud müüdile pole Buffalo siiski kõige külmem ega kõige lumine linn riigis ega isegi New Yorgis. Buffalo lennujaamas on keskmiselt 236 cm lund talvel. Keskmiselt on Buffalol ainult 3 päeva aastas, kus registreeritud temperatuur langeb alla 0 ° F (-18 ° C). Buffalo lumine maine põhineb suuresti mõnel kuulsamal tormil: 77. aasta tuisk, 2006. aasta oktoobri üllatus ja 2014. aasta lumetorm "lumevember" said kõik meedias palju kajastust, kuid ükski neist asjad on tavalised pühvlitel talvel.

Kevad on vihmane ja jahtub kuni aprilli lõpuni. Temperatuurid võivad märtsis ja aprillis metsikult kõikuda. Ühel päeval pole lume nägemine ebatavaline ja teisel temperatuur 60-ndate aastate keskel Fahrenheiti (peaaegu 20 ° C).

Tüüpiline talvepäev Buffalo ajaloolises läänekülas.

Suvi kipub olema väga mugav ja päikseline - tegelikult on Buffalol päikeselisi suvepäevi rohkem kui ühelgi teisel USA kirdeosa suuremas linnas. Erie järve mõõdukad mõjud on lubanud Buffalol olla üks väheseid kohti Ameerika Ühendriikides, kus temperatuur pole kunagi jõudnud temperatuurini 100 ° F (38 ° C). Pühvel on keskmiselt 60 päeva aastas, temperatuur tõuseb üle 80 ° F (27 ° C).

Ka sügis on soe ja ilus. Temperatuur püsib tavaliselt piisavalt sooja umbes oktoobris ja võib jälgida, kuidas puud mugavalt värvi muudavad. Päevad on soojad, ööd jahedad ja esimene külm tuleb tavaliselt alles tublisti pärast Halloweeni. Lehtjahimeestele teeb rõõmu nii puude arv (Buffalo on ka üks rahva puupüsti täis linnu!) Kui ka ümbruskond.


Lisateavet Buffalo kohta käivate raamatute kohta, eriti raamatute kohta, mis leiavad aset konkreetses linna piirkonnas või on sellega seotud, leiate vastavatest raamatutest linnaosa artiklid.

  • Piiranguteta pühvel: tähistamine autor Laura Pedersen (ISBN 9781555917357). Autor on Buffalo põliselanik, kes on sellest kirjutamisest kirjutanud nii viisteist raamatut kui ka hulga näidendeid ja muusikale, millest paljud on asetatud tema kodulinna 1970ndate ja 80ndate noorpõlves. Kõigist neist teostest Piison puudub on see, kes püüab kõige paremini zeitgeisti. See humoorikate esseekogumik annab värvikommentaari Buffalo tõusust murest koos Pederseni varasema loomingu lapsepõlvemälestustes, mis on nüüd karastatud tervisliku annusega: optimism. Lugejatel võib algul olla raske sammu pidada naljade ja Buffalo-spetsiifiliste kultuuriviidete pideva vooluga, kuid peagi leiavad nad, et nad on kohaliku kultuuriga häälestunud viisil, mida vähesed külastajad kunagi kogevad.
  • Valguse linn autor Lauren Belfer (ISBN 9780385337649). On aasta 1901 ja selle plaanid Üle-Ameerika ekspositsioon edenevad palavikul. Louisa Barrett on Macaulay tütarlastekooli vallaline õppealajuhataja, naisliigutaja ja raputaja maailmas, kus domineerivad mehed. Tema uhkus ja rõõm on ristitütar Grace, kelle isa Tom Sinclair on jõukas tööstur, kes loodab igavesti muuta linna nägu unistusega ammutada elektrit Niagara joast. Kuid kui Delaware'i pargist leitakse mõrvatud hüdroelektrijaama peainsener, on kohalikus eliidis ebameeldiv võimuvõitlus selle üle, kes saab olema Buffalo tuleviku juhiistmel. Kõige selle keskel - ja tema õitsva armastuse Tomi vastu - võitleb Louisa tumeda saladuse koormaga, mille kombitsad tungivad sügavale Buffalo siniverelise aristokraatia alla. Valguse linn on Belferi debüütromaan, a tour de force ajaloolise ilukirjanduse kohta, mis on kriitikute poolt kiidetud, hoolikalt uuritud ja maalib Buffalost elava pildi kuldajastu kõrgajal.
  • Gangsterid ja organiseeritud kuritegevus Buffalos: ajalugu, hitid ja peakorter autor Michael F. Rizzo (ISBN 9781609495640). See lõdvalt organiseeritud tõeliselt kriminaalsete lugude kogumik algab üsna aeglaselt - jutustades lagedatest tänavajõukudest ja väikestest John Dillingeri wannabidest, kes röövivad 1920. – 30. Aastatel Poola East Side’il panku, kuid võtab peagi auru üles, kroonides tõusu. Buffalo Maffia perekonna ja tema lugupeetud don Stefano "Undertaker" Magaddino langus ja langus, kes oma baasist linna West Side'il (ja hiljem tagasihoidlik rantšo maja äärelinnas) Lewiston) kontrollis tohutut territooriumi, mis ulatus Ohiosse Montreal selle kõrgusel. Kõige parem on see, et kõigi raamatus kirjeldatud mõrvade, peidikute, klubide ja mänguhallide asukohad on hoolikalt dokumenteeritud, seda parem minna nende vanade gangsterite samme uurima ja jälgi ajama.
  • Väljapaistev restoranipidaja-cum-koduloolane Mark Goldman on kirjutanud triloogia raamatutest, mis sobivad nii akadeemilisele kui ka tavalisele publikule, mis üheskoos seisavad lõpliku analüütilise kommentaarina Buffalo allakäigu põhjustest ja sellest, kuidas kõige paremini aidata tal tagasi saada osa oma varasemast hiilgusest.
    • Suured lootused: Buffalo tõus ja langus, New York (ISBN 9780873957359). Kirjutatud 1983. aastal - võib-olla Buffalo ajaloo madalseis - jälgib Goldmani esimene raamat kuninganna linna lugu selle sünnist kui piiripunktist kuni päevani sumiseva siseveesadama ja tööstusliku hiiglasena kuni II maailmasõja järgse languseni. Sisse Suured lootused, Buffalot kasutatakse 19. ja 20. sajandi klassikalise linnaarengu musternäidisena, mille varandused on lahutamatult seotud Ameerika linna kui terviku majandusliku heaoluga.
    • Linn järvel: muutuste väljakutse New Yorgis Buffalos (ISBN 9780879755799). See raamat kaevandab suures osas eelkäijaga samalaadse pinnase - ja jagab oma diskreetsete vinjettide formaati, mis ühinevad laia ühtse pildi kujundamiseks -, kuid siin keskendutakse Buffalo ajaloo pöördepunktile, 1950. – 70. hiilgepäevad andsid teed postindustriaalsele vaesusele ja hädale. Rassilistest pingetest ja valgest põgenemisest kuni läbimõeldud linnade uuendamise skeemideni kuni majandusliku investeerimiseni välja Linn järvel analüüsib Buffalo 20. sajandi allakäigu kõiki tahke koos ülejäänud Roostevööga. Ent teravas kontrastis irooniliselt pealkirjastatud eelkäija pessimistliku tooniga on üldnoot ettenägelikult lootustandev, et juba 1990. aasta kuupäeval ei julgenud veel mõned kommentaatorid streikida.
    • Linn äärel: Buffalo, New York, 1900 - tänapäev (ISBN 9781591024576). Vaatamata sellele, mida alapealkiri võib soovitada, Linn äärel on palju enamat kui lihtsalt Goldmani kahe esimese loo kordamine - pimedat ajastut, mille Buffalo nüüd maha jätab, räägitakse lihtsalt eelmänguna sellest, mis võrdub armastusekirjaga kultuuriasutustele, tugevate kogukondlike sidemete ja ellujäämisvaimuga. torm ja on nüüd alus, millele ehitada taaselustatud Buffalo. Raamatu lõpp katkeb ülejäänud sarja mõõdetud akadeemilise tooniga, maalides roosaka pildi Buffalo parima stsenaariumi tulevikust ja pannes paika põhjaliku tegevuskava, kuidas (ja kuidas mitte) et sinna saada.


Buffalo seotuse Ameerika kinoga ajalugu ja ulatus võib mõnele üllatusena tulla. Filmiajaloo alguses Buffalo kesklinnas Ellicotti väljaku hoone oli koduks maailma esimesele spetsiaalselt ehitatud püsivale kinofilmile Vitascope'i teater, mille 19. oktoobril 1896 avasid Mitchel ja Moe Mark, kes mõned aastad hiljem ehitasid New Yorgis maailma esimese "filmipalee". Ka 1896. aastal saatis Thomas Edison kaamerameeskonnad Buffalosse, muutes selle üheks esimeseks linnaks Ameerikas, kes filmides osales. Edison lasi 1901. aastal ka üle-Ameerika ekspositsiooni filmida.

ÜRO egiidi all Buffalo Niagara filmikomisjon, piirkonnas on arenenud embrüonaalne filmitööstus, mis hakkab tootma mõningaid kvaliteedist sõltumatuid funktsioone. Need ja enam kui 100 filmi, mis on viimase sajandi jooksul Buffalo piirkonnas üles võetud, hõlmavad järgmist:

  • Peida tavalises vaateväljas (1980). Põhineb tõestisündinud lool. Töölisklassi abikaasa (James Caan) püüab jälile saada oma naisele ja lastele, keda tunnistajakaitse programm varjab.
  • Looduslik (1984). Robert Redford ja Glenn Close mängivad peaosa Bernard Malamudi romaani adaptsioonis, mis räägib salapärasest pesapallurist Roy Hobbsist, kes ilmub kuhugi välja, et 1930. aastate meeskonna varandust ümber pöörata.
  • Vamping (1984). Selles kohaliku emapoeg Frederick King Kelleri lavastatud noirish-indidraamas on Patrick Duffy alla-välja-saksofonimängija, kes seguneb kõverasse antiigipoe omaniku kavasse rikka lese kodu röövimiseks, ja kukub siis lõpuks sisse armastus oma ohvriga. Filmina on see tõepoolest väikese eelarvega amatöörlik segadus - kuid kui soovite saada hea ülevaate sellest, milline Buffalo 80ndatel välja nägi, on nael naelast veelgi parem vitriin kui Looduslik, tänu arvukatele kaadritele Allentownist, Lincoln Parkwayst, Larkinville'ist ja tollal äsja suletud Buffalo keskterminal.
  • Pühvel '66 (1998). Pühvlist pärit Vincent Gallo kirjutas, lavastas ja mängis selles kriitiliselt tunnustatud pimedas komöödias meest, kes lubas pärast vanglast vabanemist kuriteo eest, mille ta toime pani, jälile saada kogu aeg sinna asetatud Buffalo Billsi kohavalijale. sundides noort stepptantsijat (Christina Ricci) poseerima oma naisena, et teenida hooletute vanemate austust.
  • Manna taevast (2002). Näitlejad on tähtedega täidetud - Shirley Jones, Cloris Leachman, Seymour Cassel ja Frank Gorshin mängivad kõiki rolle ning see oli Jerry Orbachi ja Shelley Duvalli lõplik filmilavastus enne nende surma ja näituseärist lahkumist - kuid peaosa kuulub suhteliselt uustulnukale Ursula Burtonile, kes mängis nunni missioonil veenda oma ekstsentrilisi lapsepõlve naabreid maksma tagasi Jumalalt saadud "laenu", mis oli tulnud 20 aastat enne tema Buffalo naabruskonda salapärase dollariarvina. .
  • Metslased (2007). Laura Linney ja Philip Seymour Hoffman mängivad Wendyt ja Jon Savage'i, võõrandunud venda ja õde, kes saavad uuesti ühendust ja hakkavad oma düsfunktsionaalse elu kokkuvõtteid tegema pärast seda, kui nad on kokku tulnud, et viia oma eakas isa Buffalo hooldekodusse.
  • Henry kuritegu (2011). Keanu Reeves mängib endise Thruway teemaksu koguja rollis, kes pärast veetmist vanglas veetnud kuriteo eest, mille ta toime ei pannud, otsustab kätte maksta, hoides reaalses elus sama panka kinni, kelle röövimise eest oli vale süüdi mõistetud.
  • Ameerika pool (2016). Matthew Broderick, Janeane Garofalo ja Robert Forster olid kõik selles kilterittide filminoaris komeediks, kuid staar on kohalik esmakordne Greg Stuhr. Ta mängib väikesaegset eradetektiivi Charlie Paczynskit, kes Niagara joal striptiisimõrva mõrva uurides komistab kõrgel tasemel vandenõule, et luua Nikola Tesla äsjakaevatud "kadunud paberitest" avastatud realiseerimata leiutis.
  • Marshall (2017). Chadwick Boseman mängib nimiosa selles perioodilises teoses, mis järgneb noorele Thurgood Marshallile, tulevasele Aafrika-Ameerika ülemkohtu kohtunikule, tema advokaadikarjääri ühe esimese ja kõige olulisema juhtumi puhul: musta autojuhi kaitsmine (Sterling K. Brown ), keda süüdistati oma jõuka valge tööandja (Kate Hudson) vägistamises ja mõrvakatses 1940. aastal Connecticut.

Teave külastajate kohta

  • Külastage Buffalo Niagarat, 403 Main St., tasuta: 1 800 283-3256, . M-F 9.00–5.00, Sa 10.00–2.00. Ametlik külastajate ühendus Buffalo / Niagara Fallsi piirkonnas. Nende asukoht kesklinnas Brisbane hoone pakub teavet, brošüüre ja suveniire. Külasta Buffalo Niagarat töötab ka teine ​​külastuskeskus Buffalo Niagara rahvusvaheline lennujaam see on avatud M-Sa 6 AM-7PM, Su 6 AM-6PM.


Inglise keelt räägitakse Buffalos ja selle lähiümbruses praktiliselt universaalsetel alustel. Kuigi West Side on tuntud kui linna hispaanlaste kogukonna (peamiselt Puerto Rico ja Dominikaani elanike) kodu, suudab enamik Buffalo latiinosid rääkida nii inglise kui ka hispaania keelt. Ka West Side'is on Granti tänava ümbruses mitmekesine esimese põlvkonna sisserändajate kogukond, kellest enamik räägib lisaks emakeelele teatud määral ka inglise keelt (silmapaistvad on amhari, somaali, vietnami, birma ja bengali keel) ). Igal juhul ei ole West Side'i külastajatel keele osas olulisi probleeme.

Ehkki Buffalo naabruskond sisaldab palju elavaid etnilisi enklaave, suudavad nende rajoonide elanikud (välja arvatud mõned eakad inimesed) rääkida vähesest sõnast või fraasist või kahest oma esivanemate keelest.

Buffalos kõneldav inglise keele piirkondlik murre - eriti itaallaste ja töölisklassi poolakate seas - kuulub Põhja-Ameerika sisemaa inglise keele raamidesse, kõva, nasaalselt kergelt näpitud ninaga täishäälik kõlab sõnades nagu "auto" ja "peatus" "ja kõva" th "heli (kusjuures" sellest "ja" sellest "saab" dis "ja" dat ") defricativiseerimine, mis on koheselt tuttav neile, kes mäletavad" Da Bearsi "tüüpe Laupäevaõhtu otseülekanne. Sellegipoolest sisaldab Buffalo keerd Põhja-Sisemaa murdes mõningaid unikaalseid jooni, näiteks hääldatud sõna-lõplike plosioonide pühendamine ("külmast" saab "kolt", "vaibast" "rukkist") ja harjumus lõpetada laused sõnaga "seal" (hääldatakse "julgeks") umbes samamoodi nagu kanadalased kasutavad "eh?" - kaks kõnemustrit, mis on tuntud Buffalo poola kogukonnas.

Tule sisse


Vaatamata sellele fotole on Buffalo Niagara rahvusvaheline lennujaam on New Yorgi osariigi kõige aktiivsem lennujaam.

From the airport, Buffalo is accessible via four NFTA bus routes:

  • NFTA Metro Bus #24 — Genesee runs four different routes, three of which serve the airport. Bus #24B and Bus #24L run between the airport and Canalside via Genesee Street, also serving the Municipal Transportation Center. The latter of the two is advertised as a more convenient service with a limited number of intermediate stops, but in reality the difference in travel time between the L and the B is insignificant (42-43 minutes vs. 47-48 minutes), so it doesn't really matter which one you take. Express service is offered Monday through Friday by Bus #24X, with four inbound trips in the morning (leaving the airport at 6:03AM, 7:03AM, 7:33AM, and 8:03AM) and four outbound ones in the afternoon (leaving Canalside at 3:50PM, 4:20PM, 4:45PM, and 5:20PM). Travel time to and from the airport is about half an hour. Finally, if you plan to take the bus back to the airport at the end of your visit, make sure not to board Bus #24A, whose route ends at the city line in a not-very-nice neighborhood.
  • NFTA Metro Bus #47 — Youngs Road runs 15 times per day from Monday to Friday from the airport through Williamsville to the University Metro Rail Station, from which point downtown is easily accessible via the subway.
  • NFTA Metro Bus #68 — George Urban Express makes one trip in each direction Monday through Friday between the airport and the Buffalo-Exchange Street Amtrak station downtown, leaving the airport at 6:56AM and leaving the train station at 4:38PM. Outbound trips (towards the airport) also serve the Buffalo Metropolitan Transportation Center.

In addition, the Buffalo Niagara International Airport is served directly by a number of intercity bus lines; see the "By bus" section. All buses, NFTA and long-distance, are boarded at the bus lane on the east side of the terminal, on the arrivals level. This is also where Uber and Lyft (see "Ride sharing" section below) pick up.

Buffalo Airport Taxi's stand, as well as a number of rental car facilities, are found directly across from the terminal's main exit, on the arrivals level. For more information on taxi service and car rental, see the "Get around" section below.

For those who are coming by private plane and want to avoid the congestion of Buffalo Niagara International Airport, the closest alternative is Buffalo Airfield aastal West Seneca. Other general-aviation airports in the vicinity include Buffalo Lancaster Regional Airport aastal Lancaster, Akron Airport aastal Akronja North Buffalo Suburban Airport aastal Lockport.

By car

The New Yorgi osariigi Thruway (Interstate 90) runs east to west and connects Buffalo to other major cities and regions — New York City, the Hudsoni org, Albany, Utica, Syracuseja Rochester to the east, and Erie and Cleveland to the west. The New York State Thruway is a toll highway over most of its length, with the sole exception of the toll-free portion between Exits 50 and 55, which roughly corresponds to Buffalo's inner-ring suburbs. The New York State Thruway Authority accepts E-ZPass for toll payment, as well as cash.

Interstate 190 begins at Exit 53 of I-90 near the city line, extending west into downtown. At that point, it turns northward and mostly parallels the Niagara River, linking Buffalo to Niagara Falls and extending onward to Canada via the Lewiston-Queenston Bridge. Interstate 290 links I-90 with I-190 via Buffalo's northern suburbs. Interstate 990 runs southwest-to-northeast through suburban Amherst between I-290 and the hamlet of Millersport, after which point Lockport is easily accessible via NY 263 (Millersport Highway) and NY 78 (Transit Road).

If coming from Ontario, Queen Elizabeth Way (QEW) is the best way to access Buffalo. The most direct border crossing into Buffalo, the Peace Bridge, is at the end of the QEW in Fort Erie. Other bridge crossing options include the Rainbow Bridge in Niagara Falls, along with the Lewiston-Queenston Bridge in Lewiston. All of these bridges are easily accessible from the QEW; follow the well-posted signs.

By car, Buffalo is about two hours from Toronto, one to one and a half hours from Rochester, two and a half hours from Syracuse, and six to seven hours from New York City.

Average wait times at the various border entries vary: at the Peace Bridge in Buffalo/Fort Erie and the Rainbow Bridge in Niagara Falls, wait times over 30 minutes are unusual on most days other than holiday weekends, whereas at the Lewiston-Queenston Bridge, the norm is 30-60 minutes, more on holiday weekends.

By train

Buffalo is accessible from the east and west by Amtrak, which services two stations in or near Buffalo.

  • Buffalo-Depew (BUF) is at 55 Dick Rd. in the suburb of Depew, about 8 miles (12 km) east of the city. The Buffalo-Depew station can be reached by cab or (with considerable difficulty) via NFTA Metro Bus #46 — Lancaster.
  • The Buffalo-Exchange Street (BFX) station is downtown at 75 Exchange St., near the Buffalo Metropolitan Transportation Center, and is directly accessed by a number of NFTA Metro Bus routes. Unlike Buffalo-Depew, there is no QuickTrak Machine and the ticket office is not open for certain departures. Passengers needing to purchase or pick up tickets for a departure when the ticket office is closed will need to do so in advance of the date of departure, or print out an e-ticket from online. Tickets can also be mailed to you, but this option is slower and more expensive. Fares, schedules, and reservations are available through Amtrak.

Buffalo is served by the following Amtrak lines:

  • The Empire Service runs from New York City via Yonkers, Croton-on-Hudson, Poughkeepsie, Rhinecliff, Hudson, Albany (Rensselaer), Schenectady, Amsterdam, Utica, Rome, Syracuse, and Rochester, and continues past Buffalo to Niagara Falls.
  • The Maple Leaf, which runs from Toronto via Oakville, Burlington (Aldershot), Grimsby, St. Catharines, Niagara Falls, Ontario, and Niagara Falls, USA, then continues to New York City along the same route as the Empire Service.
  • The Lake Shore Limited, which, unlike the Empire Service and Maple Leaf, only serves Buffalo-Depew. Eastbound trains on this route travel from Chicago via South Bend, Elkhart, Waterloo, Bryan, Toledo, Sandusky, Elyria, Cleveland, and Erie. Westbound trains begin either at Boston or New York City; trains from Boston proceed to Albany via Framingham, Worcester, Springfieldja Pittsfield; with trains from New York City making stops at Croton-on-Hudson and Poughkeepsie. At Albany, the two routes converge and trains follow the same route as the Empire Service, stopping at Schenectady, Utica, Syracuse, and Rochester.

By bus

The Buffalo Metropolitan Transportation Center, at 181 Ellicott St. downtown, serves as Buffalo's hub for intercity buses, a stop on most NFTA Metro Bus routes, and the city's main taxi terminal.

The following bus routes serve the Buffalo Metropolitan Transportation Center:

Service from Jamestown via Fredonia, Dunkirk, and various points in between.
Service from Olean via Franklinville, East Aurora, Buffalo Niagara International Airport, and various points in between.
Service from DuBois via St. Marys, Bradford, Olean, Salamanca, Ellicottville, Springville, and various points in between.
Service from Cleveland via Ashtabula and Erie (not all runs stop at all intermediate cities).
Service from New York City via Newark, Binghamton, Cortland, Syracuse, Rochester, Batavia, and Buffalo Niagara International Airport (not all runs stop at all intermediate cities).
Service from New York City via Scranton, Binghamton, Ithaca, Geneva, Rochester, and Batavia.
Service from Boston via Worcester, Springfield, Albany, Schenectady, Amsterdam, Utica, Syracuse, Rochester, Batavia, and Buffalo Niagara International Airport (not all runs stop at all intermediate cities).
Service from Toronto via Mississauga, Burlington, Grimsby, St. Catharines, Niagara Falls, and Fort Erie (not all runs stop at all intermediate cities).
Service from New York City via Syracuse, Rochester, and Buffalo Niagara International Airport.
Service from Toronto via St. Catharines, Niagara Falls, and Fort Erie (not all runs stop at all intermediate cities), and onward to the Buffalo Niagara International Airport.
Service from Washington, D.C. via Baltimore and Philadelphia.


As the place where the Erie Canal met vast Lake Erie, Buffalo's early growth came thanks to the Great Lakes shipping industry. Nowadays the canal has been rerouted to end downstream in Tonawanda, but that's not to say that the canal and the lake aren't still a fairly common, if novel, way to arrive in Buffalo. The West Side, downtown, and the Outer Harbor boast a variety of places for boats to dock. For visitors, the best place to dock is:

  • Erie Basin Marina, 329 Erie St., 1 716 851-6501. Season lasts May 1st-Oct 15th. The Erie Basin Marina is not only one of the premier venues in Buffalo for locals and visitors to moor their boats, it's also a true waterfront destination in itself — the marina boasts two restaurants (The Hatch for burgers, hot dogs, and the like, and William K's for more upscale fare), the verdant Erie Basin Marina Gardens, an observation tower boasting stunning views of Buffalo's downtown and waterfront, and even a waterfront boardwalk that leads to a small swimming beach. As well, the Ship Store at the base of the observation tower (M-F noon-6PM, Sa-Su 10AM-7PM in season) stocks a full range of snacks, boating supplies, and essentials such as sunscreen, and there's also a fueling station. The Erie Basin Marina is within easy walking distance of Canalside and the Naval and Military Park. Transient slip rental based on length of boat, $1.90 per foot per day.

Get around

For most visitors to Buffalo, access to an automobile will prove extremely useful, if not quite utterly necessary. Buffalo's public transportation system provides access to the majority of the metropolitan area. Travelling around the city proper by public transit can be relatively hassle-free, especially on weekdays; however, transit riders travelling to the suburbs should be prepared for service that is infrequent (and, on the weekends, often non-existent).

The Kensington Expressway approaches its western terminus in downtown Buffalo.

By car

In addition to the Interstate highways mentioned in the "Get In" section, Buffalo has several intraurban expressways useful to visitors:

  • The Kensington Expressway (NY 33) begins at the airport on Genesee Street, proceeding westward through the suburb of Cheektowaga and the East Side before turning southward and concluding downtown at Oak Street.
  • The Scajaquada Expressway (NY 198) is a short highway that connects the Kensington Expressway with Interstate 190. The Scajaquada is a convenient route to the neighborhoods of Parkside and the Elmwood Village, the popular commercial strips of Hertel Avenue and Grant Street, as well as attractions like Delaware Park, the Albright-Knox Art Gallery, the Buffalo History Museum, the Darwin D. Martin House, and the Burchfield Penney Art Center.
  • The Buffalo Skyway (NY 5) begins downtown at I-190, extending southward parallel to the shore of Lake Erie with access to Gallagher Beach, Tifft Nature Preserve, and other Outer Harbor attractions. After passing over the Union Ship Canal via the Father Baker Bridge, the divided highway ends, but Route 5 continues as a wide, busy six-lane surface road (variously known as the Hamburg Turnpike, Lake Shore Road, or simply Route 5) that passes through the suburban areas of Lackawanna and Hamburg and continuing southward along the lake shore.

Buffalo's highway system was designed for a city twice its size (a reflection of the population loss the area has undergone between the 1950s and today); as a result of that, the city does not suffer nearly as much from traffic congestion as other U.S. cities. Rush hour, such as it is, occurs on weekdays roughly from 6:30AM-9AM and from 4PM-6:30PM. A good rule of thumb the locals know is that, even at the height of rush hour, it generally takes no more than 30 minutes to drive from downtown to the outer edge of suburbia.

Rental cars

Rental car facilities can be found mainly at the Buffalo Niagara International Airport. Alamo, Avis, Eelarve, Dollar, Enterprise, Hertzja National all have offices directly on airport property, while the Buffalo locations of ACE and Fox Rent A Car operate out of the Quality Inn across the street.

In addition, Hertz, Eelarveja Enterprise all operate smaller car rental facilities at various locations in the city itself. See the various district articles for more information on those.

Car sharing

Members of the Zipcar car-sharing program can access vehicles in the Buffalo area from various locations in the city, as well as from the North Campus of the University at Buffalo in nearby Amherst. See the district articles for further information.

Ride sharing

After what seemed like an eternity of political wrangling, New York's state legislature fully legalized ride-sharing in June 2017, whereupon both Uber and Lyft immediately started operating in Buffalo. As of November 2017, pricing for both includes a booking fee of $2.15, plus a base fare of $1.10, plus 22¢ per minute and 95¢ per mile on top of that, või a minimum total fare of $7.35 (Uber) or $5.20 (Lyft). There's also a $3.00 surcharge for service to and from the Buffalo Niagara International Airport for Lyft, but not Uber. Surge pricing comes into effect during certain periods of high demand, and can inflate the above prices drastically.

By public transportation

Buffalo's public transportation system is operated by the Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority (NFTA). They run a single-line light rail system (the Metro Rail) as well as an extensive bus network. The NFTA system is focused around three main nodes. From largest to smallest, these nodes are located in downtown Buffalo, at University Station (at the outer end of the Metro Rail), and at the Portage Road Transit Center in Niagara Falls. Most of the buses whose routes begin and end downtown access the Buffalo Metropolitan Transportation Center directly; many also service the Buffalo-Exchange Street Amtrak station.

The Metro Rail extends along Main Street from the University at Buffalo's South Campus at the northeast corner of the city southward to Canalside in downtown Buffalo, a distance of 6.4 miles (10.3 km). With nearly 25,000 riders per day, the Metro Rail boasts the third-highest number of passengers per mile (km) among light-rail systems in the United States. The northern portion of the system is below ground. As the subway enters the downtown core, at the Theater District, it emerges from the tunnel and runs at street level for the remainder of its length. Rides on the above-ground portion of the Metro Rail are free of charge. To ride in the underground portion of the system, it costs $4 for a round-trip ticket, or $2 for a one-way ticket. The Metro Rail is a popular mode of transportation for employees and residents who live along the line and north of the city to commute downtown, and also for attendees of downtown events who want to avoid paying high prices for parking.

The NFTA eliminated the zoned fare system in October 2010. Generally speaking, rides on a single bus or light rail vehicle now cost $2.00 regardless of length. The exception is the "Enhanced Express" service introduced by the NFTA in September 2012 and applied to Routes #60 — Niagara Falls Express, #64 — Lockport Express, and #204 — Airport-Downtown Express, as well as to selected runs of Routes #69 — Alden Express and #72 — Orchard Park Express. An additional 50¢ surcharge per trip applies on Enhanced Express buses.

There are no free transfers between buses. Passengers who will need to transfer from the bus to the Metro Rail, from the Metro Rail to a bus, or between bus lines should consider purchasing a day pass for $5. For further information on public transit in Buffalo including schedules and maps of individual routes, visit the NFTA Metro webpage.

By taxi

In Buffalo, taxis can generally be dispatched quickly and with ease; however, in general, the only places where they can be hailed on the street are at the airport and around the Metropolitan Transportation Center, the various downtown hotels, and (at certain times, and with some luck) Allentown, the Elmwood strip, and around the colleges and universities.

By bike

As in many cities, bicycling as an alternative method of transportation is growing more and more popular in Buffalo. However, in terms of the development of infrastructure such as dedicated bike lanes on city streets and bike parking areas, Buffalo lags behind many other "bikeable" cities such as Minneapolis, Portland, and Boston. Despite this, scenic bike routes such as the Shoreline Trail and the Scajaquada Creekside Bike Path are immensely popular with locals, and under the aegis of the city's newly adopted "Complete Streets" program, dedicated bike lanes and other rights-of-way are being added to more and more of the city's streets.

GO Bike Buffalo is the local organization that promotes and advocates for cycling and other sustainable transportation alternatives in Buffalo. The Community Bicycle Workshop they operate at 98 Colvin Ave. in North Buffalo offers used parts and complete refurbished bikes for sale, as well as special programs periodically throughout the year.

Reddy Bikeshare has about three dozen bike racks around the city, including this one on Delaware Avenue downtown.

Bike sharing

After a three-year pilot program that was a smashing success, the erstwhile Buffalo BikeShare relaunched in July 2016 as Reddy Bikeshare, with Independent Health newly on board as a corporate sponsor. Almost instantaneously, the bright red bikes and racks became a ubiquitous sight along city streets. Today, Reddy has 200 bikes to tool around town on, each GPS-equipped with Social Bicycles (SoBi) technology. Rates are $8.50 for a 30-day membership or $55 for an annual membership, after which point use of the bikes costs 6¢ and 1¢ per minute, respectively.

To use a Reddy bike, sign in to the SoBi mobile app to find and reserve an available bike at any of the various Reddy racks around the city (or simply walk up to a rack and enter your account number and PIN on the bike's keypad to unlock it). Then, when you're finished, simply lock your bike up at any Reddy rack, or else at any public bike rack within one of Reddy's free parking zones (Elmwood Avenue, Allen Street, Main Street downtown, and two locations on the South Campus of UB). There's a $2 fee for locking a Reddy bike up anywhere other than a Reddy rack or free parking zone. If you need to stop off somewhere along the way, you also have the option to "hold" your Reddy bike, which will enable you to lock it temporarily without incurring the $2 parking fee and without the bike becoming available for reservation by other users. When you're ready to take off again, simply enter your PIN number on the bike's keypad and you're good to go.

See the district articles for the locations of individual Reddy bike racks.


For individual listings of attractions, please see the respective district articles.


Buffalo's wealth of cultural attractions is surprising given the city's somewhat small size. The museums here are many and varied, and are a point of pride for Buffalo's citizens. Arguably the most interesting among them are a great number of institutions that focus on the area's past. Those who are curious about Buffalo's rich history are advised to first stop in at the gargantuan Buffalo History Museum which focuses on the city's history in a general sense, then take your pick of the smaller, more specialized museums — the Lower Lakes Marine Historical Society Museum to learn more about the Great Lakes shipping routes that gave Buffalo its importance as an inland port, the Colored Musicians Club Museum or the Nash House Museum for African-American history in Buffalo, the Buffalo Transportation Pierce-Arrow Museum for the story behind Buffalo's importance in the early-20th century automotive industry, the Buffalo Fire Historical Society for the history of firefighting in Buffalo, and more.

Buffalo City Hall is seen in this view down Court Street from Lafayette Square. Built in 1931 from a design by the local firm of Dietel & Wade, it is widely considered one of the world's finest examples of Art Deco architecture.


More so even than its range of cultural attractions, Buffalo's art scene is huge for a city its size, with galleries large and small to suit all tastes. The Museum District at the north end of the Elmwood Village is the site of Buffalo's two largest art galleries, the beautiful Albright-Knox and the Burchfield-Penney. The Buffalo Religious Arts Center is an off-the-beaten-path gem in Black Rock, dedicated to preserving the statuary, icons, stained glass, and other objets d'art from the many churches and other houses of worship that have closed in the wake of Buffalo's late-20th-century population losses.

Smaller storefront galleries are plentiful, and are concentrated in some of Buffalo's more interesting areas, such as Allentown, Theater Districtja Hertel Avenue — as well as, increasingly, emerging artistic communities on the Lower West Side, sisse Grant-Amherst, and just south of the Theater District in the 500 Block of Main Street.


More and more, Buffalo's exquisite and well-preserved architecture has grabbed the attention of locals and tourists alike. Buffalo's architecture took center stage when the 2011 National Preservation Conference was held in the city to unanimous acclaim. Buildings from almost every decade of Buffalo's existence are still preserved, with more being restored each year.

An enormous wealth of information about Buffalo's rich architectural heritage is available at the award-winning website, Buffalo Architecture and History.


Buffalo is a great place to enjoy the outdoors — especially in the warm months. A side effect of Buffalo's notoriously nasty winters is that locals really make the most of the warm-weather months. Predictably, in March or April on the first nice day of the year, the streets are thronged with pasty-skinned locals, dressed in shorts and tank tops despite the still-chilly temperatures, ravenously drinking in the fresh air and sunlight after the long, bleak winter. Autumn is also a pleasant time to be outdoors in Buffalo, with the crisp, fragrant air a perfect complement to the crunch of fallen leaves underfoot.

The city of Buffalo contains over 200 parks, both large and small. Among the largest and most interesting of Buffalo's parks were designed by Frederick Law Olmsted, unquestionably the greatest landscape architect of the 19th Century, in conjunction with his then-partner Calvert Vaux. Buffalo's Olmsted parks are an interconnected network of six large parks and six smaller green spaces (three of the latter survive today), linked to each other by wide, tree-lined thoroughfares called parkways modeled after the grand boulevards of Paris. Though he would go on to design similar park systems for other cities, Buffalo's is the oldest and one of the best-preserved Olmsted park systems in existence — and the Buffalo Olmsted Parks Conservancy, the not-for-profit that's been in charge of maintenance of the Olmsted park system since 2004, is hard at work repairing and restoring elements that have been lost over the years to put the parks in even better shape than they are now.

Nearly 150 years after it was constructed, Delaware Park continues to fulfill the intent of its designer, allowing citizens of Buffalo to escape into nature without leaving the city limits.

The Olmsted parks that will be of the most interest to visitors are Delaware Park, Buffalo's largest at 234 acres (93 ha) which boasts amenities including the Buffalo Zoo, a Rose Garden and a Japanese Garden, and public art installations, and South Park, which contains the Buffalo & Erie County Botanical Gardens. Additionally, though it's not an Olmsted park, LaSalle Park has an outdoor amphitheater, baseball and soccer fields, a dog run, and walking and jogging trails in a beautiful waterfront setting overlooking Lake Erie.

Speaking of which: as if to defy the ugly, intrusive Interstate 190 and Buffalo Skyway that run along the shoreline, Buffalo's waterfront is becoming more and more of a focal point for outdoor recreation. Situated in the heart of downtown, Canalside is ground zero for waterfront recreation in Buffalo, with summertime concerts and festivals held seemingly every day in the midst of preserved remnants of the historic Canal District. A number of harbor cruise lines are also based at Canalside, as is the Buffalo and Erie County Naval and Military Park.

Parkland is also abundant on Buffalo's waterfront. In addition to the aforementioned LaSalle Park, Broderick Park is a small green space at the southern tip of Unity Island that's most famous as the northern end of the Bird Island Pier, a 1.3-mile (2 km) walkway with an unparalleled view of the mouth of the Niagara River, lower Lake Erie, and — at its southern tip — the Erie Basin Marina and downtown. Further north, Riverside Park is an Olmsted park at the far northwest corner of the city, adjacent to the Niagara River. Deserving of special mention is the Outer Harbor, a vast expanse of former industrial land south of downtown that became a state park in September 2013. The Outer Harbor features Gallagher Beach, a pebble beach popular with boaters and windsurfers, as well as Times Beach Nature Preserve and Tifft Nature Preserve, where walking trails meander through wetland habitats filled with migratory birds and native fauna.


Festivals and events

Buffalo's calendar of annual festivals, parades and events is huge and growing. Ethnic pride festivals such as the Buffalo Greek Fest, Buffalo Italian Heritage Festivalja Dyngus Day play a preeminent role, though a diversity of events of all kinds is enjoyed by citizens. Naturally, the lion's share of these festivals take place during the warm months, but efforts have been made to expand the slate of offerings in winter as well.

The festivals and events listed in this section take place at multiple venues city- or regionwide. For events specific to a particular venue or neighborhood, see the respective district articles.

  • Buffalo Pride Festival. The gay rights movement emerged later in conservative, blue-collar Buffalo than it did in many other American cities. However, every year since 1991 in early June, the Buffalo Pride Festival has been helping LGBT Buffalonians and their straight allies make up for lost time, with a festive atmosphere of fun and entertainment infused with a message of tolerance for all people. The Buffalo Pride Festival is multifaceted and multi-venue: it kicks off with a flag-raising ceremony in Niagara Square proudly attended by Buffalo's best and brightest, continues with a "Gay 5K" footrace through the streets of downtown, picks up intensity in Allentown with the Dyke March and a raucous street festival (21 admitted) that sees Allen Street awash in rainbow flags, live music and performances, and street activism, and culminates with the Pride Festival itself in Canalside, a family-friendly event featuring food and drink, entertainment, and information booths. The festival closes out each year with a beach party at Woodlawn Beach State Park in Hamburg.
  • National Garden Festival. This "five-week-long garden party" has, since its inception several years ago, turned Buffalo into one of the premier destinations in the U.S. for garden tourism. Under the aegis of the National Garden Festival fall not only Garden Walk Buffalo, the centerpiece of the festivities that The Atlantic magazine cited as the best event of its kind in the nation, but also many other garden walks throughout the various neighborhoods of Buffalo (and, beginning in 2012, even in the suburbs!) where participating residents design and maintain beautiful gardens in their front yards for walkers to enjoy. In addition, there are bus tours of the area's various urban farms, nurseries, and community gardens, weekday Open Gardens, speakers, symposia and the popular Front Yard Garden Competition. The Buffalo and Erie County Botanical Gardens, Erie Basin Marina Gardens, Delaware Park's Japanese Garden and Rose Garden, and even the Elmwood-Bidwell Farmer's Market are, understandably, replete with visitors during the National Garden Festival. Garden Walk Buffalo Wikipedias
  • Buffalo Infringement Festival. This celebration of genre-defying, boundary-pushing DIY art and spectacle by artists who may not have the straight-world cachet or blockbuster budgets of those who display at the Allentown or Elmwood Avenue festivals takes place annually on the last week of July and the first week of August. Displays of music, dance, theater, and visual arts, as well as more offbeat genres such as puppetry, fire art, mime, and "miscellaneous insurrection", can be seen at a multiplicity of venues around the city free or for a nominal price.
  • Jack Craft Fair. Lovers of everything artisanal, take note: since 2014, the Jack Craft Fair has been at the service of Buffalonians and visitors alike with a panoply of decorative and functional objets d'art — the handiwork of over 100 different artists and artisans — for sale every mid-August at a different venue each year. But this is far from your average junk sale: aside from the live music performances, interactive public art displays, and roster of about a half-dozen workshops for those who'd like to try their hand at their own DIY project, the Jack Craft Fair's lineup of vendors is carefully and rigorously curated by founder and lead organizer Sam Epps, the better for visitors to experience the true crème de la crème of the Western New York and Southern Ontario creative community. Tasuta.
  • Buffalo International Film Festival. Founded in 2006, the not-for-profit Buffalo International Film Festival is presented yearly by the Buffalo Film Society in late September and early October with a mission of highlighting the cinematic contributions of individuals of the past and present who hail from Western New York. Furthermore, the Buffalo International Film Festival's focus also includes exposing people in Buffalo and the surrounding region to exciting works of film by lesser-known individuals around the world who represent a diverse array of cultures, ethnicities, and educational backgrounds. An exciting array of workshops and symposia are also presented. Buffalo rahvusvaheline filmifestival Vikipeedias


Make no mistake about it — Buffalo is a sports town. Buffalonians are doggedly loyal to their teams despite the fact that the city hasn't won a national championship in any of the big four American sports since 1965 — the four fruitless trips to the Super Bowl by the Buffalo Bills and two to the Stanley Cup Finals by the Sabres in the intervening years are losses that local fans have been looking to avenge for a long time.

Major-league sports are played downtown at the KeyBank Center, where the National Hockey League's Buffalo Sabres have their home ice, and at New Era Field in suburban Orchard Park where the Buffalo Bills play for the National Football League.

Buffalo has a number of teams in smaller leagues as well. These teams tend to be more successful on the field than the big-league clubs. Baseball's Buffalo Bisons have won seven pennants in the AAA-level International League and American Association, most recently in 2004; they play at Sahlen Field downtown. The Buffalo Bandits play indoor lacrosse at the KeyBank Center and have won four NLL championships. Soccer fans will want to check out the NPSL's FC Buffalo; matches take place at All-High Stadium on Main Street. Finally, the city's newest sports team, the Buffalo Beauts, play their National Women's Hockey League opponents at the HarborCenter.

In the world of college sports, the University at Buffalo's Buffalo Bulls reign supreme. Bulls football and basketball games are played on the North Campus in Amherst, at UB Stadium and Alumni Arena respectively. Canisius College's Golden Griffins, who play at the Koessler Athletic Center on Main Street and the HarborCenter downtown, also have a sizable local following.


Golfers visiting the area might want to check out the suburbs first; public and private courses are plentiful outside the city limits. However, those who want to hit the links in Buffalo itself can do so in style. No fewer than three of Buffalo's Olmsted parks — Delaware, Cazenoviaja South Parks — boast golf courses (the former has 18 holes, the latter two have nine), and the Grover Cleveland Golf Course in University Heights is famous as the site of the 1912 U.S. Open. See the district articles for more details on individual courses.

Anglers cast their lines into the Upper Niagara River at Broderick Park.


Buffalo is a hotspot for freshwater fishing, with a remarkable diversity of species thanks to its location at the junction of Lake Erie and the Niagara River, which each feature different scenarios for anglers.

In Lake Erie, the marquee catch is smallmouth bass: the Queen City has been recognized by Bassmaster magazine as one of the top three bass fishing destinations in the United States. If you're angling from shore — say, at Buffalo Harbor State Park või Ship Canal Commons in South Buffalo — the prime times are early May through mid-June and October through November, just after the lake thaws and before it freezes again. The bass move to cooler waters in midsummer, but if you have a boat, they're still easily catchable at those times in the deeper parts of the lake. Most of the bass you'll catch will be between 2 and 4 pounds (1 and 2 kg), though it's not unheard of to reel in whoppers of 6 or 7 pounds (3 kg) from time to time. Aside from bass, Lake Erie has some of the best walleye fishing you'll find anywhere, with average catches ranging from 5 to 8 pounds (2.5 to 3.5 kg), as well as muskellunge (especially around the mouth of the Buffalo River) and yellow perch.

The Buffalo River boasts its share of fishing spots too — notably RiverFest Park, Conway Park, Mutual Park, Seneca Bluffs, and other green spaces in the emerald necklace of the Buffalo River Greenway. Despite generations of heavy industry that once left it an ecological dead zone, the river was cleaned up enough by the early 1980s for fish to filter their way in once again, and today a typical catch might include bullhead, largemouth bass, yellow perch, and steelhead trout.

The upper Niagara River, meanwhile, is a great place to catch steelhead, lake trout, and northern pike which teem in its cool, fast-flowing waters all season long. This is also a place to find smallmouth bass in the summer months, when the shoreline areas of Lake Erie are too warm for them. Unity Island is the place to be for river fishing in Buffalo — folks from the West Side's Burmese refugee community reeling in dinner for their families are a regular sight at places like Broderick Park, Bird Island Pierja Unity Island Park. (But think twice before you follow their lead in eating your catch: though the Niagara River and Lake Erie have come a long way in terms of pollution, it's advised to severely restrict if not completely avoid eating fish caught in local waters. For more specific information, see the New York State Department of Health Fish Advisory.)


It's no Vegas, but gamblers have a number of options in and around Buffalo.

The $130 million permanent home of the Seneca Buffalo Creek Casino in the historic Cobblestone District opened in 2013 and expanded only four years later; it boasts over 1,100 slot machines and 36 table games. The Buffalo Raceway, on the grounds of the Erie County Fair in the suburb of Hamburg, has slot machines, video poker, and, in season, live harness racing.

Further afield, there are several other destinations for fans of horse racing, slots, and other gaming (Niagara Falls foremost among them). See the Go next section for more on those.

The heart of downtown Buffalo's Theater District, with its great variety of performance venues, restaurants, and other attractions.


For a city its size, Buffalo has a surprisingly large, active, and diverse theater scene. Even after the closure in 2008 of the biggest producing theater in town, the Studio Arena Theatre, the Theater District, bounded roughly by Washington, Tupper, Franklin, and Chippewa Streets, has remained vibrant, with Curtain Up!, the gala event that marks the opening of the theater season, drawing larger-than-ever crowds downtown each September.

There are plenty of theaters outside the Theater District as well, many of which are connected to the theater programs of the various colleges and universities in the area. See the district articles for details.

Live music

For listings of individual venues, see the various district articles.

Despite the many directions in which it has evolved over the decades — from the soulful, R&B-influenced "Buffalo Sound" of the '60s exemplified by local acts like Raven and The Vibratos (the latter featuring a young Cory Wells, later lead singer of Three Dog Night), to a thriving punk, hardcore and new wave scene in the early '80s, to a ragtag brotherhood of vaguely jangly alternative acts in the '90s, to the kaleidoscopic diversity of today — one thing that's always remained the same about Buffalo's music scene is its tight-knit camaraderie, its loyalty to its hometown fan base, and, despite the occasional native son or daughter that's gone on to greater fame (notably Rick James, Ani DiFranco, Brian McKnight, the Goo Goo Dolls, and most recently the Griselda Records hip-hop collective), its relative obscurity outside the confines of the local area. Buffalo may not have the reputation of Austin, but as a live music town it's worthwhile for locals and visitors alike.

Major national touring artists usually take the stage downtown. The biggest of the big stars — your U2's, your Rolling Stones — usually play at the KeyBank Center, or occasionally at New Era Field out in Orchard Park. But downtown also has a handful of midsize concert venues such as the Town Ballroom, Mohawk Place, and the Rec Room that play host to second-tier acts. Visitors from north of the border might be surprised to see many Canadian groups that haven't yet "made it big" in the States playing to packed houses at places like the Town Ballroom — long lacking decent homegrown rock radio, local fans have taken a shine to Toronto stations and, as a result, bands like the Tragically Hip are huge draws in Buffalo. As well, summertime brings well-known names to the outdoor Canalside Live concert series, and Babeville, on Delaware Avenue on the northern fringe of downtown, is both the headquarters of Righteous Babe Records, the label helmed by Buffalo's own Ani DiFranco, and the site of Asbury Hall, a concert venue situated in a former church that regularly hosts shows by Righteous Babe's stable of folky indie singer-songwriters and other artists of the same ilk.

Kui otsite kohalikku muusikat, on kaks leviala naabruskonda Allentown ja Grant-Amherst. Allentowni baaridele meeldib Hertsogi Boheemlaste salu ja korruselised Nietzsche oma on suurepärased kohad, kus kodumaiseid rokkareid ja lauljate-laulukirjutajaid oma asja ajamas näha - tavaliselt umbes kaks tosinat ansamblit esinemiskohtade vahel "muusikalisi toole" mängimas. Ehkki see on haruldane, näete aeg-ajalt isegi riiklikult tuntud nime nendes kohtades lavale astumist (tundub, et see juhtub kõige sagedamini hertsogi juures). Grant-Amherstis tabate tõenäolisemalt riiki, bluusi või root-rocki - Grant-Amhersti muusikalise stseeni tuum, Spordimeeste kõrts, nimetab end "linna kõige teravamaks, kõige õrnemaks õlletootjaks".

Ka muud tüüpi muusikahuvilised ei jää külmast kõrvale: blues näitab Main Streetil Central Parki grill on kohalikult legendaarsed, jazzifännid saavad ajaloolises ajaloolistel kontsertidel osaleda Värviliste muusikute klubi või vaadake lisatud muuseumis kohaliku muusika ajaloo väljapanekuid ja Kleinhansi muusikasaal, kus asub Buffalo Filharmooniaorkestri kohus, on riiklikult registreeritud ajalooline koht, mille on kujundanud täiusliku akustikaga arhitektid Eliel ja Eero Saarinen.


Buffalos elab palju era- ja avalikke kolledžeid ning ülikoole. Piirkonna suurim kool on Buffalo ülikoolis (UB). Üks programmi neljast ülikoolikeskusest New Yorgi osariigi ülikool (SUNY) süsteem on UB tuntud kui suur riiklik teadusülikool. Sel põhjusel on see üks maineka Ameerika ülikoolide assotsiatsiooni 62 valitud liikmest. UB-l on kaks ülikoolilinnakut: väiksem Lõuna ülikoolilinnak asub University Heitsi naabruses linna kirdenurgas ja suuremas Põhja ülikoolilinnak asub Amhersti äärelinnas, umbes 6 miili (6 km) lõunaosakonnast kirdes.

Buffalo osariigi kolledž, mis on samuti osa SUNY süsteemist, asub Albright-Knoxi kunstigalerii vastas, Elmwood Village'i põhjaosas. Canisiuse kolledž on Buffalo suurim erakolledž, mis asub Humboldti pargitee ja Peatänava ristumiskoha lähedal. Muude linna ja selle lähiümbruse kolledžite ja ülikoolide hulka kuuluvad Trocaire'i kolledž, Medaille'i kolledž, Villa Maria kolledž, D'Youville'i kolledž, Daemeni kolledžja kolm ülikoolilinnakut Erie kogukonnakolledž.

Buffalo ülikoolis toimub igal aastal Austatud kõlarite sari, mis on mänginud Bill Clintoni, Al Gore'i, Michael Moore'i, dalai-laama, Stephen Colberti ja dr Sanjay Gupta saatejuhte. Need sündmused toimuvad Põhja-ülikoolilinnakus ja on avalikkusele avatud; pileteid saab ülikooli kassast. UB-l on tasuta suve loengute sari avalikkusele kättesaadav ja Buffalo osariigis on seda regulaarselt sündmused külastajatele avatud.


Üksikute poodide nimekirja leiate vastavatest linnaosa artiklid.

Buffalol on mitmeid huvitavaid ostupiirkondi, millest igaühel on oma maitse.

Elmwoodi avenüü, Elmwoodi küla selgroog, on armas butiikide, kunstigaleriide, kõnniteekohvikute ja peenete restoranide rahvarohke läbisõit.

The Elmwoodi küla ulatub mööda Elmwoodi avenüüd Buffalo osariigi kolledžist lõunas kuni North Streetini. See piirkond sisaldab mitmesuguseid väikseid poode, millel on väga "iseseisev" tunne - siit ei leia palju riiklikke ketipoode ega restorane. Elmwoodi avenüü eripära on moodsate linnalaste toitlustamiseks mõeldud luksuslikud rõivabutiigid; see on ka hea koht, kus otsida kohapeal toodetud kunsti ja ehteid, omapäraseid kingitusi ja mõnda parimat Buffalo söögikohta.

Allentown on koondunud kogu Alleni tänava pikkuses Mainist Wadsworthi tänavani, kuid eriti Linwoodi avenüüst läände. Elmwood Village'iga külgneval ja mõnes mõttes sarnasel küljel on Allentownil rohkem boheemlaslikku ja kunstilist õhkkonda, võrreldes Elmwoodi sageli õppivate üliõpilaste ja juppidega. Hipsteribaaride leviku keskel näete palju antiigipoode, väikeseid kunstigaleriisid ja linnaliku stiiliga rõivakauplusi.

Herteli avenüüPõhja-Buffalos Delaware'i ja Parkside avenüü vahel asub kasvav sortiment väikepoode. Hertel on koht, kus saab sirvida kunstigaleriisid, osta antiikmööblit ja kaasaegset mööblit ning kodukaunistusi. Terrapini jaamja proovige Lähis-Ida kööki paljudes restoranides ja bodegades riba läänepoolses otsas, Delaware avenüü lähedal.

Grant Street, mis kulgeb põhjast lõunasse läbi Upper West Side'i, on kahe kiiresti taaselustatud ostupiirkonna peamine läbisõit selles kiiresti gentrifikatsioonis linnaosas. (Umbes) West Delavani avenüü ja Hampshire Streeti vaheline lõik, mille keskpunktiks on West Ferry Street, on tulevane kaubandusriba, mida nimetatakse Grant-Ferry. Tõeline "sulatusahi", kus aastaid elanud hispaanlastega on liitunud somaallased, kagu-aasialased, araablased, idaeurooplased ja Buffalo osariigi kolledži üliõpilased, on Grant-Ferry koduks tagasihoidlik, kuid kasvav etniliste toiduturud, rõivakauplused ja nii edasi. Samuti Grant-Amherstaastal Amhersti tänava nurgal lühikese vahemaa kaugusel põhjaosas nimetati aastal Buffalo parimaks võistluseks Buffalo parimaks tulevaseks naabruskonnaks. Artvoice. Grant-Amherstil on väike, kuid kasvav kunstigaleriide, antiigipoodide ja restoranide kogu, mis asub Buffalo osariigi kolledžist jalutuskäigu kaugusel. Külalisi tuleks siiski hoiatada, et vaatamata pidevale tõusule on Grant Streeti ümbruses olevad naabruskonnad endiselt palju "rämedamad" kui sellised kohad nagu Elmwoodi küla ja Allentown.

'Burbsist leiate tavapärase kaubakeskuste ja väljakute koosseisu. Piirkonna suurim kaubanduskeskus on Walden Galleria, Waldeni avenüül Cheektowagas, 10 minuti kaugusel kesklinnast Kensingtoni kiirtee ja / või Interstate 90 kaudu. Teiste hulka kuuluvad Boulevardi ostukeskus Amherstis, McKinley Mall Hamburgi ja Orchard Parki piiri ääres Eastern Hills Mall aastal Selgus. Buffalos endas on linna põhja servas Delaware'i ja Elmwoodi avenüüde vahel väike ala, kus asuvad kaubanduskeskused, suurkastipoed ja ketirestoranid.


Pühvel on suurepärase toidu varjupaik.

Kohalikud toidud

Kanoonilised pühvli tiivad: tiivad, seller, sinihallitusjuust, õlu ja niisked rätikud.
  • Ükski külastus pole täielik ilma mõnda proovimata Pühvli tiivad. Oh, kindlasti, kõik mõtleb nad on neid proovinud, kuid miski pole võrreldav nendega, mida saate Buffalos saada. (Aga palun mitte helistama neile "pühvli tiivad"; siin on nad lihtsalt "tiivad".) Klassikaline retsept, mis pärineb 1964. aastal Ankrubaar Main Streetil on kanafilee, mis on praetud krõbedaks, seejärel visatud või ja kuuma kastme segusse (Franki punane kuum parimate tulemuste saavutamiseks) erinevates proportsioonides vastavalt teie vürtsitaluvusele, seejärel valikuliselt viimistletud grillil, et saada natuke lisakogust. Arutelu selle üle, kes serveerib linna parimaid tiibu, on lõputu ja sageli tuline, kuid üldjuhul minge Buffalo ühte paljudest pekstud teeristidest.
Kui te pole Buffalo kastme austaja, pakub praktiliselt kõikjal menüüs tiibadega alternatiiviks grillkastet. Muud sordid, millega sageli kokku puutute, on küüslauguparmesan, sidrunipipar (eriti populaarne Buffalo Aafrika-Ameerika kogukonnas), mesi sinep ja "Itaalia stiil" (st. paneeritud ja lämmatatud marinara kastmes). Või millegi jaoks tõeliselt ainulaadne, suunduge Lõuna-Buffalosse, millel on alati oma paaritu naabruskond kodumaine stiil tiibu, mida te mujalt Lääne-New Yorgist ei leia, maailmast rääkimata.
  • Suures osas samas mõttes: kui teile meeldib kana sõrmed, on teie jaoks vaevalt parem koht kui Buffalo. Nagu iga teine ​​linn, võite kindlasti leida neid iseenesest toiduna, kuid siin tulevad need ka tükeldatuna ja kasutatakse pitsakatteks, tacos, salatites ja - ennekõike - kujul kana sõrme subs, terved kana sõrmed, mis valati Buffalo tiibkastmesse ja mida kasutati täidisena allveelaevade võileivas, lisaks lisaks salati, tomati ja sibula standardsetele maitseainetele ka sageli sinihallitusjuustukastmega. Variant on Stinger sub, põhimõtteliselt praad-hoagie pluss kananäpud. Kõik linna alamkauplused või pitsakohad peaksid suutma teha teile kana sõrmede alaosa, kuid lemmikuks on koefitsient kohalik kett Jimi praad, kus see leiutati.
  • Väljaspool frititud kana on veel üks kohalik eripära veiseliha weck, võileib, mis koosneb õrna, mahlase aeglaselt röstitud veiseliha viiludest, mis on kihile pandud kümmelweck rull (Kaiseri rull, millele on lisatud köömneid ja Kosheri soola) ja mis on traditsiooniliselt kaunistatud mädarõigaga, seda parem. Igas kohas, kus serveeritakse kuumaid võileibu, on menüüs tõenäoliselt veiseliha, kuid kaks restorani, mille veiseliha on weckil kohalike seas kõige paremini mainitud, on Schwabli oma (Kesk-maanteel Lääne-Senecas) ja Charlie Butcher (vt allpool).
  • Texas kuumad, hoolimata nende nimest, ei leiutatud aastal Texas, kuid Buffalos, kus nad said alguse ainulaadse pakkumisena piirkonna Kreeka restoranides (Seneca Texas Hots väidab, et teenib neid esimesena, ehkki see on vaidluse küsimus). Texas hot on hot dog, mis on kaetud sinepi, sibula ja vürtsika lihakastme või tšilliga; valmistoodang sarnaneb Detroitis pakutavate "Coney Islandi" hot-dogidega, kuigi Texase kuumade tšillikaste on konsistentsilt kergem ja õhem.
  • Sellest rääkides: Kreeka toit on Ameerika Ühendriikides muidugi vaevalt tundmatu, kuid Buffalos on see köök, millel on üllatavalt pikk ajalugu ja lai haare - seal on olnud Kreeka söögikoht alates 1960. – 70. aastatest praktiliselt igas piirkonnas. Kuid Buffalol pole eriti suurt Kreeka kogukonda, mis siis annab? Kõik läheb tagasi Theodore Liarosele, kes avas armastatud kohaliku hot dogi keti esimese asukoha Tedi omad aastal sisserändajate traditsioon, et rahvakogukonnad tulevad kokku uute saabujate abistamiseks: aja möödudes tulid üha enam kreeklasi - mõned Liarose perekonna kauged sugulased, mõned vanad sõbrad kodulinnast. Buffalo, õppis Tedi juures restoraniäri ja lõi siis ise välja. Isegi tänapäeval on Kreeka kohalike restoranipidajate nimekiri endiselt peresuhete ja abielude sassis võrk. Toidu osas pakuti traditsiooniliselt nendes kohtades kreeka tänavatoidu amerikaniseeritud versioone souvlaki, güroskoop ja spanakopita tavaliste söögihindade kõrvale nagu burgerid ja sulatatud võileivad. See mudel on endiselt äärelinnas ülekaalus, seal on ka tõenäolisem, et põrkate kokku sellise mudeliga, mis hoiab kinni vanast traditsioonist jääda ööpäevaringselt avatuks. See tava läheb üha enam mööda teed, sest vahetustega tehase töökohad kaovad ja kolledžilapsed kasvavad hilisõhtute jaoks sobivamaks, et testis tuupida kui pidutseda. Kuid paljud Kreeka sööjad linnas - eriti Pano oma, Müüdidja Akropol Elmwoodi avenüül; Allentowni oma Restoran Towne on tähelepanuväärne erand - on leiutanud end taas kõrgema taseme veenides, pakkudes üha loomingulisemaid menüüelemente, suuremat sisekujundust ja kõrgemaid hindu.
Kui soovite proovida Chiavetta kana, peate kõige paremini hoidma silmi selliste märkide eest.
  • Võti Chiavetta kana (tavaliselt lühendatult vaid "Chiavetta") on marinaad, küüslaugu- ja siidriäädikal põhinev keedus, mis on immutatud ürtide ja vürtside salajase seguga (haritud oletuste hulka kuuluvad tavaliselt must pipar, Worcestershire'i kaste ja võib-olla ingver, sibulapulber ja kodulindude maitseained), kus liha istub umbes neli tundi enne söegrillil küpsetamist. Tulemus on õrn ja uskumatult mahlane, nahal on vaid vihje krõbedale söele. Kui see kõlab ahvatlevalt, on teil mitmeid võimalusi: Chiavetta looduslikeks elupaikadeks on kiriku muruüritused, tuletõrjeosakondade korjandused ja muud sellised mitteametlikud üritused või kui juhtute olema linnas Erie maakonna laat, minge Chiavetta Catering Company enda boksi, et see otse allikast kätte saada. Teil on palju raskem seda restoranidest leida: kui te ei pääse Lockporti külastama Chiavetta grillimisvõimalus, võite proovida Tiivakuningad Elmwoodi avenüül, mille mitmekümne kana tiibakastmete sordi hulka kuulub üsna täpne Chiavetta knockoff. Ja kui kõik muu ebaõnnestub, leiate marinaadi enamike kohalike supermarketite riiulilt (kui teete seda ise, kasutage parimate tulemuste saamiseks kondiga reied; rinnad ei ima maitset samuti).
  • Gaseerimata tumelilla karastusjook, mille maitset võiks kirjeldada kui ülimagusat ja üldiselt puuviljalist, loganberry ei ole just kohaliku piirkonna päritolu - marja hübridiseeriti aastal Californias aastal 1883 ning sellest valmistatud joogid, želeed ja siirupikontsentraadid olid sajandivahetuse paiku lühike üleriigiline moehullus - kuid ainult Buffalos oli sellel püsiv jõud. Kuninganna-O oli suurema osa 20. sajandist suur kohalik villija, kuid küsige siinsetelt vanaaegadelt nende loganberry mälestusi ja nad räägivad tõenäoliselt Crystal Beach, omaaegne lõbustuspark, kus seda ei pakutud mitte ainult joogina, vaid ka loganberry maitsega pulgakommide ja kommidena. Tänapäeval Rosie tädi oma on tuntuim kaubamärk, mille retsept põhineb Crystal Beachi valemil ning mille omanik ja eksklusiivselt levitab kohalik Pepsi-Cola villimisettevõte (mitte PepsiCo ise, mis selgitab kaugelt selle kättesaadavuse puudumist väljaspool Buffalot). Rosie-tädi on saadaval ainult kohalikes sooda purskkaevudes, nii et kui soovite, et pudel suveniiriks supermarketist koju viiks, otsige Johnnie Ryan kaubamärk hoopis villitud Niagara joale.
  • Kalapraad on Buffalo põhitoode, mis võlgneb oma olemasolu Rooma katoliikluse traditsioonilisele ülekaalule kohaliku kodanike seas - kunagi oli keelatud praktiseerivatel katoliiklastel reedeti punast liha ja linnuliha süüa. Kuigi see keeld pole kehtinud alates 1960. aastatest, on reedeõhtuste kalamarjade nautimise traditsioon kinni jäänud. Traditsioonilises retseptis nähakse tohutuid kilttursa- või tursafileesid, mis on kaetud jahuga, õllega purustatud ja frititud kuldpruuniks, seejärel viimistletud tartarikastme ja / või sidrunimahlaga ning serveeritud külgedega, mis võivad sisaldada friikartuleid, kapsasalatit või võib-olla makarone salat. Soovi korral võite mõnes Buffalo kenamas restoranis süüa kalamarja, kuid see on hingelt ikkagi töölisklassi toit ja vastavalt sellele pakuvad nagu tiivad parimat kalamarja väiksemad naabruskonna kastmisaugud ja rasvased lusikad. Eeldage, et kalamaimude read on paastuajal eriti pikad (tavaliselt veebruar-apr, kuigi see varieerub aastati), kui endiselt kehtib reedeti liha mittesöödav reegel.
  • Pühvel on ka oma kiltkivi kommid, saiakesed ja maiustused kohaliku päritoluga:
    • Käsnkommid, kuigi see on (vastupidiselt kohalikule arvamusele) mitte ainulaadne Buffalo piirkonnale, on neist tuntuim ja leiate selle igast kohalikust kommipoest, mis on selle soola väärt. Pruun suhkur, maisisiirup ja söögisooda segatakse kokku paksuks siirupiks ja seejärel küpsetatakse, vabastades viimasest süsinikdioksiidi mullid, mis jäävad tahkudes segusse kinni ja muutuvad iiriseks, tekitades krõmpsuva, võre sisekujunduse . Seejärel kaetakse kogu asi šokolaadiga. The Fowleri oma šokolaadipoodide kett väidetavalt müüb kõige paremini, kuigi tema konkurendid Watsoni oma ja Parkside kommid paluks erineda.
    • Buffalot külastavad jäätisesõbrad ei peaks vaevuma küsima selle päritolu kohta Mehhiko päikesepuna, mis on varjatud hämarusega, kuid peaks kasutage võimalust, et kaevata selle vaniljejäätise soolase-magusa lemmiku hulka, millele on lisatud kuum kohmakas, vahukoor ja - see on peamine koostisosa - naha peal olevad Hispaania maapähklid. Suvel on see menüüs ükskõik millise kohaliku omandis oleva jalutuskäigu jäätise stendiga, mille leiate linna ümbrusest; kui külastate jahedamatel kuudel, on teie parim valik minna Nick Charlapi maiustused mäel Lääne-Senecas.
    • The Charlie Chaplin, kus hakitud kookos ja hakitud india pähklid lisatakse sulatatud šokolaadile ning valatakse seejärel koheva vahukommi hulka ja puistatakse üle jämesoolaga, loodi väidetavalt samanimelise filmitähe 1917. aasta visiidi ajal Buffalosse oma filmi esilinastuse ajal. Seikleja. Maasika saar, Et Broadway turg idapoolsel küljel on hea koht nende leidmiseks; nad serveerivad oma pulga peal, erinevalt palkidest või tükkidest nagu mujalgi.
    • Lõpuks saia südamed, tuntud ka kui inglitiivad, on lamedad, südamekujulised lehttaigna tükid, mis on kaetud paksu valge suhkru glasuuriga kestaga, mis on väliselt ideaalselt kõva ja kuiv ning seest pehme, hanine ja seentelt magus. Nad on kohaliku Poola kogukonna eripära; Mazureki pagariäri vanas esimeses palatis ja Valge Kotka pagariäri eelmainitud Broadway turg on head valikud, kust neid saada.


Restoranide nimekirja leiate vastavatest linnaosa artiklid.

Kui see piirkond oli kunagi suures osas kujutlusvõimetu küpsiste lõikurite restoranide ja "rasvaste lusikate" pärusmaa, siis kohalikud elanikud nõustuvad, et Buffalo söögikohad on viimase kahekümne aasta jooksul jõudnud kaugele. Üha uuendusmeelsemaid ja kvaliteetsemaid asutusi on ilmunud üha sagedamini ja külastajad - isegi need, kes on varem Buffalos käinud - võivad valikute hulgast meeldivalt üllatuda.

Umbes samamoodi nagu jaemüügipoodide puhul, näib, et igal Buffalo piirkonnas on restoranide osas oma eripära. Üldiselt pea kesklinnas Lääne-New Yorgis on uhkeima peene einestamise pakkumiseks Elmwoodi küla eest Kreeka sööjad ja dudebro spordibaarid Allentown pärast öist baarihüpetamist kainenema "purjus toidu" plaadi kohal, Hertel rikkaliku koduse Itaalia köögi jaoks või Ida pool grillimis- ja hingetoiduks. Ja kui olete Aasia meeldivate maitsete austaja, saate oma lahenduse kas West Side või äärelinnas, peaaegu Hiinalinnas, mis ühineb Amherstis kahe UB ülikoolilinnaku vahel.

Sellest rääkides: Birma köök seda on mujalt riigist raske leida, kuid tänu sisserändajate ja pagulaste elavale kogukonnale on see nii ühines West Side'il alates aastatuhande vahetusest on see Buffalos üsna populaarne. Kaks kuulsamat müüjat on West Side'i turg Granti tänaval ja kohalik kett Päike (algne asukoht Niagara tänaval Black Rockis; oksad kesklinnas, peal Herteli avenüüja Williamsville'is), kuigi mõlemad on kindlalt Lääne-New Yorgi toidupoiste radaril, varieerub autentsus. Kulinaariapuristid peaksid suunduma Riverside, kust nad leiavad hulga alternatiivseid võimalusi.

Kohalikud ketid

Enamiku riiklike ketirestoranide asukohti leiate Buffalost. Siiski uhkeldab Buffalo ka mitmeid kohalikke ja piirkondlikke kette, mis on lääne New Yorkerlaste armastatud ja mis on kohaliku köögi põhitoiduks.

  • Ankrubaar. Hardcore tiibade armastajad saavad teha palverännaku "Algse Buffalo kana tiiva kodu"Main Streetil kesklinnast põhja poole, et kõikvõimalikke kanatiibade-teemalisi T-särke ja muid kaupu kätte saada, kuid tagurpidi on see, et see on võib-olla ainus koht Buffalos, mida võib õigustatult nimetada" turistilõksuks "koos kõigi tähelepanematus toidu kvaliteedi ja klienditeeninduse suhtes tähendab see mõte. Hea rusikareegel neile, kes tahavad lihtsalt tiibade taldrikule torgata, on kinni pidada oksakohtadest (kaks Amherstis, üks Niagara joas, hooajaline stend kell Darieni järv teemapark ja lennuala Buffalo Niagara rahvusvaheline lennujaam Cheektowagas): erinevus on tõesti öösel ja päeval. Lisaks tiibadele sisaldavad pakkumised ka mitmesuguseid salateid, võileibu (sealhulgas seda muud Lääne-New Yorgi köögi silmapaistvat toitu, veiseliha weck) ja lihtsat, kuid südamlikku Itaalia piletihinda. Ankruriba Vikipeedias
  • Andersoni oma. Alates 1946. aastast on Andersoni perekond opereerinud seda sissesõiduahelat, mis on suvekuudel tohutult populaarne buffaloonlastele. Andersoni üks eripära on rostbiif; kohaliku maine järgi nende veiseliha weck on läbitava kvaliteediga, kuid võrreldes sellega kahvatub Charlie Butcherja Schwabli oma. Andersoni tõeline tugevus seisneb siiski nende magustoiduvalikus, kus pakutakse peadpööritavat sorti külmutatud kreemikaste, piimakokteile, maitsestatud jäätisi, kõvasid ja pehmelt pakutavaid jäätiseid ning päikeseloojangut. Andersoni seitsme asukoha hulka kuuluvad restoranid Põhja-Buffalos ning Amhersti, Cheektowaga, Kenmore, Lancasteri, Lockport'i ja Williamsville'i äärelinnas.
  • Bagel Jay oma. Endised omanikud Bagel Bros., mis uhkustas enne ettevõtte müüki oma kõrgusel kaks tosinat asukohta, on tagasi samade hõrgutavate kotlettidega, mida buffaloonlased armastasid. Bagel Jay's kolmes asukohas (üks Delaware'i avenüül Põhja-Buffalos ja kaks Amhersti äärelinnas) pakutakse laias valikus New Yorgi stiilis bageleid - nii traditsioonilisi sorte nagu seesam, moon, sibul kui ka uuenduslikke sellised nagu tomatipesto ja jõhvikapelsin - sama laia valiku tavaliste või maitsestatud toorjuustukreemidega. Pakutakse ka erinevaid hommikusöögivõileibu ja tumedalt röstitud kohvisid. Lõuna ajal on populaarne muljetavaldav valik võileibu, suppe ja salateid.
  • Charlie Butcher. Charlie Roesch ei olnud veiseliha leiutaja - see au kuulub Schwabli oma, mis avati 1837. aastal Lähis-Ida poolel ja kolis hiljem Lääne-Seneca äärelinna - kuid tema ja tema järeltulijad on kindlasti teinud kõige rohkem selle Buffalo eriala populariseerimiseks väljaspool lähipiirkonda. Charles E. Roesch and Company lihunikupood asutati 1914. aastal ja tegutses üle kaheksa aastakümne Broadway turg, mille ametlik omanik on aastatel 1930–1934 ka Buffalo linnapea. Tema lapselaps Charles W. tegeleb pereettevõttega algselt. Charlie Butcheri köök Williamsville'is, Charlie Butcher Carvery Elmwoodi külas ja neli Charlie Butcher Express asukohad kesklinnas, samuti Amhersti äärelinnad, Orchard Park ja East Aurora.
Allentowni asukoht Jimi praad.
  • Jimi praad. Jimi Steakouti kreedo - "Kui sa oled üleval, siis oleme ilmselt avatud" - on selle keti armastanud klubimeestele, üliõpilastele ja mitmesugustele öökullidele kogu Buffalo piirkonnas. Jimi juures serveeritakse burgereid, tacosid, mähiseid, kanatiibu ja sõrmi ning sarnast laadi kiirtoitu, kuid see on nende kuulus praehagid (klassikaline sort on salat, tomat, sulatatud juust, praetud sibul ja Jimi Salakaste), mis selle koha tõesti kohalikule radarile pani. Jimi Steakoutil on viis asukohta Buffalo linnas (Allentownis Chippewa tänava meelelahutuspiirkonnas, Elmwoodi külas, University Heightsis ja Põhja-Buffalos) ning viies äärelinna asukohas (kaks Amherstis ja üks Tonawandas, Lääne-Senecas). ja Ida-Aurora).
  • Louie Texas Red Hots. 1967. aastal asutatud Louie's on ilmselt Buffalo kõige tuntum koht, mis on spetsialiseerunud Texase kuumadele kohtadele, kuid menüüs on ka muid tavapäraseid kiirtoiduklambreid, nagu tavalised hot-dogid, burgerid, piimakokteilid, kana sõrmed, friikartulid jms. . Texase päritolu levib seas Buffalo Kreeka immigrantide kogukond avaldub ka menüüs - huvitav võimalus on fetaga valmistatud juustuburgerid, lisatellimusena on pita leib ja saadaval on Kreeka magustoidud nagu riisipuder ja baklava. Louie'sil on linnas kolm asukohta (Põhja-Buffalo, Kensington-Bailey ja Elmwoodi küla), samuti neli äärelinna asukohta (Lääne-Seneca, Depew, Orchard Park ja Põhja-Tonawanda).
  • Marco Itaalia deli. Marco Sciortino, pikaajaline peakokk Marco Itaalia restoran West Side'is on veetnud umbes viimase kümne aasta oma New Yorgi elanike armastust südamliku ja maitsva Itaalia köögi vastu oma kasvava Marco Itaalia Deli frantsiiside nimekirjaga. Maitsvad võileivad on siin reegel, uhkustades parimaid Boar's Headi delikaatseid lihasid ja juustusid ning unustamatuid monikereid nagu "Don Corleone", "How-You-Doin" ja "Unusta ära". Pakutakse ka suppe, salateid, burgereid ja panini. Lisaks originaalsele restoranile, kus pakutakse laiemat valikut eelroogasid, on asukohad Põhja-Buffalo Herteli avenüül ja kaks Amhersti äärelinnas.
  • Vägev Taco. Võib-olla suurim ja tuntuim kohaliku päritoluga ketirestoran Mighty Taco on Mehhiko kiirtoidurõivas, mis asutati 1973. aastal ja millel on nüüd 21 asukohta kogu metroo piirkonnas. Selle koha populaarsus kohalike seas on nii suur, et Taco Bell suleti Buffalo turult kuni 1990. aastateni ja Mighty müüginäitajad jäid endiselt palju suurema rahvusvahelise konkurendi omadele kääbusteks. Allkirjade eripärad on El Niño Burrito ja nende ulatuslik "Roastitos" rida, aga ka hooajalised pakkumised nagu Chipotle Chili ja BBQ Beef Burritos. Mighty Taco on tuntud ka ainulaadsete, pisut psühhedeeliliste reklaamide poolest, mida nad kohalikus televisioonis esitavad, eriti hilisõhtul. Vägev Taco Wikipedias
  • Racheli Vahemeri. "Nagu Chipotle Vahemere toidu jaoks ", ühe arvustaja sõnadega: Racheli juures valite oma lemmikud näiliselt lõputu liha-, köögivilja- ja lisandite loendist, mida saab kohandada teie enda pakendisse, salatisse või riisikaussi. Gyro ja souvlaki on sisse lülitatud punkti, kuid puristid võtavad teadmiseks: selle koha definitsioon on veider ja räige vale shawarma (nende versioon on põhimõtteliselt praetud kartulitega püreestatud kana-souvlaki). Lisage küljele - hummus ja tabbouleh on populaarsed võimalused - ja teil on hea minna. Lisaks algsele asukohale, mis Williamsville'i peatänaval ikka veel tugev on, on asukohad UB Põhjala ülikoolilinnakus Amherstis, Chippewa tänava kesklinnas ning Cheektowagas ja Hamburgis.
  • Tedi kuumad koerad. Kuumad koerad, keda Liarose perekonna kolm põlvkonda on teeninud selles kohas alates 1927. aastast, on teinud Tedist Buffalo kohalike traditsioonide seas armastatuimate. Söega küpsetatud koertel on nominaalse lisatasu eest saadaval ketšupi, sinepi, sibula ja hapukurgi maitseained, samuti tšilli ja juust - tuleb siiski märkida, et Tedi tšillikaste erineb selgelt teie omast. Leian Texase kuumadest kohtadest. Burgerid, friikartulid, sibularõngad, piimakokteilid ja karastusjoogid (sealhulgas loganberry) ümardavad pakkumisi. Kahjuks suleti Tedi esialgne asukoht West Side'i veepiiril 1990. aastatel, kuid kettil on endiselt üheksa asukohta kesklinnas ja Amhersti, Cheektowaga, Lancasteri, Lockporti, Põhja-Tonawanda, Orchard Parki, Tonawanda ja Williamsville'i äärelinnas - või hüpake Internetis ja vaadake, kas Tedi toidusõiduk "Charcoal Chariot" ilmub teie läheduses. Tedi kuumad koerad Vikipeedias

Täiendavate ahelate kohta, millel puudub asukoht linnas, vaadake artiklit vastav jaotis meie artiklis Niagara piir.


Toiduautod on lõpuks Buffalosse jõudnud ja nad on sensatsioon. Täna töötab Buffalos mitukümmend toiduautot, mis pakuvad kõike, alates tavalistest hot dogidest ja tacodest kuni ebatavalisemate valikuteni, nagu elegantsed kriimustatud magustoidud, gurmeetooted fusion köök ja karnevali hinnad. Toiduautode kasv Buffalos pole olnud siiski ilma omajagu võitlust: 2013. aastal esitati ühisnõukogus ettepanek, mida toetasid paljud kohalike "statsionaarsete" restoranide silmapaistvad omanikud, uute pesude loetelu kohta toiduautosid alistati vaid intensiivsete rohujuuretasandi pingutustega napilt. Viimasel ajal on piir toiduautode ja telliskivirestoranide vahel hägustunud: paljud viimastest on kasutanud lähenemisviisi "kui te ei suuda neid võita, liitu nendega" ja käivitanud oma toiduautod. kui mõned kõige populaarsemad veoautod on oma edu laiendanud, avades oma tellistest ja mördist koosnevad restoranid, mis on ka mobiilsete toimingute jaoks eelköögid.

Allpool olev loetelu sisaldab mõningaid Buffalo populaarsemaid toiduautosid (välja arvatud need, mis on tellistest ja mördist koosnevate restoranide spinoffid, kuid ka need, mis alustasid toiduautodena ja avasid hiljem restorane). Toiduautosid võib kõige sagedamini leida kesklinnast või Allentownist, Elmwoodi külast, Põhja-Buffalost ja Larkinville'ist; kui asute äärelinnas, on kontorikomplekside parklad veel üks sagedane koht. Paljud toiduautod hoiavad Facebooki fännilehti ja / või Twitteri vooge, mis värskendavad fänne, kuhu nad poodi rajavad.

  • Juustune tibu, 1 716 418-2241. Grillitud juust on siin mängu nimi, kuid need pole teie tavalised võileivad: Cheesy Chick serveerib selle lapsepõlve põhitoidu näiliselt lõpmatuid permutatsioone, pakkudes kõige värskemaid kvaliteetseid koostisosi. Buffalonialased, kes otsivad mugavustoitu liikvel olles, saavad valida pidevalt muutuva ja hämmastavalt rikkaliku hulga spetsiaalsete võileibade hulgast; Cheesy Chicki valmistised hõlmavad juustude kombinatsioone tavapärasest cheddarist brie ja havarti, leibu Itaaliast haputaignast kaneel rosinast panini ja loomingulisi lisandeid nagu prosciutto, kapsasalat ning värsked õunad ja pirnid. Tagasihoidlik valik grillimata juustu pakkumisi sisaldab valikut magustoite, salateid ja (hooajal) kuumaid suppe. Cheesy Chicki mitmeaastane Achilleuse kand on nende teenus, mis ulatub kiirest ja sõbralikust kuni aeglase ja ükskõikseni.
  • Leegitsev kala, 1 716 279-9725. Flaming Fish käivitas 2014. aastal, et vastata mereandide austajate üleskutsele, kes otsivad Buffalo toiduautot, et helistada enda omale, ja tegi seda aplombiga: see on kohalikul areenil üks hinnatumaid veokeid. Laias laastus on mereannid siin kahes vormis: paneeritud ja praetud sordid (krevetipoiss on populaarne toode võileivaplaadil ja kilttursa fileed on ligipääsetav ligikaudne Reedene kalamari Buffaloonlased on seda nautinud juba põlvkondi, ehkki portsjonid on siin pisut väiksemad) ja värskete, maitsekate kalatakodena, mis on The Flaming Fishi menüüs tõepoolest silmapaistev punkt. Hinnad on õiglased, klienditeenindus pole võrreldamatu - ainus halb asi, mida võite öelda, on nende veebisait, mis liialdab nende inimeste jaoks pakutavate pakkumiste mitmekesisusega, kellele mereannid ei meeldi (sel juhul valige quesadillade ja praadhagie vahel).
  • Frank Gourmet Hot Dogid. Nime "gurmaan" pole naljaasi - ehkki nad pakuvad teile rõõmsalt standardset ketšupi / sinepi / sibula / maitset, on selle koha süda ja hing kunstiloomingus, näiteks tulises "Püha Moly", kus sriracha ja jalapeñose kuumust karastab veidi värske guacamole, magus-soolane "Violet Beauregarde" juustuga, krõmpsuv praetud sibul ja (arvasite ära) mustikaglasuur ning truu võtmine Chicago hot dog. De rigueur linnas, kus Tedi omad on hot-dogide kuningas, Franki koerad on küpsetatud ja kasutavad ainult kõige värskemaid koostisosi, mis on toote jaoks, mis suudab selle pikaajalise kohaliku keti piletihinnaga vastu pidada. Kui soovite pigem istuda laua ja toolide juurde kui süüa ühte neist räpastest segudest, minge Franki iseseisvasse restorani Kenmore'is.
  • Munchi maja, 1 716 866-0106. Aastaid enne seda, kui nad hakkasid osalema muudel üritustel või lihtsalt linnatänavatel ringi liikuma, olid karnevalid üks koht, kust toiduautosid hõlpsasti leida - ja isegi tänapäevani on karnevali toiduautod eristav kogemus, peaaegu nende enda žanr köögist. What to do for visitors to Buffalo who won't be in town for the Erie County Fair or other such events, yet still want their fix of fried dough (the house specialty), regular or loaded fries, cotton candy, corn dogs, and the like? House of Munch is the answer. The food is reliably good, house-made birch beer to drink is an authentic nod to an old-fashioned hometown favorite, and though prices are high, they're the only game in town for those looking to mine this offbeat culinary vein.
Take your pick of Buffalo's best mobile cuisine at Food Truck Tuesdays, held weekly at Larkin Square from May through October.
  • Lloyd Taco Truck, 1 716 863-9781. The original and still the undisputed king of Buffalo food trucks, Lloyd made its mark on the local scene with astonishing speed: just a few years after its launch in 2010 in service of a citizenry who barely knew what food trucks were and where their legal status was uncertain, it found itself a local culinary institution in a town where Mighty Taco long ruled the taco roost. Lloyd's fleet now comprises not only four trucks but also two brick-and-mortar locations, on Hertel Avenue and in Williamsville respectively. Wherever you choose to indulge in Lloyd's "high-end food and service at street-level prices" — staples include tomatillo pork tacos, braised beef burritos and "tricked-out nachos" — you can rest assured you're getting free-range, antibiotic- and hormone-free meats and locally grown produce. Wash it all down with an ice-cold Jarritos soda or HFCS-free Coke imported from Mehhiko.
  • The Louisiana Cookery, 1 716 202-8787. Southern food (in all its myriad subgenres) has been enjoying something of a renaissance in Buffalo — and at the vanguard of that renaissance is this food truck, which has been dishing out some of the most authentic specialties Buffalo has to offer since 2014. Crawfish étouffée, shrimp and grits, the ever-popular jambalaya, and other downhome fare stay true to traditional Creole and Low Country recipes. A bit pricey for the portion size, but worth it. Louisiana Cookery is another one of those food trucks that's made the jump into the "stationary restaurant" industry, serving up the same limited but delicious menu in their brick-and-mortar home on Walden Avenue in Pine Hill.
  • Maria's Bene Cibo, 1 716 322-7314. Launched in 2017, Maria's Bene Cibo is a new kid on the block in the Buffalo food truck scene that's already receiving rave reviews for its short but well-curated menu of Italian-inspired sandwiches, panini, and homemade cannoli for desert. You're in almost equally good hands no matter what you order — after an 11-year career at Tim Hortons ja Tops supermarkets, the eponymous Maria Freyne Price really knows her stuff — but customers tend to gravitate toward the Sicilian panini (Italian cold cuts topped with provolone, roasted red peppers, spinach, pesto, and Italian dressing) as well as the muffuletta sandwich (regular or spicy). If none of those are to your liking, they offer a build-your-own option as well.


Of course, nothing goes better with a big plate of chicken wings than a hot, fresh pizza, and Buffalonians are justifiably proud of the pizza served in their city. You'll find a lot of pizzerias here, but one thing you won't find a lot of are big national outfits like Domino's või Papa John's. Instead, the scene in Buffalo is dominated by neighborhood mom-and-pop pizza places and locally based chains, each of whose individual variation on the classic recipe inspires fierce loyalty — and rivalry.

Buffalo pizza features a crust that's thicker than New York-style but not nearly as much so as Chicago deep dish, with a slightly nutty flavor and an airy sponginess that struggles to support the heaping mass of toppings that generally get piled on. Cheese comes in a thick, gooey layer that spreads out almost to the edge of the crust, the sauce has a noticeably sweet tinge, and pepperoni is invariably of the "cup and char" variety: smaller and more thickly sliced than elsewhere, they curl up into a bowl shape as they cook, blackened on the edges and with a pool of hot grease in the middle.

Of course, locals swear that the pizza here is the best in the world, but the Buffalo style takes some getting used to and definitely has its detractors among visitors. That's probably why in areas with dense concentrations of out-of-towners — i.e. the downtown hotel district and near the large university campuses — the script is flipped, and national chains are more numerous than local joints. (Also, with student populations that draw heavily from downstate, university-adjacent neighborhoods are good places for lovers of New York-style pizza to get their fix.)

Below are listed some of Buffalo's better-known pizza chains:

  • Bocce Club. The Bocce Club is a small operation, barely worthy of the term "chain" — it only has two locations, both in Amherst — but it merits inclusion here due to its outsize reputation among Buffalonians. Though there are some who say Bocce's is not quite as good as it used to be, the Pacciotti family's secret recipe is still often cited as the gold standard of Buffalo pizza. The key is the freshness of the ingredients, with dough made from scratch on the premises and only 100% whole-milk mozzarella cheese, which makes up for the fairly modest range of toppings offered. The usual array of wings, subs and sides are also offered, along with a decent fish fry. Also on Transit Road in East Amherst is the Original Bocce's Pizza, run by a different branch of the same family; local consensus says it's not as good.
  • Franco's. The happy medium of Buffalo pizza, Franco's pies are offered with a respectable variety of toppings, but they're not as creative as Just Pizza; fresh-tasting and well-balanced, but not as artfully executed as Bocce's. Though the quality here can sometimes be inconsistent, Franco's is generally agreed to be above-average on the Buffalo pizza hierarchy. Where they truly excel, however, is the accompaniments — the garlic bread here is soft, moist and has a pleasantly sharp garlic flavor, the wide variety of subs on offer are all large and delicious, and the hot wings pack a spicy punch. Franco's pizzas stand out from the rest of the pack thanks to their square(-ish) shape; as the slogan goes, "Franco's doesn't cut any corners"! Locations are concentrated in Buffalo's northern suburbs, with two Tonawanda outlets and one each in Amherst, Kenmore and North Tonawanda.
  • Just Pizza. The closest thing to "gourmet" that you'll find in the realm of Buffalo pizza delivery, the creativity and endless variety on Just Pizza's menu have earned it comparisons to a homegrown version of California Pizza Kitchen — the online menu even suggests wine pairings to accompany their more popular specialty pies. Retaining the classic Buffalo crust and sauce but reinventing everything else, the dizzying selection of toppings, cheeses, and fourteen different crusts offered here are such that even the most diehard pizza fanatic will never be bored. Despite the name, they also serve respectable chicken wings (with, true to form, your choice of 20 sauces), subs, tacos, and the like. By far the largest chain of pizzerias in the area, Just Pizza boasts nine locations, three in Buffalo and one each in Amherst, Clarence, Grand Island, Lancaster, Tonawanda, and West Seneca.
  • La Nova. Like the Bocce Club, the extent of La Nova's reputation belies the small size of the business, with only two locations: one on the Upper West Side and another in suburban Williamsville. But this truly is among the best Buffalo has to offer — not only to citizens but to the whole country; they do a brisk business shipping all over the continental U.S. (a testament, again, to that outsize renown). La Nova's crust tends to be thicker and doughier than the average Buffalo pizza, the better to support the generous portions of toppings and mounds of cheese piled on top. And the wings are in the same league as Duffi oma ja Anchor Bar. (Those who'd like to try both the pizza and the wings — highly recommended — should opt for a Combo Pack).

For additional chains that neither are located in nor deliver to the city proper, see the corresponding section in our article on the Niagara piir.


Buffalo's range of grocery stores is comparable to other U.S. cities its size. Naturally, the lion's share of them can be found in the suburbs, but unlike the infamous "food deserts" of other Rust Belt cities like Detroit, even the most forlorn inner-city precincts usually have at least one full-service supermarket.

Among the three major players on the Buffalo grocery-store scene, locally based Tops has the most stores, but the upscale, just-this-side-of-pretentious Wegmans chain, based in Rochester, enjoys by far and away the most loyalty and devotion among locals. Walmart, meanwhile, has greatly expanded its slice of the pie since its first Buffalo-area "supercenter" opened in 1997.

Wegmans has traditionally been the local go-to for upscale specialty groceries, and though Amherst now has a location each of Trader Joe's ja Whole Foods, that largely remains the case. An exception to that rule is the Lexington Co-op, a cooperatively-run purveyor of upscale natural, organic, and often locally sourced foods with locations in the Elmwood Village and on Hertel Avenue in North Buffalo.

Budget shoppers can choose from Aldi, Save-a-Lotja PriceRite, each of which have a handful of stores in Buffalo that sell a more limited range of items in a no-frills environment, for costs considerably lower than the major grocery chains. Of these, PriceRite boasts an especially good selection of fresh produce including an abundance of tropical fruits and vegetables, and Save-a-Lot's offerings in the realm of meats is equally impressive — they're the only discount supermarket in Buffalo that employs their own butchers. Dash's is another small, locally based chain, though with higher prices than the aforementioned three. As a last resort, "dollar stores" such as Dollar General ja Family Dollar usually stock a limited range of canned vegetables, dry groceries, snacks, and occasionally milk, eggs, and frozen foods, but not fresh produce or meat.

Finally, the latest craze in Buffalo among aficionados of fresh, locally-grown foods are the farmers' markets which have exploded in number and size over the past decade or so. There are about two dozen of them all over the metro area, where local farmers, vintners, cheesemakers, and producers of other artisanal food products come to sell their goods directly to the public. Farmers' markets usually take place on a weekly basis during the growing season, and many of them double as full-fledged street festivals, with live music, games, and other entertainment.


For bar listings, please see the respective linnaosa articles.

As a historically (and enduringly) blue-collar town, Buffalo has traditionally had a fairly dense concentration of bars and taverns. In fact, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, Buffalo is among the top ten cities in the United States in number of bars per capita.

Drinkers in Buffalo aren't limited to rough-and-tumble working-class watering holes, though — although there are plenty of those, Buffalo has quite a number of more upscale nightlife districts, each with a distinct character. There's truly a bar scene in Buffalo for every taste, from the thumping dance clubs of Chippewa tänav, to the cooler-than-thou hipster dives of Allentown where local rock bands gig, to the chichi cocktail bars in the Teatripiirkond that fill with theatergoers before and after shows, to the chill yuppie hangouts of the Elmwoodi küla, to the historic taverns of the Munakivipiirkond ja Vana esimene palat where it doesn't take much imagination to picture the canal boaters, grain scoopers, and railroadmen of a century ago relaxing at the bar with a frosty mug after a long workday.

Weekend nights usually see the police out in force in Buffalo's nightlife districts, searching for drunk drivers. As mentioned in the "Get around" section, you can often find taxis lingering around the bars, but competition for a cab can be fierce and rates are often high. Uber and Lyft are often a better option in these cases.

Last call in Buffalo is 4AM. For this reason, many bars in Buffalo don't get going until sometime after midnight on weekends. As elsewhere in the United States, the legal drinking age is 21.

Coffee shops

Coffee culture is alive and well in Buffalo. Though Starbucks outlets are a dime a dozen here as elsewhere in the country, locally owned mom-and-pop cafés have always been where it's at for Buffalo's trendy set, and there are three principal neighborhoods where you'll find them. Kesklinn — particularly the Theater District and the 500 block of Main Street — sports a handful of grab-and-go places for office workers in need of a quick caffeine fix, Allentown's coffee shops are great places to lounge in an ambience that's trendy yet not stiflingly pretentious, and at the far end of the spectrum, the off-the-beaten-path coffeeshop scene on the West Side cranks the hipster factor up to 11, with an atmosphere and clientele such that you might wonder whether you're in Buffalo or Brooklyn.

There are a couple local coffeeshop chains of note:

  • Ashker's. Born in 2008 in the Elmwood Village, today Angelo Ashker's eponymous chain of cafés counts four locations (the original as well as branches in Delaware Park, Grant-Amherst, and the Buffalo Athletic Club building downtown). Each location has a slightly different menu, but broadly speaking, you can expect a copious slate of smoothies in both regular (various combinations of puréed fruits), "Fusion" (a healthier alternative where vegetables such as kale, golden beet, and spinach enter the picture), and "Fortified" (in full health-food mode here, featuring chia seed, turmeric, maca, and other trendy "superfoods") varieties, as well as cold-pressed fruit juices, espresso drinks, and other beverages. For those who are hungry rather than thirsty, a similarly healthy selection of sandwiches, salads, and an all-day breakfast menu are also available.
  • SPoT Coffee. It's not exactly a local coffeeshop chain — the company has been Canadian-owned since 2004 — but Buffalonians still claim SPoT as their own based on the fact that Western New York is where you'll still find the vast majority of locations (despite ambitious plans to expand into the Canadian market, their two Toronto-area shops only lasted a few years). High-quality house-roasted coffee is the name of the game, along with a range of sandwiches and panini, healthy salads, and other gourmet lunch fare; pricey but worth it. You'll find locations in the Elmwood Village, the Chippewa Strip, North Buffalo, and the suburbs of Williamsville, East Amherst, Orchard Park, Hamburg, and Kenmore, as well as two additional SPoT Express counters downtown at Waterfront Village Center and in the lobby of Roswell Park Cancer Institute. Additional locations in Niagara Falls and North Tonawanda are set to open soon. SPoT-kohv Vikipeedias


For hotel listings, please see the respective linnaosa articles.

The Hotel Lafayette is one of a growing number of new or newly remodeled hotels that are mushrooming in downtown Buffalo.

There is a wide range of high-quality lodging to choose from in both Buffalo and its suburbs, encompassing hotels, motels, B&Bs, hostels, and guest houses. In particular, downtown Buffalo is in the middle of a boom in hotel construction, with about a half-dozen new properties opened or nearing completion. Much of this is the product of the preservation of architectural heritage that has come into vogue in Buffalo, with beautiful but vacant old buildings restored and repurposed — so if you're staying downtown, particularly at the Lofts on Pearl or the Hotel Lafayette, be prepared for a real Gilded Age treat. Of course, not all hotels downtown are old — the 205-room Marriott that opened in 2015 is the centerpiece of the HarborCenter development in burgeoning Canalside, and existing hotels such as the Hyatt Regency have been renovated extensively. Elsewhere in the city proper, Delaware Avenue in Allentown is the site of the luxurious Mansion as well as the grand old Hotel Lenox, and several B&Bs can be found peppered here and there catering to travelers in search of a distinctive, quirky urban experience.

In suburbia, the usual range of budget and mid-priced chains can be found clustered mostly around highway interchanges and in various other places. Two especially big clusters of hotels exist just south of the University of Buffalo's North Campus in Amherst, as well as around the Buffalo Niagara International Airport, where the arrival of discount airlines in Buffalo, cheap airport parking, and the highest airfares in North America out of Toronto have combined to spark a hotel boom comparable to downtown's.


The area code for the entire Buffalo-Niagara Falls metropolitan area (as well as Chautauqua ja Cattaraugus Counties to the south) is 716. It is not necessary to dial the area code for local calls.

Publicly accessible wireless Internet is mainly limited to coffee shops, bookstores, and other such establishments; Internet cafés are virtually unknown in Buffalo. In particular, McDonald's, Starbucks, SPoT Coffee, Tim Hortonsja Barnes & Noble offer free WiFi and boast many easy-to-find locations throughout the region. Public libraries also usually offer Internet access.

Buffalo's main post office and mail processing facility is at 1200 William St. in the city's Lovejoy neighborhood.

Ole turvaline

The reputation of Buffalo's East Side as a rough part of town can be over-exaggerated by locals, but it's not entirely undeserved. Generally speaking, the East Side is the city's poorest residential district, with widespread urban blight and high crime rates plaguing many parts of the district (especially the Bailey Avenue corridor). To a lesser extent, some parts of the West Side also have these problems. That being said, crime rates in Buffalo have fallen to levels not seen in half a century. What violent crime does occur is usually drug- and gang-related and does not target tourists. Follow general precautions that would apply in any urban area — locking car doors, keeping valuables out of sight, being aware of your surroundings, etc. — and you should be fine pretty much anywhere.

Panhandlers can be found occasionally on Chippewa Street downtown and in Allentown and the Elmwood Village, though not nearly to the degree of most other cities. Aggressive panhandling is virtually unknown.


Newspapers and print media

Since the Courier-Express went bankrupt in 1982, the Buffalo News has been the city's sole daily newspaper. With a circulation of nearly 155,000 daily and over 235,000 Sunday, the Buffalo News is the most widely circulated newspaper in Upstate New York. Journalists employed by the News have won three Pulitzer Prizes, two for Editorial Cartooning and one for Local Reporting; in 2009, the New York State Associated Press Association named the Buffalo News New York State's "Newspaper of Distinction" for that year in recognition of the quality of its journalism. These facts may come as a surprise to locals. Listings for concerts, movies, theatre productions, and other events around town are published in Gusto, a weekly supplement to the Buffalo News published on Thursdays.

Buffalo Rising is an excellent online publication whose "beat is New Buffalo" and which features "original content written by fellow Buffalonians knowledgeable and passionate about their city". Buffalo Spree is a monthly magazine that features articles on dining, events, and the arts in the local area.

The African-American community of Buffalo is served by the Challenger Community News, which celebrated its 50th year in operation in 2013. La Ultima Hora ja Panorama Hispano publish news relevant to Buffalo's Latino community in both English and Spanish, and also serve the Hispanic communities in the nearby cities of Dunkirk, Jamestown, and Rochester. The Am-Pol Eagle is a weekly paper featuring news and commentary of interest to the Polish-American community in the area. The weekly Karibu News serves Buffalo's growing immigrant and refugee community with local news, commentary, and event information in a variety of languages including English, French, Arabic, Swahili, and others. Also, many of Buffalo's neighborhoods boast community newspapers of their own, such as the Allentown Neighbor ja North Buffalo Rocket.


In the field of radio broadcasting, Buffalo's history is one of the longest in the nation; its oldest radio station, WGR, has been on the air since 1922. Sadly, though, Buffalo radio leaves much to be desired now, a fact that has led many locals to become listeners of radio stations based in Toronto and elsewhere in Southern Ontario. As of autumn 2018, Buffalo's highest-rated radio stations are WBLK, WYRK, and WHTT on the FM dial, and WBEN and WGR on the AM dial.

Radio stations serving the Buffalo area include:

  • News/Talk: WBFO 88.7 FM (NPR), WBEN 930 AM (conservative), WLVL 1340 AM (conservative).
  • Sports: WGR 550 AM, WHLD 1270 AM, WWKB 1520 AM.
  • Oldies/Classic rock: WBUF 92.9 FM, WGRF 96.9 FM, WHTT 1120 AM/104.1 FM, WECK 1230 AM/100.5 FM/102.9 FM (light oldies), WEBR 1440 AM (nostalgia and big band).
  • Top 40/Adult Contemporary: WMSX 96.1 FM, WKSE 98.5 FM, WTSS 102.5 FM/104.7 FM.
  • Urban: WBLK 93.7 FM, WUFO 1080 AM/96.5 FM (classic R&B, hip-hop and gospel), WWWS 1400 AM/107.3 FM (soul).
  • Country: WYRK 106.5 FM, WXRL 1300 AM.
  • Alternative rock: WEDG 103.3 FM, WLKK 107.7 FM.
  • College radio: WBNY 91.3 FM (Buffalo State College).
  • Classical: WNED 94.5 FM.
  • Religious: WBKV 89.9 FM (Christian rock and pop), WZDV 92.1 FM, WDCX 99.5 FM/970 AM, WLOF 101.7 FM (Catholic)


Buffalo's television stations represent all major American television networks. In addition to these, many Canadian television stations based in Toronto are available through Spectrum cable system; however, over-the-air reception of these stations is generally very poor.

Television stations serving Buffalo include:

  • WGRZ Channel 2: NBC.
  • WIVB Channel 4: CBS.
  • WKBW Channel 7: ABC.
  • WNED Channel 17: PBS.
  • WNLO Channel 23: The CW.
  • WNYB Channel 26: Tri-State Christian Television.
  • WUTV Channel 29: Fox.
  • WDTB Channel 39: Daystar Television Network. Christian television.
  • WNYO Channel 49: MyNetworkTV.
  • WPXJ Channel 51: Ion Television.
  • WBXZ Channel 56: Cozi TV.
  • WBBZ Channel 67: Me-TV.


In case of medical emergency, Buffalo is well-served by a wide variety of hospitals and other medical facilities. The Erie County Medical Center on Grider Street is Buffalo's largest hospital and is a teaching facility for students of the University of Buffalo Medical School. Kaleida Health operates Buffalo General Hospital, Oishei Children's Hospital, and (in the suburbs) Millard Fillmore Suburban Hospital ja DeGraff Memorial Hospital. Catholic Health Systems of Buffalo operates Mercy Hospital ja Sisters of Charity Hospital, which each have one city location and one suburban location.

Places of worship

The foundation of St. Stanislaus, Bishop & Martyr in 1872 gave rise to the Polish community centered in Broadway-Fillmore. Unlike most East Side Catholic churches, St. Stanislaus is still an active and vibrant parish.

For more information on specific places of worship, please see the respective linnaosa articles.

From early in its history, Buffalo's population has been predominantly Roman Catholic, a trend that still holds true today. The seat of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Buffalo is St. Joseph's Cathedral, at 50 Franklin St. downtown. Buffalo has some truly magnificent Catholic churches, particularly on the East Side, where 19th-century German and Polish immigrants built a bevy of massive, ornate stone churches and cathedrals, some still in use, most not. Outside of Buffalo proper but still worthy of note is Lackawanna's Our Lady of Victory Basilica, a massive marble structure that is a testament to the charitable institutions headed by Father Nelson Baker.

Protestant churches are far more numerous in the suburbs than in Buffalo proper; however, there are a few large and active congregations in the city, especially in neighborhoods such as Allentown, the Elmwood Village, and Parkside that still contain significant numbers of old-money WASPs. Notable Protestant churches in Buffalo include St. Paul's Episcopal Cathedral at 125 Pearl St. downtown, the seat of the Episcopal Diocese of Western New York as well as a Nationally Registered Historic Place and a National Historic Landmark, and E. B. Green's First Presbyterian Church on Symphony Circle, the oldest religious congregation in Buffalo.

Black churches are numerous on the East Side, and the most well-known among them is the Michigan Street Baptist Church, whose roots stretch back to the very beginning of Buffalo's African-American history. Though it no longer hosts regularly-scheduled services, it is still of great importance to connoisseurs of local history as a former "station" on the Underground Railroad and the modern-day centerpiece of the Michigan Street African-American Heritage Corridor. As for congregations that remain active today, you have everything from huge modern megachurches like True Bethel Baptist Church to historic congregations almost as old as Michigan Street Baptist, like Bethel A.M.E. Church.

Those of Eastern Orthodox faiths are served by the Delaware District's Hellenic Orthodox Church of the Annunciation ja St. George Orthodox Church in Park Meadow. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints has a location near downtown as well as suburban churches in Amherst, Lancaster, and Orchard Park.

Buffalo's modest-sized Jewish community is found primarily in the suburb of Amherst. Congregation Shir Shalom (Reform), Temple Beth Tzedek (Conservative), and Young Israel (Orthodox) are all located there. Temple Beth Zion, situated in a boldly modernist building on Delaware Avenue, is the largest Jewish congregation in the area and also one of the oldest and largest congregations of Reform Jews in the United States. As well, North Buffalo contains several Orthodox shuls left over from its bygone days as Buffalo's Jewish stronghold.

The Jaffarya Islamic Center of Buffalo is Buffalo's largest mosque, a Shia congregation on Transit Road in Swormville, about 20 miles (30 km) northeast of the city. Sunni mosques can be found just south of the city line in Lackawanna — a place that's well-known locally for its growing Muslim population — and also on the East Side.

Adherents of other religions may be interested in the ̈Chùa Từ Hiếu Buddhist Cultural Center of Buffalo at 647 Fillmore Ave., the Buffalo Zen Center in suburban West Seneca, the Hindu Cultural Society of Western New York in Amherst, and the Buffalo Gurdwara Sahib, a Sikh temple at 6569 Main St. in Williamsville.


Go next

Suburbs and exurbs

Unlike the faceless cookie-cutter residential tracts surrounding other American cities, many of Buffalo's suburbs have real character — individual identities of which their residents are fiercely proud. More than that, suburbia's range of attractions, festivals and events, and other items of interest to visitors can hold its own with the urban core.

Where to next?
  • Tonawanda — a 19th-century lumber port turned middle-class residential community, Tonawanda is the western terminus of the modern-day Erie kanal.
  • Amherst — Buffalo's most populous suburb contains the gargantuan UB North Campus, the charming village of Williamsville, and rural farmland in the far north.
  • Cheektowaga — postwar suburbia at its most banal, but also shopping galore, including the area's largest mall. As the site of the Buffalo Niagara rahvusvaheline lennujaam, Cheektowaga is likely on the itinerary of most visitors to Buffalo whether they actively seek it out or not.
  • West Seneca — a proud German heritage dating to the town's foundation in the 1850s by the religious Ebenezer Society, and natural beauty that inspired watercolorist Charles Burchfield.
  • Lackawanna — a rough-and-tumble company town that fell on hard times after the closure of the steel plant that gave the city its name, now the home of a vibrant Yemeni community and the magnificent Basilica of Our Lady of Victory.
  • Grand Island — once a summer retreat for Buffalo's turn-of-the-century aristocracy, now the site of riverfront parkland and wide-open spaces a stone's throw from the bustle of the city.
  • North Tonawanda — Tonawanda's sister city has a grittier and more working-class feel, but also a restored downtown with lively nightlife.
  • Lancaster — an upper-middle-class second-ring suburb east of Cheektowaga in whose lovely town center stands the historic Lancaster Opera House.
  • Orchard Park — the home of the Buffalo Bills has something for everyone, from bustling strip malls to a charming small-town downtown to the forests and hills of Chestnut Ridge Park.
  • Hamburg — birthplace (allegedly) of the hamburger, Hamburg is also home of the Erie County Fair and boasts beautiful views over Lake Erie.
  • East Aurora — the almost too-cutesy-for-its-own-good village that's home to the Roycroft Community of artists and artisans, an important exponent of the early 20th-century Arts and Crafts Movement.
  • Clarence — tony exurb about a half-hour's drive from downtown Buffalo. Hit up the antique shops in Clarence Hollow if that's your thing, or tool around the exclusive Spaulding Lake neighborhood to gawk at the lifestyles of the Niagara Frontier's rich and famous.
  • LockportNiagara County's seat makes the most of its history as an important Erie Canal port, with attractions such as the Lockport Locks and Erie Canal Cruises ja Lockport Erie Canal Museum on offer.

And of course, no trip to the Niagara Frontier would be complete without checking out...

  • Niagara kosk, which lies a short 30-minute drive from Buffalo. Compared to its counterpart in Ontario, the American side might seem at first like just another down-at-the-heels industrial burg of the Rust Belt, but those who look beyond that will come to appreciate charms such as the revitalized Väike Itaalia along Pine Avenue, the world-class Aquarium of Niagara, and the attention that is finally being paid to the historic downtown area, centered around Old Falls Street. As for the falls themselves, Niagara Falls State Park is understated and even serene, with no hoopla to distract attention away from the main attraction. Fans of Niagara Falls, Ontario-style neon glitz need not be completely disappointed, either: the Seneca Niagara Hotel and Casino has been in operation on the American side since 2003.

Further afield

  • Lewiston is a historic village on the Niagara River about 40 minutes north of Buffalo via Interstate 190. Aside from the cute boutiques, restaurants, and B&Bs in the charming business district, Lewiston contains Earl W. Brydges Artpark, the only state park in the U.S. devoted to the arts. Water Street Landing, on the riverfront, is the site of the Freedom Crossing Monument, where many escaped African-American slaves staged their final push toward Canada, and the Whirlpool Jet Boat, which takes passengers on a thrilling ride through the Niagara River rapids.
  • Darien Lake is a theme park resort in rural Genesee County, about 40 minutes east of Buffalo. "Western New York's Coaster Capital" contains over 40 rides, plus a hotel, campground, and laser light show, and is hands-down the most popular amusement park for Buffalonians in the summer. Also, the Darien Lake Performing Arts Center is one of Western New York's premier venues for live music.
  • The hills south and southeast of Buffalo bear the brunt of the lake-effect snow that falls in early winter; as such, this is Buffalo's ski country. The closest ski resort to Buffalo is Kissing Bridge, on Glenwood-East Concord Rd. in the town of Colden. Kissing Bridge gets 180 inches (450 cm) of snow per year on average — about twice as much as Buffalo itself gets — creating perfect conditions for its 36 slopes. More ski resorts can be found in Chautauqua County and in Ellicottville, discussed below.
  • The beaches along Lake Erie south of Buffalo are popular summer day trips for locals. Though many are privately owned or restrict admission to residents of their respective towns, several are accessible to the general public. The most popular of these is Evangola State Park, just before the county line in the town of Brant, offering not only one of Western New York's finest beaches but also picnic shelters, campsites, and recreation facitilies. Other public beaches further afield can be found in Chautauqua County, in Silver Creek (Sunset Bay) and Dunkirk (Wright Park ja Point Gratiot Park).
  • Genesee County is located along I-90 about midway between Buffalo and Rochester. Batavia, the county seat, is one of the oldest and most historic towns in Western New York; visitors to Batavia may be interested in Batavia Downs Casino, which features harness racing, slots, and video gaming. Other Genesee County attractions include Darien Lake, described above, and the JELL-O Gallery, a kitschy roadside museum dedicated to the gelatin dessert in the town of Le Roy, where it was invented.
  • A 45-minute drive north of Buffalo, Youngstown is a small village with a huge role in local history: it's the site of Old Fort Niagara, a state park and National Historic Landmark with a history that goes back to 1678, when it was established as a French trading post and military base. The fort's centerpiece, the "French Castle", is the oldest building in the U.S. between the East Coast and the Southwest, erected in 1726. Today 100,000 visitors each year come to take tours, see historical reenactments and other events, and peruse a museum of archaeology and local history.
  • Chautauqua County is southwest of Buffalo and is easily accessible via Interstate 90. A place of farms, forests, mountains, and beaches, Chautauqua County contains the Chautauqua Institution, a historic retreat on the shores of Chautauqua Lake offering performances, lectures and workshops in a charming Victorian setting. A bit south of Fredonia, Lily Dale is a center of the Spiritualist movement and boasts psychic mediums, fortune-tellers, and the like. Peek 'n Peak Resort in Clymer is a year-round destination in Chautauqua, with 27 ski slopes, downhill tubing, and golf.
  • Located southeast of Buffalo, the "Enchanted Mountains of Cattaraugus County" include several notable sites. Ellicottville is a year-round destination best known for its two ski resorts, Holiday Valley ja HoliMont. Griffis Sculpture Park in East Otto is the oldest sculpture park in the country, founded in 1966. Next to the state line is Allegany State Park, the "wilderness playground of Western New York", offering camping, skiing, hiking, and natural beauty. Nearby is the Seneca Allegany Hotel and Casino, sisse Salamanca.
  • New York State's third-largest city, Rochester, is a short drive of 60 to 90 minutes eastward along Interstate 90. Museums, art galleries, street festivals, exciting professional sports, and more are to be had in a perfect combination of big-city amenities and small-town intimacy.
  • The Finger Lakes region is between Rochester and Syracuse, about two hours east of Buffalo along Interstate 90. Named for the series of eleven long, slender lakes found there, the region offers natural beauty and small-town charm, but is best-known among locals for its status as the most important wine-producing area in the Eastern U.S. Over 100 wineries can be found in the Finger Lakes, many of which offer tours and tastings in season.

North of the border

Everyone, including U.S. citizens, is required to produce a passport or an enhanced drivers' license, both upon crossing the Canadian border and reentering the United States. Vehicles may be stopped and searched, but more often travellers will be sent on their way quickly after showing their passports and answering a few brief questions about the purpose of their trip and the planned length of their stay (this is especially true of U.S. and Canadian citizens).

There are four border crossings in Western New York: the Peace Bridge, by which travellers cross from Buffalo to Fort Erie, Ontario for a toll of $3.00 (payable in either U.S. or Canadian funds), the Rainbow Bridge in Niagara Falls (toll $3.25 U.S. or Canadian), the Whirlpool Rapids Bridge also in the Falls (open only to NEXUS members; toll $3.25 U.S. or Canadian), and the Lewiston-Queenston Bridge furthest north (toll $3.25 U.S. or Canadian). For travellers to most Canadian destinations other than Niagara Falls and Fort Erie, the Lewiston-Queenston Bridge offers the most direct route, but is also the one that is most prone to delays.

  • Fort Erie is a small city of about 30,000 just west of Buffalo, easily accessible via the Peace Bridge. Attractions here include Old Fort Erie, a reconstructed garrison where several War of 1812 battles were fought. From May to October, Fort Erie Racetrack is the scene of thoroughbred races including the Prince of Wales Stakes, the second jewel in the Canadian Triple Crown. Uncle Sam's Bingo Palace ja Golden Nugget Bingo offer games of chance. Also near town are some of Canada's finest freshwater beaches, such as Crystal Beach, Waverly Beachja Bay Beach.
  • Niagara Falls, Ontario is directly across the river from Niagara Falls, New York, and accessible via the Rainbow Bridge. In sharp contrast to its U.S. counterpart, the views of the Falls from Ontario are almost unanimously considered to be better, but rather than the greenery that abuts the falls on the American side, in Ontario can be found Clifton Hill, a gaudy, Vegas-like neon jungle of high-rise hotels, casinos, restaurants, nightclubs, and gimmicky tourist traps like the Ripley's Believe It Or Not Museum ja Movieland Wax Museum. It's considerably quieter outside of the main tourist district, with romantic B&Bs, parkland, and (further north) wineries lining the Niagara Parkway, a scenic drive stretching from Fort Erie to Niagara-on-the-Lake.
  • Niagara-on-the-Lake is an hour from Buffalo, at the mouth of the Niagara River. The provincial capital was briefly located here in the late 1700s, and the town was of strategic importance during the War of 1812 — historic Fort George is still open for tours. Today, visitors to the Falls often make the short drive north to take in the charming streets and stone buildings here, a scene straight out of a prim British village. Niagara-on-the-Lake is also home of the Shaw Festival; igal aastal aprillist novembrini mängitakse kolmes ajaloolises teatris valikut George Bernard Shaw ja teiste näidendeid.
  • The Niagara poolsaar ulatub Erie järve ja Ontario järve vahele, otse Buffalost läände. Lisaks piirkonna viljakale põllumaale ja ajaloolisele tähtsusele lahinguväljana 1812. aasta sõja ajal on Niagara poolsaar turistide seas väga populaarne kui Kanada kõige produktiivsem veinitootmispiirkond. Niagara astangu mõlemal küljel asuvad kümned Euroopa stiilis veinitehased, mis on hooajal külastajatele avatud. Niagara poolsaare ainulaadne mikrokliima sobib eriti tootmiseks jäävein, äärmiselt magus sort, mis on populaarne magustoiduveinina.
  • Toronto on umbes kahe tunni kaugusel Buffalost (eeldades ideaalseid liiklusolusid ja ilma tolli viivitusteta). Kuna Suur-Toronto piirkonnas elab üle viie ja poole miljoni inimese, on Kanada suurim linn põnev ja dünaamiline metropol, mis pakub kogu suurlinnast põnevust, mida võiks soovida.
Marsruudid läbi Buffalo
LÕPPNiagara juga (New York) W Amtraki impeeriumiteenus icon.png E SüvenedaAlbany (Rensselaer)
Niagara juga (Ontario)Niagara juga (New York) W Amtraki vahtraleht icon.png E SüvenedaAlbany (Rensselaer)
Niagara koskTonawanda N I-190.svg S CheektowagaLõppeb kell WI-90.svgNYS Thruway Sign.svgE
Niagara juga (Ontario)Erie kindlusAiga immigration.svg W Ontario QEW.svg E Lõppeb kell I-190.svg
Niagara koskTonawanda/Amherst N USA 62.svg S LackawannaWarren
Erie kaudu PA-5.svgLackawanna W NY-5.svg E AmherstKastanpruun
LÕPP N NY-16.svg S Lääne-SenecaOlean
LÕPP W NY-33.svg E CheektowagaRochester
LÕPP N BPH marsruut.gif S LackawannaSalamanca
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