Tansaania - Tanzania

ReisihoiatusHOIATUS: Ameerika Ühendriikide saatkond Dar Es Salaamis hoiatas Tansaanias geivastase mahasurumise eest. Reisimine on ohtlik isikutele, keda peetakse homoseksuaalideks. Tõenäoliselt üritavad terroristid Tansaanias rünnakuid korraldada.
Valitsuse reisinõuanded
(Teavet on viimati uuendatud jaanuaris 2020)

Tansaania on riigi suurim riik Ida-Aafrika.

Kaasaegne Tansaania ühendab kaks piirkonda, mida muul ajal on eraldi reguleeritud: Tanganyika Aafrika mandriosa rannikul ja Kreeka saarel Zanseibar lähedal.


Tansaania piirkonnad
 Tansaania keskosa
rohumaadega platoo
 Tansaania kirdeosa
mägine asukoht Kilimanjaro ja Serengeti
Aafrika "suured järved" (Victoria järv)
 Pembwe ja kaguosa
pealinn ja kuum, niiske rannajoon
Ruaha rahvuspark, vulkaanilised mäed, kraatrijärved, looduslikud vaatamisväärsused, kosed, kaunis Matema rand
ranniku saared India ookeanis


  • 1 Dodoma - pealinn
  • 2 Arusha
  • 3 Dar es Salaam
  • 4 Kigoma
  • 5 Mbeya
  • 6 Morogoro
  • 7 Moshi
  • 8 Mtwara
  • 9 Mwanza

Muud sihtkohad

Ngorongoro maastik

Saage aru

ValuutaTansaania šilling (TZS)
Rahvaarv57,3 miljonit (2017)
Elekter230 volti / 50 hertsit (vahelduvvoolu pistikud ja pistikupesad: Briti ja sarnased tüübid, BS 1363)
Riigi kood 255
AjavööndUTC 03:00, Ida-Aafrika aeg
Hädaolukorrad112 (politsei), 114 (tuletõrje), 115 (kiirabiteenused)
Sõidu poolvasakule


Tansaania on tõenäoliselt üks vanimaid teadaolevaid pidevalt asustatud piirkondi Maal; on leitud inimeste fossiilseid jäänuseid ja inimeste eelsed hominiidid, mis pärinevad kahe miljoni aasta tagusest ajast. Veel hiljuti arvatakse, et Tansaanias elavad jahimeeste-korilaste kogukonnad, tõenäoliselt kušiidi ja khoisani keelt kõnelevad inimesed. Umbes 2000 aastat tagasi hakkasid Lääne-Aafrikast rännakutena saabuma bantu keelt kõnelevad inimesed. Hiljem saabusid nilootilised karjakasvatajad ja jätkasid siirdumist piirkonda kuni 18. sajandini.

Rändurid ja kaupmehed Pärsia laht ja Lääne-India on Ida-Aafrika rannikut külastanud alates CE esimese aastatuhande algusest. Islamil tegutseti Suahiili rannik juba kaheksandal või üheksandal sajandil eKr. Lõpuks kasvas suahiili rannik hõlmates mitut jõukat linnriiki, sealhulgas Sansibar ja Kilwa Kisiwani. Eelkõige Sansibarist sai araabia orjakaubanduse peamine keskus, endine orjaturg selle pealinnas Kivilinnas on nüüd muudetud orjandust meenutavaks turismiatraktsiooniks ja endise piitsutamise kohale on ehitatud anglikaani katedraal. postitus.

19. sajandi lõpus vallutas keiserlik Saksamaa regioonid, mis on nüüd Tansaania (miinus Sansibar), Rwanda ja Burundi, ning lõi need Saksa Ida-Aafrika. Esimese maailmasõja järgsed kokkulepped ja Rahvasteliidu harta määrasid piirkonna Suurbritannia mandaadiks, välja arvatud väike ala loodes, mis loovutati Belgiale ja millest hiljem said Rwanda ja Burundi).

Briti valitsus lõppes 1961. aastal pärast suhteliselt rahumeelset (näiteks naabruses asuva Keeniaga) üleminekut iseseisvusele. 1954. aastal muutis Julius Nyerere organisatsiooni poliitiliselt orienteeritud Aafrika Rahvusliiduks Tanganyika (TANU). Nyerere sai Suurbritannia hallatava Tanganyika ministriks 1960. aastal ja jätkas peaministrina, kui Tanganyika iseseisvus 1961. aastal. Pärast seda, kui Sansibari revolutsioon kukutas naaberriikides asuva Araabia dünastia Sansibar, mis oli iseseisvunud 1963. aastal, ühines saar mandriosa Tanganyikaga, moodustades 26. aprillil 1964 Tansaania rahva.

Alates 1970. aastate lõpust läks Tansaania majandus pöörde poole. Ka Tansaania astus Hiinasse, otsides Hiina abi. Hiinlased järgisid seda kiiresti, kuid tingimusega, et kõik projektid viiakse lõpule Hiina imporditud tööjõuga. Alates 1980. aastate keskpaigast rahastas režiim end Rahvusvahelisest Valuutafondist laenates ja tegi läbi mõningaid reforme. Alates 1980. aastate keskpaigast on Tansaania SKP elaniku kohta kasvanud ja vaesus vähenenud.

Ronijate meeskond Aafrika kõrgeimas punktis


Suurem osa mandrist moodustab suur keskplatoo, mis jääb 900 m ja 1800 m vahele. Idakaare ning Lõuna- ja Põhjamäestiku mäeahelikud lõikasid üle kogu riigi, moodustades osa Suurest Rifti orust.

Tansaanias on geograafiliste äärmuste maa, kus asub kõrgeim tipp (Kilimanjaro mägi), madalaim punkt (Tanganyika järve järvesäng) ja osa suurima järve (Victoria järv, jagatud Uganda ja Keenia) Aafrika mandril.


Tansaania ilm varieerub niiskest ja kuumast madalamal asuvas piirkonnas, näiteks Dar es Salaamis, päeval kuuma ja öösel Arushas jahedana. Puuduvad märgatavad aastaajad, näiteks talv ja suvi - ainult kuiv ja märg aastaaeg. Tansaanias on kaks vihmaperioodi: lühikesed vihmad oktoobri lõpust detsembri lõpuni, muu hulgas Mango vihmad ja pikad vihmad märtsist maini.

Kliimakaart (selgitus)
Keskmine max ja min. temperatuurid ° C
SademedLund kogusummad millimeetrites
Keiserlik pöördumine
Keskmine max ja min. temperatuurid ° F-s
SademedLund kokku tollides

Paljud populaarsed kuurordid ja turismiobjektid Zanzibaril ja Maffia saare merepark pika vihmaperioodi vältel suletakse ja paljud rahvusparkide rajad on sel perioodil läbipääsmatud. Sel põhjusel on ekskursioonid enamasti piiratud parkide peateedega. Reisijad peaksid oma reisi vastavalt planeerima.

Kuival aastaajal võib temperatuur Dar es Salaamis kergesti tõusta üle 35 ° C. Keskpäevase kuumuse ajal peaksite otsima varju päikese eest ja kasutama rohkelt päikesekreemi, SPF 30.

Parimad külastuse ajad on:

  • Juunist augustini: See on pika vihmaperioodi lõpp ja ilm on sellel aastaajal parim - päeval talutav ja õhtul jahe. See pole aga tingimata parim aeg safarite jaoks aastas, kuna parkides on vett palju ja loomi ei sunnita kogunema mõnesse kohta rehüdreeruma, nagu seda tehakse keset kuiva hooaega kohe pärast jõule.
  • Jaanuarist veebruarini: See on parim aeg Serengeti külastamiseks. Tavaliselt rändavad parematele karjatatavatele aladele tohutud loomade, sebrade ja pühvlite karjad. Sel perioodil võite jälgida mõnda Serengetis elavat 1,5 miljonit gnuust, kes teevad oma eepilise teekonna. Tõenäoliselt on see Tansaanias aasta kõige kuumem aeg, kui isegi kohalikud kurdavad kuumuse üle. Teid on hoiatatud!


Tansaanlased moodustavad üle 120 etnilise rühma. Lisaks põliselanikele aafriklastele on ka märkimisväärne India kogukond, kes on põlvnenud koloniaalaja sisserändajatest.

Tule sisse

Kaart, mis näitab Tansaania viisanõudeid, rohelistel riikidel on viisavaba juurdepääs


Sisenemise tempel

Liibanoni kodanike puhul, kes viibivad vähem kui 3 kuud, pole viisat vaja Namiibia, Rumeenia, Rwanda, Hongkong, Macau, Malaisia ja kõigi ühisriikide liikmesriikidega (välja arvatud Ühendkuningriik, Kanada, Bangladesh, Uus-Meremaa, Nigeeria, India & Lõuna-Aafrika). Turismiviisa maksab kolmekuulise ühekordse viisa eest 50 USA dollarit või 100 USA dollarit. Viisat saab Internetis taotleda valitsuse elektrooniline viisataotluste süsteem ning saadud ka maandumisel Dar es Salaamis, Kilimanjaros, Mwanzas ja teistes sisenemissadamates. Viisade ootamine saabumisel võib olla eriti pikk, kui teie lend saabub samal ajal teiste rahvusvaheliste lendudega. Viisad kehtivad väljaandmise kuupäevast alates. USA passi omanikud saavad 100-dollarise mitmekordse viisa, mis kehtib 12 kuud.

Tansaanial on lisanõuded kõigile, kes ei külasta turismi eesmärgil. Igasugune ärivisiit nõuab konkreetset äriviisat, mis maksab 250 USA dollarit ja mida saab taotleda ka elektroonilise viisasüsteemi kaudu.

Namanga piiriületuspunktis maapealse ületamise korral (nt Keeniast Nairobist Tansaaniasse Arushasse sõitmiseks) peate piiri ületama jalgsi. Petturid Keenia ja Tansaania piirikontrollibüroode vahel kellegi maa peal proovivad mitmeid petuskeeme, sealhulgas pakuvad ennekuulmatult halba valuutakurssi ja teesklevad end Tansaania viisamärke müüvatest ametnikest. Need, kes üritavad Tansaania viisamärke müüa, tegutsevad ametlikult ja paluvad näha teie passi. Seejärel panevad nad teie passi eseme (väikese Tansaania pangatähe), sulgevad passi ja taotlevad saabumisel viisat. Tehke äri ainult sisserändekontorite ja külgnevate pankadega, mis asuvad väljakujunenud valitsushoonetes. Ärge peatage ega suhelge inimestega, kes on seal kellegi vahel.

Viisa pikendamine

Turismiviisaga saab Tansaania immigratsioonibüroos Dar es Salaamis viisa kehtivusaega kuu võrra pikendada.


On kaks suurt lennujaama; üks Dar es Salaamis, Julius Nyerere rahvusvaheline lennujaam (DAR IATA) (varem tuntud kui Mwalimu Julius K. Nyerere rahvusvaheline lennujaam ja Dar es Salaami rahvusvaheline lennujaam) ja üks Kilimanjaros, Kilimanjaro rahvusvaheline lennujaam (JRO IATA), mis on poolel teel Arusha ja Moshi.

Pakutakse Tansaaniat rahvusvaheliselt alates

Euroopa kõrval

Lähis-Ida ja Aasia kõrval

  • Emiraadid (Dubai), 255 22 211 6100. Päevased lennud.
  • Qatar Airways (Doha), 255 22 284 2675, 1019, Julius Nyerere rahvusvaheline lennujaam, Dar es Salaam, Tansaania. Igapäevased lennud.
  • Omaani õhk.
  • Etihadi hingamisteed.
  • Flydubai.

Aafrika kõrval

Ja riigisiseselt kõrval

Siselennud hilinevad sageli, kuid on üldiselt usaldusväärsed.


Rong Kigomas

Tansaania - Sambia rongiteenus, tuntud kui TAZARA, opereerib ronge kaks korda nädalas Uus Kapiri Mposhi, Sambia ja Dar es Salaam, lahkuvad Dar es Salaamist teisipäeviti ja reedeti.

Kodune Tansaania raudteed võrguühendused Tansaania suuremate linnadega, sealhulgas Kigoma, Mwanza, Dodoma, Taboraja Dar es Salaam. Siseriiklik rongiteenus on tavaliselt usaldusväärne ja piletihinnad on taskukohased. Piletihinnad erinevad aga vastavalt klassile, tavaliselt esimene, teine ​​ja kolmas. Esimene ja teine ​​klass pakuvad vastavalt kahe ja kuue voodiga kajuteid. Kolmas klass on avatud istekohad. Soojad söögid ja joogid on tavaliselt saadaval einestamisautost. Harvad pole juhud, kui rongiköök ostab värskeid tooteid paljudest teekonna peatuskohtadest. Puuvilju ja suupisteid saate osta ka otse kohalikelt müüjatelt, kes külastavad Tansaania paljude rongiliinide paljusid rongijaamu.


Buss on suurepärane viis Tansaaniasse jõudmiseks. Lendage sellisesse kohta nagu Nairobi, siis saate bussiga alla Arushasse - suurepärane baas Meru mägi ja Ngorongoro kraater. Samuti ei tohiks unustada Tansaania lõunaosa keskosa, turismikaupmeestest eemal. Tansaania teed ei ole heas seisukorras; ei ole kiirteid ja peateede ääres on väga vähe mitmerealisi lõike. Bussid aeglustavad või peatuvad enamikus külades liikluse, politsei ja kiirust rahustavate tööriistade tõttu. Teavitamiseks võtab sõit Dar es Salaamist Iringasse erasõidukiga vähemalt 6 tundi. See on enamasti kaherealine tee, mille hiinlased on uuesti ehitanud, nii et see on enamasti heas korras.

Darist väljuvad läände ja põhja suunduvad bussid sõidavad samal teel (A7), kuni jõuate Chalinze, mis on Darini ja Morogoro vahel umbes poolel teel, vähem kui kahes tunnis.

Kui lähete Arushasse, suundub buss A17 suunas põhja poole. Teised märkimisväärsed sihtkohad sellel marsruudil on Saandani rahvuspark, Pangani, Tanga, Lushoto, Kilimanjaro ja Moshi. Arushast saab sõita ka bussiga Mwanzasse ja Kigomasse, kuid kui olete Ngorongoro hoiualast möödas, on teed äärmiselt halvas seisukorras ja teid ootab auklik sõit.

Kui jätkate Chalinze'ist mööda, möödute Morogorost (ka Dodoma jaoks välja lülitamine), sisenemiskohast Selousi looduskaitsealale, Mikumi rahvusparki, Udzungwa mägede parkide vanasse peaväravasse ja Iringasse, mis on pööre väljasõit Ruaha rahvusparki.

Iringa on lõunapoolse ringraja avastamise koht, kus on uus kämping Msosa väravas Uduzungwase (pargi Iringa poolne külg) ja värav Ruahasse (võib-olla Tansaania parim park). See on suurepärane koht, kus peatuda mõneks päevaks.

Pärast Iringat liigute kas läände, Mbeyasse või lõunasse, Songeasse. Suunduge Mbeyasse, kui soovite külastada Tanganyika järve, siseneda Malawisse või suunduda põhja poole Kigomasse. Mbeyast põhja pool pole teed suletud, nii et see on pikk ja väga ebameeldiv reis. Kui soovite näha Nyasa järve (teise nimega Malawi järve), sõitke bussiga Songeasse. Kuigi olete Mosambiigist kiviviske kaugusel, pole Mosambiiki ametlikke sissepääsupunkte.

Lõpuks, kui suundute Darist lõunasse, siis võtate B2. See on peamine tee Selousi ja Rufiji jõeni. Teel saab peatuda ka Kilwas, Lindis ja lõpuks Mtwaras. Tee pole kogu tee ulatuses suletud, nii et jällegi tooge padi.

Väljaspool Nairobi, Arusha ja Dar es Salaamit ühendavaid teid on teiste linnade ja külade vahelised teed väga halvas seisukorras, kuigi neid parandatakse aeglaselt. Näiteks Arushast Dodomasse reisimine on aeglane. Kiirem võib olla Chalinze'sse naasmine ja seejärel bussi sõitmine Dodomasse. See kehtib peaaegu kõigi linnade vaheliste reiside kohta, mis ei asu Darile viiva tee ääres.

Piirilinn Namanga on hoogne eelpost, mis tähistab suurt osa Aafrikast. Buss ootab siin isegi piiriületust. Võite isegi Keenia poolelt maha tulla, kõndida üle piiri ja Tansaania poolelt uuesti bussi minna.

Darist saab bussiga sõita ka Malawisse, Ugandasse ja Rwandasse.

Kasulikku teavet Dar es Salaami bussipeatuse ("Ubungo") ja mõne konkreetse bussiliini kohta leiate Dar es Salaam artikkel.

Pöörake piletite ostmiseks kindlasti korralikku piletimüügilauda, ​​eriti suuremates linnades. Samuti ilmuge õigesse piletimüügilauda juba enne bussi väljumisele kavandamist, veendumaks, et teid suunatakse õigesse bussi, ja registreerige oma pagas koos tegeliku bussijuhiga. Arusha bussiterminalis on kelmus, kus inimesed üritavad matkida bussipiletite müüjaid ja buss sõidab.


Lisateavet neid teenindavate bussiliinide kohta leiate konkreetsetest linnadest.

  • Tahmeedi bussid ühendada Mombasa koos Tanga ja Nairobi läbi Arusha ja Dar Tansaanias.
  • Kuninglik treener sõidab Arushasse ja on üks toredamaid busse.
  • Dar Express teenuseid paljudes linnades, sealhulgas Nairobi, Keenia.
  • Sumry, Sutcoja Upendo ühenda Tansaania kaunis lõunaosa, Iringa ja Mbeya Darini ja edasi edelasse.
  • Taqwa treenerite ettevõte on bussid Darist Malawisse, Sambiasse ja Keeniasse.
  • Kilimanjaro bussid, reisid Arusha -Moshi kuni Dar es salaam.
  • Abood bussid, reisid Dar es salaam kuni Morogoro


Azam Marine ja Fast Ferries ühendavad Dar es Salaami ja Zanzibari. See on umbes 90 minutit purjetamist.

Liigu ringi

Bussiga ja minibussiga

Tänav sisse Kivilinn

Buss on kõige tavalisem viis Tansaanias ringi liikumiseks. Enamik busse on lihtsa disainiga ja teed on kehvad, ehkki Dar-Moshi-Arusha liinil on saadaval 1. klassi õhukonsoolibussid (Dar Express - piletikass Liibüa tänava kesklinnas või kontor nr 45 Ubungos). Peaaegu kõik bussid sõidavad Dar es Salaamisse ja sealt välja. Dar'i peamine bussijaam (kus käivad kõik bussid), Ubungo, asub kesklinnast 8 km läänes. Mitmed paremad linnadevahelised bussid pakuvad teile tasuta jooke ja küpsiseid.

Daris saab Dala-Dalaseks nimetatud väikebussidega odavalt kõige linnaosadesse sõita. Sõiduhind on kirjutatud ukse esiküljele - see on tavaliselt täiskasvanute TSh 250 (2011), välja arvatud pikemate vahemaade korral. Bussi marsruut on trafaretsed ka bussi esiküljel ja külgedel, nt. 'Posta-Mwenge' ja seal on värvikoodisüsteem. Posta (väljaspool Azikiwe / Maktaba tänava keskpostkontorit) on peamine daladala kesklinna keskus. Teised on Kariakoo, Mwenge, Buguruni ja Ubungo. Hüppa daladalale, võta istet, kui seda on, ja maksa dirigendile (konda), kui ta raputab sulle mõttekalt oma mündikuhja. Konda hüüab peatuste nimesid - kui te ei tea oma asukohta või ei tea oma sihtpunkti nime, on raske teada, kust maha tulla. Võimaluse korral tasub küsida kelleltki oma sihtkohas, sest peatustel pole mõnikord üldse märke - inimesed lihtsalt teavad, et teatud tänavanurgad on daladala peatus ja nimed pole ilmsed (nt Masaki-Posta 'Sudani' liin - Sudaani suursaadiku residents Toure Drive'i lähedal). Kui kuulete või näete oma peatust ja soovite maha tulla, hüüdke "Shusha!" (las ma lasen lahti), koputab konda kaks korda šassiile ja juht libiseb kohe küljele ja peatub. Daladalad ei jookse eriti hilja; linna idaküljel on kõige uuemad Msasani ja Mwenge liinid.

Ümber suumivad ka kolmerattalised tuktukid / beebitaksod / CNG-d / bajajid. Need on odavamad kui takso ja pääsevad liiklusummikutest mööda. See pole ilmselt kõige turvalisem variant. Teil on võimalik piletihind eelnevalt läbi rääkida, kuid mõnikord ei tea juht teie sihtkohta (Dar es Salaami teadmised puuduvad) ega tea, kui palju küsida. Autojuhid tsiteerivad sihtkohas üldjuhul üsna õiglasi hindu (võib-olla mõistliku "nahamaksuga" valgete inimeste jaoks) ja kui nad üritavad teid lahti rebida, saate tavaliselt kirja järgi aru. Suahiili keeles võib olla mugav teada „paremat” ja „vasakut”: kulia (paremal), kushoto (vasakul), moja kwa moja (sirge), simama (peatus), asante kaka (tänud vend).

Privaatne taksod on ka mugav valik, kuid pidage enne nende kasutamist hinna osas kindlasti läbirääkimisi. Kaasreisijad võivad pakkuda mõistliku hinna kohta nõu. Mõnes kohas (nt Dar es Salaami lennujaam) on tugev taksokartell ja postitatakse fikseeritud hindu.


Kui saate seda endale lubada, on Tansaanias ringi lendamine kiirem ja ohutum. Vaata Tansaania # By_plane jaotis ülal. Isegi kõige tihedama liiklusega teed on halvas seisukorras ning bussijuhid pole tuntud oma kannatlikkuse ega suurepärase sõiduoskuse poolest. Liiklusõnnetused nõuavad Tansaanias rohkem inimelusid kui ükski teine ​​surma põhjus.


Hoiatus: Tansaanias ega kogu Aafrikas ei soovitata sõita, välja arvatud juhul, kui olete juba arengumaades juhtimistingimusi kogenud. Sellegipoolest on siin mõni kasulik teave neile, kes mõtlevad väljakutse vastu võtta.

Sõitke vasakul pool teed

  • Tansaanlased sõidavad vasakul (nagu Suurbritannias, Indias, Austraalias, Jaapanis ja teistes riikides), vastupidiselt paremale sõitmisele, nagu Põhja-Ameerikas ja enamikus Euroopa riikides. "Parempoolse rooliga" riikidest pärit kogenud juhid vajavad enne muudatustega kohanemist umbes pool päeva ringi sõitmist. Ehkki käiguvahetus, klaasipuhastid ja suunatule aktivaatorid on vastupidised, pole pedaale õnneks. Jälgi lihtsalt liiklust. Kuid isegi mõningate harjutuste tegemisel peaksite alati olema valvas, kuna võite end kergesti desorienteerida, mis võib seada otsaesise kokkupõrke või jalakäija löömise ohtu, kui olete harjunud sõitma vastasküljel. tee.

Sõiduki valik

  • Kui rendite siia jõudes autot, on teie parim valik 4x4 suuruse sportliiklussõidukiga, millel on hea maanteevaru, eriti kui kavatsete minna safarile mõnes rahvuspargis. Otsige Land Cruiseri, Hilux Surfi (4Runner) ja Range Roveri sõidukeid. Vältige väikemaastureid, nagu Toyota RAV4 ja Honda CRV, sest need ei saa enamikus Tansaania rahvusparkides halbade teeolude üle läbirääkimisi pidada. Teine küsimus on nelikveolised võimalused. Alati sisselülitatud 4x4-ga sõidukid pole maastikusõiduks parim valik. Need sõidukid olid mõeldud lumes sõitmiseks sillutatud teedel või läbi väikeste mudaaukude. See, mida Tansaania rahvusparkides kohtate, on hoopis teine ​​ja nõuab korralikku nelikveolist sõidukit, mis suudaks läbida suuri mudaauke ja liivaseid teid. Isegi siis võite ikkagi kinni jääda.


  • Nellesi kaardid Tansaania, Rwanda ja Burundi on parim kaart. Nad on võtnud aega, et leida marsruudil väikseimad külad, mis sobib suurepäraselt liikumiseks kohtades, kus maamärke on vähe.
  • Põhimaanteede ääres on markerid ja valged betoonist padjad. Nad määravad marsruudil järgmise suurema linna või alevi ja mitu kilomeetrit on jäänud.

Linnas sõitmine

Autoõnnetus Dar es Salaamis
  • See kehtib ainult Dar es Salaami kohta, kuna kõik muud linnad on suhteliselt väikesed ja hõlpsasti ligipääsetavad. Kesklinn on esmaspäevast reedeni kella 9.00–18.00 ülekoormatud. Foore on vähe ja tänavad on väga kitsad. See on selline koer-söö-koer-koht, nii et solvav juhtimisoskus on kohustuslik, sest keegi ei lase teil mööda minna, kui te lihtsalt istute ja ootate peatuste märkidel. Tänavad on täis pargitud ja liikuvaid autosid, maastureid, veoautosid, motorollereid ja väga lihaselisi mehi, kes tõmbavad meeletult ülekoormatud vankreid. Inimesed võivad veeta tunde ummikutes kinni, eriti Kariakoo turu ümbruses.
  • Kesklinnas on mõned ringristmikud, mida kohalikud kutsuvad „keepleftiesiks“, kuna arvasid, et silt, mis soovitas autojuhtidele ringristmikku sisenemisel „Hoidke vasakule“, nimetas seda põnevat Mzungu leiutist. Mzungu on suahiili sõna "valged" välismaalased. See ei ole halvustav ja pigem sarnaneb valge inimese kutsumisega kaukaaslasega.
  • Daris tänaval parkides leidke parkimiseks koht, lukustage uksed ja lahkuge. Tagasi tulles pöördub teie poole tasu saamiseks kollase fluorestseeruva vestiga parkimisteenindaja. Tasu on Tsh 300 kahe tunni eest. Saatja peaks kas teile pileti ulatama, vastasel juhul on linnuke juba teie esiklaasil. Ära lahkuge maksmata, kui teie esiklaasil on pilet. Saatja on tõenäoliselt sunnitud puuduva raha tasa tegema, sest tõenäoliselt teenib ta heal juhul 3000 Tsh päevas.
  • Carjacking on haruldane, kuid uste avamine või avatud akendest hüppamine väärtuslike esemete varastamiseks - mitte. Hoidke aknad suletud ja uksed lukus. Kui sõidukid peatatakse valgusfooridel või pargitakse järelevalveta kohtadele, varastavad vargad teadaolevalt peegleid, paneele, varurehve ja kõike muud, millele pole numbrimärgi numbrit sisse graveeritud ega sõiduki kere külge kinnitatud. Valige oma parkimiskohad hoolikalt ja ärge jätke väärisesemeid nähtavale. Võite pakkuda parkimisteenindajale väikest nõuannet oma sõiduki jälgimiseks (Tsh 500-1000) või leida turvaline parkla, eriti kui jätate oma sõiduki ööseks.


Ohud ja tüütused

  • Tansaanlased sõidavad väga kiiresti ega kõhkle pimedas kurvis möödasõitudest. Samuti on enamik tarbesõidukeid halvasti hooldatud ja ülekoormatud ning näete paljusid neist peamistel maanteedel katki. mitte kunagi eeldame, et nende pidurid töötavad või on juhid ohtliku manöövri täielikult läbi mõelnud.
  • Enamik Tansaania teid on halvasti hooldatud ning ülekoormatud transpordivahendite poolt tekitatud aukude ja ohtlike soonte all. Kõik põhimaanteed läbivad linnu ja külasid ning sageli tagavad liiklust rahustavad tööriistad (nt kiirus või teekuhjad), et sõidukid vähendavad läbimisel kiirust. Kahjuks on vähesed selgelt märgistatud, samas kui enamik on raskesti nähtavad, kuni teil on õigus neile vastu ja kui tulete liiga kiiresti, võidakse teid teelt välja visata. Võta aeglasemalt linna sisenemisel ei pruugi te neid ja muid ohte vältida. Selline kaitsev juhtimissuhtumine on mõistlik ka seetõttu, et loomad ja lapsed keeravad sageli tänavale välja.
  • Kui olete sattunud jalakäijaga õnnetusse, sõitke neile nõu andmiseks lähimasse politseijaoskonda. ära väljuge sõidukist ja proovige olukorda lahendada, isegi kui olete kindel, et see polnud teie süü. Tansaanlased on ühed toredamad inimesed, keda te Aafrikas kohate, kuid nad on teada, et nad võtavad asja enda kätte. See on suuresti tingitud nende usaldamatusest politsei vastu ja veendumusest, et kellelgi on raha, nt. rikkad välismaalased, saavad probleemist väljapääsu osta.
  • Kui kohtute valitsussõidukite kolonniga, liikuge teelt kõrvale. Neil on prioriteet, ehkki see on vaieldav, ja kui te teed ei anna, ei kõhkle teid teelt välja sõitmast. Samuti võib politsei trahvida teeleandmata jätmise eest.

Tansaanias saate sõiduki registreerimise määrata numbrimärgi värvide järgi. Kollane tähed, mis algavad tähega "T" ja järgnevad kolmele numbrile, on eraomandis olevad sõidukid. Tansaania ametlikud valitsustahvlid on samuti kollased, kuid neil on ainult tähed ja need algavad tavaliselt tähega "S" (mida vähem tähti, seda kõrgemal on toiduahelas omanik). Roheline plaadid on diplomaatilised; Punane on rahvusvahelised arenguagentuurid; Sinine on ÜRO ja sarnased organisatsioonid; Valge on taksod, bussid ja tarbesõidukid (safari) ja Must on sõjavägi ja politsei. See kodeerimine ei kehti Zanzibaris ja Pembas.

Etiketi läbimine

  • Teile järgnevad draiverid aktiveerivad nende eks Suunatuli näitab, et nad soovivad sinust mööduda. Kui tee on vaba, aktiveerige oma vasakule suunatuli; kui ei, aktiveerige oma eks suunatuli. Möödumiskatse ajal otsige seda.

Mida tuua

  • Suur avariikütusega purk (20 liitrit). (Ärge sisenege rahvusparki ilma bensiinipaagita.)
  • Kühvel, matšeet (suahiili keeles "panga") ja puksiirköis.
  • Head teekaardid
  • Esmaabikarp
  • Joogivesi, vähemalt 5 liitrit, ja kiiresti riknevad toiduained.

Autorent - rentige auto isiklikuks kasutamiseks.

Autorent Tansaanias on taskukohane ja rendil on palju usaldusväärseid 4WD džiipe nagu Landcruisers ja Landrovers. 4WD autod on mugavad ja taluvad kõiki Tansaania ilmastikutingimusi. Kui soovite Tansaanias mugavalt reisida, olles maapiirkonnad või rahvuspargid, valige erasõit Landcruiseris või Landroveris.

Kohalikke reisikorraldajaid on mitu (nt [1]), mille autopark on renditav suuremates lennujaamades, nagu Dar es Salaami Julius Nyerere lennujaam, Kilimanjaro rahvusvaheline lennujaam, suuremad linnad ja kõik linnad, mis asuvad turismisihtkohtades, näiteks Moshi, Mwanza, Arusha ja Karatu Ngorongoro ümbruses.


Tansaanias on mitu rahvusparki ja ulukivarusid, kus näete mõnda parimat Aafrika taimestik ja loomastik. Safarid Tansaanias saab jagada kahte kategooriasse: põhjaringkond (Serengeti, Ngorongoro, Manyara ja Tarangire) ja lõunapoolne ring (Selous, Mikumi ja Ruaha). See on siiski lihtsustus ja see ei hõlma muid huvitavaid, kuid raskemini ligipääsetavaid parke nagu Katavi ja Gombe, kui nimetada vaid kahte. Turistide jaoks on esimesed kaks gruppi paremini ligipääsetavad, kuna mitmed reisifirmad pakuvad erinevaid pakette.

Safari hinnad

Lõvikutsikas kaljulõhes

Safari maksumus võib ulatuda põhitõdedest (lendtelgid, toiduvalmistamine ja sõidukitega juhendid) kuni väiksemate parkideni, nagu Manyara ja Tarangire, luksusmajude ja telklaagriteni Serengetis, mis võivad maksta alates 250 kuni 1500 USA dollarit inimese kohta öö kohta. Võite kasutada oma sõidukit tingimusel, et see on 4x4 piisava vahemaa tagant. Juhi ja sõiduki palkamisest on kasu, sest safarisõidukid on varustatud avatud katustega, mis pakuvad loomade vaatamiseks palju paremat vaatepunkti. Samuti nõuavad paljud pargid enne parki sisenemist palgatud sertifitseeritud giidi, isegi kui kasutate oma sõidukit. Juhendid võivad maksta umbes 35 USA dollarit päevas pluss jootraha. Juhendid on hea, sest nad tunnevad parki ja võivad aidata teil leida mõned enam otsitud loomad, nagu lõvid, leopardid, ninasarvikud, gepardid ja hüäänid.

Mõned populaarsemad safariettevõtted on Warrior Trails, Ranger Tours ja Leopard Tours. Tansaania reisikorraldajate assotsiatsiooni hinnatud populaarsete ettevõtete hulka kuuluvad Ajabu Adventures, Bush2Beach Safari, Bushmen Expeditions, Fay Safaris ja Tansaania Tour Company. Serena ja Sopa on populaarsed ööbimispaigad ja neil on rajatised kogu Põhjaringil. Kuid ärge tehke allahindlust väiksemate ekskursioonide ja vähem tuntud majutusvõimaluste kasutamisel, mis on sama head kui mitte paremad kui suuremad ekskursioonid ja öömajad.

Paremate hindade ja mõnede kõige ilusamate parkide jaoks, mis väldivad safarisõidukite liiklusummikuid, suunduge lõunaringile, eriti Ruaha rahvusparki, kus eluslooduse valik on palju suurem ja maastik tähelepanuväärne. Iringa on suurepärane koht selle piirkonna avastamiseks ja safarireiside lahendamiseks.

Järgmiste veebis vaadatavate ekskursioonide jaoks leiate usaldusväärseid ettevõtteid, näiteks Worldlink Travel ja ekskursioonid, kes on mõistliku hinnaga ja muudavad reisi nauditavaks ja stressivabaks.

Metsiku looduse vaatamine

Vervet ahv Serengetis
  • Serengeti rahvuspark, mille on teinud kuulsaks Discovery Channel'i eripakkumised, elab palju erinevaid elusloodusi, sealhulgas lõvid, gepardid, leopardid, jõehobud, elevandid, sebra, pühvlid, veepuder, krokodillid, gasellid, tüükad ja gnuud. Üks peamine vaatamisväärsus on gnuuumi ränne, mis toimub pidevalt Serengeti ja Masai Mara (Keenia) vahel. Vajalik on nelikveolise sõidukiga juhend. Kui rändamine on teie peamine eesmärk Serengeti külastamiseks, peaksite oma reisifirmat nõu pidama, kuna see võib nõuda palju kaugemat reisi ja võib olla kulukam.
  • Ngorongoro Kaitseala elab ka arvukalt metsloomi, eriti Ngorongoro kraatris. Formed by the same volcanic activity that generated Kilimanjaro and the Great Rift Valley, Ngorongoro consists of the highlands around the crater (rich in elephants) and the crater itself (similar animals to Serengeti, but at higher densities and with a small population of black rhino).
  • Ruaha National Park ja Selous Game Reserve are far less popular but very enjoyable. You will find much greater variety of wildlife than you would in the Serengeti, if you're looking for a destination with fewer tourists these parks are for you. Ruaha is known for having the largest elephant and giraffe population of any park in Africa and often goes by the name 'Giraffic Park', it is also a good place to see large prides of lion and the elusive and rare hunting dogs. Selous is the only other place besides Ngorongoro where you may see a rhino. You can also visit the Uduzungwa Mountains Park for a truly wilderness hike through unspoiled and spectacular scenery. There are few places left in the world like this one. With new gates opened up on the Iringa side of the park with great camping it is a great addition to any visit to Tanzania.
  • Tarangire National Park is in the northern circuit of Tanzania and was named after the Tarangire river flowing within the park. The park area is approximately 2,600 km2. Similar to Serengeti, the park has a high concentrations of wildlife during the dry seasons. Also, over 570 bird species have been identified, and the place is surely a birdwatchers' paradise. Safari accommodation is available in quality safari lodges and campsites.

When visiting wildlife parks be sure to stay as close to the viewing areas (center of the parks) as possible and leave as soon as you can in the morning as animals are typically most active soon after sunrise.


Mafia Island harbour
  • Zanzibar is an island off the coast of Tanzania and includes the island of Pemba. Zanzibar has beautiful beaches and a historical Stone Town. Zanzibar is great for scuba diving, snorkeling, and swimming with dolphins. Other attractions include spice tours and the Jozani Forest, which shelters a small population of red Colobus monkeys.
  • Mafia Island Marine Park is south of Zanzibar and boasts some fantastic scuba diving and snorkeling. You may also get to swim with whale sharks, as this is one of the few areas in the world where they congregate annually.
  • Bongoyo Island is easy to get to with a boat from Slipway. It has a remarkable beach with excellent snorkeling in clear water, although you may be better off taking your own snorkels as renting is costly. The island is not tide dependent, therefore you can swim at any time. There is a resident price and a 'muzungu' price' but still quite reasonable.
  • Sinda Island is a small uninhabited island of ínner sinder' and outer sinder'.
  • Mbudya Island can be accessed from Silver Sands hotel. The water is amazing although it looks clear you cannot snorkel in it as it is surprisingly murky underneath the surface.
  • Lazy Lagoon There are 12 rooms on the private 9 km-long white sandy island with deserted beaches. It boasts swimming at all tides in clear azure blue water, ideal for snorkelling to be mesmerized by the shoals of iridescent tropical fish hiding among the pristine coral gardens that protect the island. The island is accessed from the mainland, just south of Bagamoyo town 70 km north of Dar es Salaam. It is home to bushbabies, wild pigs, genets, baboons, duiker, and Suni antelope. The bandas were well appointed and have solar-powered hot water, a large shady verandah with spacious rooms and big windows.


  • Mount Kilimanjaro is the highest peak in Africa and one of the highest freestanding mountains in the world. Many people travel to Tanzania just to climb this mountain. Does tend to be crowded with tourists. You can either organize your trek up the mountain from your home country through a travel agency, but you'll pay a lot more for this convenience, or, if you've got a bit of time, hop on plane and save some money by organizing it in Arusha or in Dar. There are as many incompetent and dishonest trek organizers as there are good ones. Make sure your guide will deliver on his promises.
  • Mt Meru is an active stratovolcano located 70 km (43 mi) west of Mount Kilimanjaro in the nation of Tanzania. At a height of 4,565 m (14,977 ft), it is visible from Mt Kilimanjaro on a clear day, and is the ninth or tenth highest mountain in Africa, dependent on definition. Much of its bulk was lost about 8,000 years ago due to an eastward volcanic blast, similar to the 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens in the U.S. state of Washington. Mount Meru most recently had a minor eruption in 1910. The several small cones and craters seen in the vicinity probably reflect numerous episodes of volcanic activity.


Dhow and anchor, Zanzibar
  • There are loads of National Parks for those wanting to watch Tanzania's wildlife. You can gain entry for around US$100 and benefit from a tour (and perhaps a night's accommodation). The better parks, though packed with tourists, are found in the north of the country. Ruaha National Park is the best in the south (locals actually say this is the best park, especially if you want to see wild animals as opposed to semi-tame ones in the northern parks). Don't just be sucked into the tourist circuit in the north; the south offers great parks and towns (base yourself in Iringa), and you will feel less of a tourist and more of a guest if you travel this way.
  • Scuba diving in and around Pemba and Zanzibar is another good experience.
  • You can also visit numerous historical Slave Trade sites located in Bagamoyo, which could make for an interesting, if a little depressing, excursion.
  • Beaches: Tanzania has some of the best, most unspoiled beaches in the world. They are stunning, with their white sand, palm trees, and cool Indian Ocean water!
  • Kayak the beautiful coastal waters with a tour operator.
  • Tanzania has two of the best Stone Age sites in the world: Isimila Gorge (near Iringa) and the earliest known examples of human art among the rock paintings, near Kolo, north of Kondoa, Dodoma -- some of which are reckoned to be around 30,000 years old.
  • Kilimanjaro is one of Tanzania's main attractions. Kilimanjaro is the highest mountain in Africa. Many visitors come to Tanzania to summit this great mountain. The main peak is estimated to be 5895 m high, making it a real challenge for mountaineers.
  • [surnud link]Kilimanjaro Travel (Camping Safaris), Boma Road, Rindi Lane, 255784559111. Camping safaris in Tanzania is most loved safari tours in Tanzania. Camping safaris is on several travel categories like luxury mobile camps, luxury tented camps. There is also most affordable and comfortable basic camping safaris. Basic camping safaris is also known as budget camping safaris.
    Camping safaris is widely used for wildlife safaris and vacation holidays. Camping safaris can be planned for photographic safaris, ecotourism, budget Tanzania safaris, bird watching, walking safaris and responsible travel.


Swahili and English are the official languages of Tanzania. Swahili however is the dominant language of society, with English largely limited to commerce and higher education. Over 100 different languages are also spoken by individual ethnic groups, though Swahili is almost universally spoken across the country.

Time of day

This is where a little knowledge of Kiswahili can cause some inconveniences. Tanzanians don't function on the same time as Westerners. This doesn't mean Africa time, which is the notion that appointments are flexible and people can arrive when they please. For Tanzanians, it's illogical that the day would start in the middle of the night.

Since sunrise and sunset happen pretty much at the same time all year round, 6AM and 6PM, the day starts at 6AM which is 0 hours. So when telling time in Kiswahili, Tanzanians always subtracted 6 hours for western time. 11AM is 5AM to a Tanzanian. To avoid any confusion, a Tanzanian will tell time in English if they want to use the western standard and in Kiswahili if they use local standard.

In Kiswahili, if you say Saa kumi na moja asubuhi (11AM), instead of Saa tano asubuhi (5AM), you'll end up waiting for 6 hours if the person arrives on time, plus however long it takes to arrive fashionably late!



Exchange rates for Tanzanian shilling

As of January 2020:

  • US$1 ≈ TSh 2,300
  • €1 ≈ TSh 2,600
  • UK£1 ≈ TSh 3,000

Vahetuskursid kõiguvad. Nende ja teiste valuutade praegused kursid on saadaval alates XE.com

The currency of Tanzania is known as the Tanzanian shilling, denoted by the symbol "TSh" or by "/=" or "/-" following the number (ISO code:TZS). There are 5 notes and 4 coins:

  • Notes - 10,000 (red); 5,000 (violet); 2,000 (brown); 1,000 (blue), and 500 (green) {500 have been changed to coins} denominations.
  • Coins - 500, 200, 100 and 50 denominations.

Notes and coins vary in size and colour. In descending size order, TSh 10,000 is the largest note, and 500 is the smallest.

Tanzanian currency exchangers usually have a different exchange rate for different US$ denominations, larger and newer bills having a better exchange rate than older and smaller bills. The difference in exchange rate between $1/$5 bills and $50/$100 bills may exceed ten percent. Older US$100 notes are no longer accepted in Tanzania, and any note older than 2003 will most likely be refused everywhere. Also, it's best to avoid attempting to exchange notes with pen marks or any writing on them. If you withdraw a large amount of money, in the range of US$400, you'll have to carry over 40 notes around!

The TSh 10,000 and 5000 notes can be difficult to break when shopping in small shops, a.k.a. dukas. In Tanzania, it's usually the customer's responsibility to provide exact change. But if they do agree to provide change, you could be left with several 1000 and 500 notes of very poor quality. However, you won't have such problems in the large hotels and restaurants catering to foreigners.

In general, stores, restaurants, and hotels in Tanzania expect payment in Tanzanian shillings. Exceptions include payment for travel visas, entry fees to national parks (which must be paid in US dollars by non-residents), and payments for safaris and Kilimanjaro treks, which are generally priced in US dollars (though payment will be also accepted in other currencies). On Zanzibar, prices are generally in US dollars (including the ferry fare from Dar es Salaam to Zanzibar), and non-residents are required to pay for hotels with foreign currency (although the hotel will change Tanzanian shillings for you).

Most hotels will exchange US dollars, euros and British pounds for Tanzanian shillings. Other currencies, such as Canadian or Australian dollars, may be accepted but at rates far below the going rate.

ATMs are mostly located in the city centre and on the Msasani Peninsula. Equity Bank and Ecobank, ATMs work with Mastercard, PLUS, Cirrus, Union Pay, American Express, JCB, Diners club, Discover compatible cards. If you have a PIN code for your credit card, almost all Tanzanian banks with ATMs will allow cash advances on credit cards like Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Union Pay, JCB, Diners Club, Discover cards. If the ATM reports your home balance in TSh, you may be pleasantly surprised to find that you're a "shillionaire". Equity bank and Ecobank have no ATM fees for overseas bank cards at their ATMs. Barclays bank has a US$4 fee for all overseas banks cards at their ATMs.

Traveller's cheques have become virtually impossible to cash in all banks in Tanzania. Since ATMs are much more prevalent, using credit cards to withdrawals from your personal accounts is much easier now days.

Credit cards can be used in big supermarkets, malls, large hotels, resorts, and with certain travel agents.


Market in Arusha

There are many markets in tourist cities that sell standard "African" goods. Beaded jewellery, carved soapstone, and Masai blankets make interesting gifts. Most "ebony" wood is fake (shoe polish) - the exception being in the far south-east of the country, where the Makonde tribe of Tanzania and Northern Mozambique create masks and other carvings from ebony and mpingo wood. Be prepared to bargain for everything. Masks are not typical of most East African groups, and the ones you find in the markets are either imported from West Africa or are strange things made just for tourists, with the exception of the Makonde masks.

Tinga Tinga paintings, named after the painter who originated that style, are for sale everywhere. Their distinctive style and colors make for attractive souvenirs. A standard size painting can be had for TSh 5,000-10,000. There is a Tinga Tinga school in Dar es Salaam, where you can purchase paintings from the artists themselves.

Air freight

If you happen to buy too many goodies during your travels, it is possible to send them home air freight. Many airlines will allow you to check additional parcels when you fly, for a fee, which probably makes the most sense if you're going straight home. But if you're continuing on, air freight might be the way to go. Many listed rates do not include 20% VAT, or a "fuel surcharge" of 13.5% as of 2008.

  • DHL. Offers quite pricey service (e.g. about US$300 for a 10-kg package to the US) but is conveniently located in Dar city centre, as well as in a bunch of other cities (see web site). Will deliver direct to the recipient in most countries.
  • KLM (go to the old terminal at DAR airport). Offers slightly more reasonable rates than DHL (e.g. about US$100 for a 10-kg package to the US) but requires a trip to the airport and about 1 hour of paperwork & waiting. You must pay cash, in US dollars, plus some fees in shillings. Customs will want to go through the package, so bring something to (re)seal it. You can first go to the KLM freight office (look for the sign), then to the cargo building further down the same road, or call ahead and be met at cargo. If you just arrive at cargo you will be swarmed by freight forwarders - to find the KLM staff, look for the KLM logo (e.g. on a lanyard) or call ahead ( 255 714 474 617). Despite what you might be told, someone will need to go to the destination airport to pick up the package - it will not be delivered to an address by KLM. Storage charges will accrue if it's left for very long.
  • EMS. EMS is a branch of the Tanzanian postal service, and is the cheapest way to send packages. It's available at most larger town post offices. But shipping time can be quite long, and delivery is not always reliable. Also there are size/weight restrictions. Packages will be transferred to the local postal service at destination, which usually provides direct delivery.
  • Fedex. Fedex have offices in Arusha, Dar es Salaam and Mwanza, and like DHL, they are also pricey.


Tanzanian(Dar es Salaam) street food
  • Produce is often of very high quality. Meat and milk can prove difficult for western taste and diets, so be sure that all meat is cooked through. At hotels, you won't have any trouble, but if you venture into small villages, make sure that all water is filtered or boiled before drinking and all fruits and vegetables are peeled before eating.
  • Local dishes include Mtori - cooked beef and bananas - and Mchicha, a vegetable stew with meat or fish in it.
  • If there is anything that can be called Tanzania's national dish, then Ugali would most likely win out. A polenta-style dish made with corn flour, it accompanies cooked meat and a variety of stews, and it's eaten with your hands. Recipes vary from village to village, and everyone has their own way of making it. Many foreigners find it bland and unappealing, but it's worth a try, and some upscale establishments serve it.
  • Chai Maziwa (chai with milk) is a local favorite and well worth trying if you can handle the large amounts of sugar added to this drink.
  • Street food is also cheap and plentiful. Barbecued maize on the cob is very nice, as are the chipped potatoes (fries), cooked over a roaring fire.
  • Mandazi is a sweet doughnut-styled food that is mostly made fresh each morning. Great with coffee in the morning, it makes an ideal snack.
  • Tanzania's large South Asian community ensures that a great variety of restaurants offer cuisine from all parts of that region of the globe. All eateries near Hindu temples (particularly in Dar) are a good bet. Just watch where the local Indians go to eat, and you won't be disappointed. Most of the food is cooked in large amounts of Ghee, clarified butter, which can be hard for some people to digest.
  • Chips Mayai (chips cooked in an omelet) are served at nearly every African food stand in Tanzania and are considered a Tanzanian specialty. They're quite good with pili pili (hot sauce).


  • Konyagi is a wonderful gin-like beverage, sold only in Tanzania.
  • Domestic beers are Kilimanjaro, Serengeti,Balimi, Pilsner, Kibo ja Safari, which are western-style and very good. Imports include Tusker, Stella Artois, and Castle.
  • Locally produced banana-beer is also available at times, but questionably safe to drink. Traditionally, you will drink this out of a hollowed gourd. First drink the guests, who then pass it to the elders. In some parts of Tanzania, fermented bamboo juice (Pombe) is the common tipple.
  • Passion fruit, mango, and orange juices are available in many restaurants, and excellent when the fruits are in season.
  • Soft drinks are widely available; Stoney Tangawizi (ginger ale - tangawizi means 'ginger', in Swahili) is one of the most popular.
  • Mbege, a locally made drink made up of ripe bananas and finger millet, commonly in the northern Tanzania from the chagga community in the Kilimanjaro region.
  • Other popular beverages are Fanta Orange, Fanta Passion, Fanta Pineapple, Pepsi, mirinda, Bitter Lemon, soda water, tonic water, and lassi (a sweet or salty yogurt drink).
  • Northern Tanzania has a number of great coffee plantations. Although coffee does not have the same popularity in Tanzania as it has in Ethiopia, with a bit of searching you can find a decent cup of java, instead of the instant "Africa" coffee that is served in most restaurants. All large hotels in Dar make good coffee. If you want to brew your own cup, Msumbi Coffee Shop, 255 22 260 0380, Sea Cliff Village, sells Tanzanian coffee beans ground or whole, roasted on the premises.


Be sure to avoid touts. If you are travelling as a couple, a good idea is for one person to sit in a lobby or restaurant with the bags, while the other scopes out rooms. You are likely to get a cheaper price without the bags, and not be targeted by sneaky touts that will raise the price US$5-10 for you for their commission.


Various schools and volunteer programs offer courses ranging from Beginners Swahili to Economic Development. Dar es Salaam also has a well-established university, which has exchange programs with several universities in the US and other countries.


There is a wide assortment of volunteer organisations sending volunteers and interns to Tanzania to do work in health care, orphanages, education, and development projects. Finding a paying job may be more of a daunting task, taking more time and making use of local connections, but a job could be certainly obtainable when sought hard enough.

Ole turvaline


As in many impoverished countries, caution should always be exercised, particularly in tourist areas, such as Arusha, Stone Town (Zanzibar), and Dar es Salaam. Violent crime against foreigners is not uncommon, particularly against those walking alone at night, which is not recommended. Pickpocketing and con artists are also common. Pickpockets work crowded markets, like Kariakoo, and bus stations. Don't be fooled by small children who are often forced into a life of crime by older kids or parents -- never carry anything of value in your pockets and don't let expensive camera equipment dangle from your neck. Don't leave bags unattended or even out of your sight when on the beach.

See specific area or city articles for details.

In general, avoid isolated areas, especially after dark. Travelling in large groups is safer. If there are many people or security guards around (e.g. city center areas) you should be relatively safe.

The safest way to travel is by taxi with a driver you know, especially when it's dark out (late night or early morning). Although it's uncommon, taxi drivers have been known to rob tourists. Get the number for a taxi you trust, from your hotel or a local.

Buses have infrequently been stopped by robbers on long-distance (often overnight) routes. If you have to travel a long distance by bus, it might be better to break it into multiple day-only trips, or to travel by plane or train.

In the event of an incident, the police may or may not make a strong effort to identify the culprits, but obtaining a police report is necessary if you plan on filing an insurance claim later, or if important documents are stolen. Make sure the police report indicates if your papers were stolen; otherwise you may have difficulty leaving the country. You should immediately contact your local embassy or consulate in the event that your passport is taken.


Zanzibar sunset

There are very few sidewalks in Tanzania, always pay careful attention to the traffic and be prepared to move out of the way, as vehicles do not make much effort to avoid pedestrians. In Tanzania, cars have priority.

The best way to avoid touts, sellers, dealers etc., when they inevitably come up to you and say "jambo" is to either say nothing, or to say "thank you" or "asante", and to keep moving. Some may be offended by 'no', and persistent touts will be encouraged by any kind of interaction at all.


Tanzania, like many developing countries, suffers from corruption. Police are poorly paid - many make less than US$40/month. You may be solicited for a bribe by an official willing to turn a blind eye to your infraction, fabricated or otherwise. Some travellers are very much averse to paying bribes to anyone, especially in a country with so many needy but honest citizens.

Fraudsters are known to impersonate police, sometimes in the guise of an "immigration official" who identifies a problem with your documents. They will flash official-looking papers at you. But there are many plainclothes officers as well. And if you are confronted with someone in uniform, they will almost certainly be an actual officer.

On-the-spot-fine is one term used for a bribe. Those words are meant to initiate a conversation about money. You may be told that the real fine is TSh 40,000 or more and that for TSh 20,000 or 30,000, paid immediately, you can be on your way and avoid a trip to the Police Station to pay a higher fine.

If you are certain you are in the right, and do not want to pay a bribe, some strategies are:

  • Involve other people. Fraudsters or corrupt officials are unlikely to pursue their schemes near an audience. You can ask bystanders for help on the pretext of not understanding the officer.
  • Invoke higher powers. Insisting on going to the local police station is a good way to make an illegitimate issue go away. Suggesting a visit to your country's embassy (e.g. to have an official there help translate the conversation, due to one's poor knowledge of the local language and laws) is also effective. At this point, they usually have a look of horror on their face, since they don't want any real officials involved. Asking for bribes is illegal, and there is an office of corruption where they can be reported.
  • Play dumb. Politely explain to the person that you don't understand the nature of the infraction, even if you do. Tanzanians are not direct, and prefer to imply what they want, instead of asking outright. Tell them you've only just arrived in the country, even if it's your 100th visit. If you know some Kiswahili, don't let on. It may only make things harder.
  • Insist a receipt with an official stamp -- a request that is most likely to be met with confusion and concern. The idea is to show that you don’t know that this is actually a bribe and that you simply try to play by the rules. Hopefully, after 10 or 20 minutes of a circular, but always polite, conversation, they may send you on your merry way. A word of caution about this approach: corrupt officials have become wise to this and in one case a person requesting a receipt was told the cashier's office was closed and would not open until the next morning. The options were to pay the fine or spend the night in prison. It appears this was not a bluff on the part of the officer. The fine was paid and no receipt was issued. The game is constantly changing.


  • Discussing money or negotiating the fine may encourage the perception that you understand the nature of the conversation (i.e. you are willing to pay a bribe).
  • Directly accusing the officer of corruption is likely to be counter-productive; it is important that you allow the officer to save face.
  • If you insist on going to the police station, you may be expected to give the officer a ride. If you are alone, and especially if the "officer" is plainclothes, this may not be a good idea. If you are approached by multiple people and are alone, under no circumstances get in their vehicle - insist on taking a taxi. And once you get to the station, just pay whatever fine is quoted and insist on a receipt. This may end up costing you more than the bribe, but at least this cop won't get any money out of you, and he/she may think twice before flagging down other foreigners. Also, demonstrate respect for their authority, never raise your voice, and never swear or insult them. Whether you are right or not does not matter at that point.

Finally: incidents of excessive force involving tourists are rare, but that doesn’t mean it cannot happen. For instance, police have been known to be drunk on the job, which can seriously inhibit their ability to reason. As in any situation where someone is trying to get money out of you, by force or threat of force, it's better to be safe than sorry; it's only money.

Terveks jääda

Bottled water is cheap and widely available throughout the country. You shouldn't drink the tap water unless you have no other option, and it must either be filtered with a high quality filter and purifier or brought to a boil before consumption. Tests on tap water have found it contaminated with e-coli bacteria.

Illnesses and diseases

As in most African countries, the AIDS/HIV infection rate is high. Tanzania's HIV/AIDS infection rate was 5% among ages 15-49 according to a 2015 UNAIDS estimate [2]. This figure is deceiving, however, since several distinct segments of the population, such as artisanal miners, itinerant fisherman, truck drivers, and sex workers, have HIV infection rates significantly higher than the national average. Do not have unprotected sex in Tanzania or anywhere else, for that matter.

After food-borne illnesses, malaaria should be your greatest concern. Malaria is transmitted by mosquitoes and is endemic to Tanzania. You may find yourself at risk in almost every part of the country, although this risk is diminished at altitudes above 2000 m. Care should always be taken between sunset and sunrise, especially during the rainy season. Always sleep under a treated net; wear trousers and closed footwear, and use an effective repellent. It's amazing, but many large hotels don’t automatically install mosquito nets in their rooms. However, a call to the reception requesting one is seldom ignored. In some cases, the nets have several large holes, but a bit of adhesive tape or tying a small knot to cover the hole should do the trick.

Prior to leaving for Tanzania, you may also wish to consult a physician about taking some anti-malarial medication -- before, during, and after your trip. If, in spite of your best efforts, you do contract malaria, it is usually easily treated with medication that is readily available throughout most of the country. If you plan on being in isolated locations, you may wish to drop by a clinic and purchase a batch. Symptoms associated with malaria can take up to two weeks before manifesting themselves. The rule of thumb for ex-pats living in Tanzania is this: Any fever lasting more than a day should be cause for concern and necessitate a trip to the clinic for a malaria test. Upon your return home, should you show signs of a possible malaria infection, notify your doctor that you’ve visited a malaria-infected country.

Other major illnesses to avoid are typhoid ja cholera. In theory, typhoid can be avoided by carefully selecting food and drink and by avoiding consumption of anything unclean. Typhoid infection, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), is marked by 'persistent, high fevers...headache, malaise, anorexia, splenomegaly, and relative bradycardia.'

Cholera infection is marked by vomiting and sudden, uncontrollable bowel movements, which can dehydrate and ultimately kill the sufferer within 48 hours. It is important to seek medical attention as quickly as possible. Cholera is more or less a seasonal phenomenon in Zanzibar, where outbreaks frequently occur during the rainy seasons. Vaccines and/or oral prevention are available for both typhoid and cholera.

Pugu Hills Forest

Yellow fever is an acute viral disease transmitted through the bite of a particular mosquito. Although not as common as malaria, it is nonetheless a serious disease, and travelers to Africa should consult a physician about being vaccinated against it. If you plan on traveling to other countries after your stay in Tanzania, some countries, such as Lõuna-Aafrika, may require proof that you’ve been vaccinated against Yellow Fever before allowing you to enter the country. If you aren’t or can’t prove it, you will be offered two options: 1) receive the Yellow Fever vaccination at the airport, and 2) immediately leave the country. The Yellow Fever vaccine (as any vaccine) can have side effects for some people, so you may wish to get the vaccine in your home country, under controlled conditions. Most physicians will not administer the Yellow Fever vaccine to children under the age of 1 year, and a letter from a physician explaining this will ensure that your infant child will not receive the vaccine at the airport.- People travelling to Tanzania from India, There is acute shortage of the yellow fever vaccine in India so please get yourself vaccinated at the airport in Dar-es-Salaam as soon as you land there.

Gastrointestinal Distress, a.k.a. traveler’s diarrhea, is the result of one, some, or all of the following factors: Unhygienic food preparation and storage, changes in diet, fatigue, dehydration, and excessive alcohol consumption. Prevention is your best defense. Eat only raw vegetables and fruits you can peel and which have been rinsed in clean water. Avoid street or restaurant food that appears to have been left in the open for an extended period of time. Eat only freshly fried or steamed food. You should drink only bottled water, which is available throughout the country. You should even brush your teeth with it. If you must drink tap or well water, boil it for a minimum of 10 minutes or use a high quality filter.

Rift Valley Fever: In January 2007, there was an outbreak of RFV in the Kilimanjaro area. Consumption of unpasteurized milk and improperly cooked meat from infected cows led to a number of deaths in the area. Following the deaths, beef sales dropped sharply all over the country, despite the limited scope of the infection. In general, meat served in upscale restaurants is of superior quality. However, care should be taken when indulging in street foods or when eating in remote areas.

Insects and animals

Tanzania has its fair share of venomous and deadly insects and animals, such as Black and Green Mambas, scorpions, spiders, stinging ants, lions, sharks, and others. You should take care when walking through high grass; when visiting national parks, or when shoving your hand under rocks or into dark holes -- unless you know what you are doing. In actuality, the likelihood of encountering these and other similar dangers is remote.

The insect/animal most residents fear is the mosquito.

Medical facilities

Hospitals and dispensaries in Tanzania do not meet western standards. If you require surgery or any complex medical procedure you will have to be evacuated to Kenya, South Africa or Europe. You should ensure your medical insurance covers such expenses. Outside of Dar es Salaam, and especially outside of the larger cities and towns, you will be hard pressed to get even basic medical help as many doctors are poorly trained and/or have limited equipment and medication. You should ensure you have your own medical kit to hold you over in case of an emergency. Misdiagnoses are frequent for even common ailments such as malaria, as high as 70% of the cases.

Dar es Salaam is served by a few clinics staffed by western trained physicians. However, some surgical procedures still require evacuation out of Tanzania.

  • IST Medical Clinic: Just off Haile Selassie Road past the Chole Road intersection, behind the International School of Tanganyika, Msasani Pinensula, Tel: 255 22 260 1307, Emergency: 255 754 783 393.
  • Premier Care Clinic Limited: 259 Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road, Namanga, Kinondoni, P.O. Box 220, Dar es Salaam, Tel: 255 22 266 8385, Mobile: 255 748 254 642.
  • Aga Khan Hospital: Corner of Ocean Road & Sea View Road, Tel: 255 22 211 5151.

Government hospitals

  • Bugando Hospital, Mwanza, Tanzania Tel: 255 68 40610. The University College of Health Sciences at Bugando Medical Center is established as a Catholic college having four schools: Medical, Nursing, Pharmacotherapy and Dental.
  • Muhimbili National hospital, located in Dar es Salaam
  • Mbeya Referral Hospital, PO Box 419, Mbeya Tel: 255 65 3576.
  • Mnazi Mmoja Hospital, PO Box 338, Zanzibar Tel: 255 54 31071.

Other Government run hospitals used for electives:

  • Hindu Mandal Hospital, PO Box 581, Dar es Salaam Tel: 255 51 110237/110428.
  • Agha Khan Hospital, PO Box 2289, Dar es Salaam Tel: 255 51 114096.
  • Nachingwea District General Hospital, Nachingwea, Lindi, South Tanzania
  • Teule District Designated Hospital, Muheza, Tanga Region.

Mission hospitals

  • Berega Mission Hospital, Berega, Morogoro, Tanzania.
  • St Anne’s Hospital, PO Box 2, Liuli (via Songea) (connected via USPG charity).
  • St Francis Hospital, Kwo Mkono, Handeni District.
  • A flying doctor service is based in Arusha, Tel: 255 2548578.

For any medical issues, contact: Ministry of Health, PO Box 9083, Dar es Salaam Tel: 255 51 20261 Fax: 51 39951

In Moshi Municipality (Kilimanjaro Region) there is the renowned KCMC, Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre, which is in the foothills of the snow-capped, Mount Kilimanjaro.



Ramadan is the 9th and holiest month in the Islamic calendar and lasts 29–30 days. Muslims fast every day for its duration and most restaurants will be closed until the fast breaks at dusk. Nothing (including water and cigarettes) is supposed to pass through the lips from dawn to sunset. Non-Muslims are exempt from this, but should still refrain from eating or drinking in public as this is considered very impolite. Working hours are decreased as well in the corporate world.Exact dates of Ramadan depend on local astronomical observations and may vary somewhat from country to country. Ramadan concludes with the festival of Eid al-Fitr, which may last several days, usually three in most countries.

  • 13 April – 12 May 2021 (1442 AH)
  • 2 April – 1 May 2022 (1443 AH)
  • 23 March – 20 April 2023 (1444 AH)
  • 11 March – 9 April 2024 (1445 AH)
  • 1 March – 29 March 2025 (1446 AH)

If you're planning to travel to Tanzania during Ramadan, consider reading Travelling during Ramadan.

In general, tourists should wear modest or conservative attire, especially in Zanzibar, which is a conservative Muslim society. Western women should not wear clothing that reveals too much skin. 'Kangas', brightly-colored wrap-around cloth, are affordable, available throughout the country, and can serve as a discreet covering.

The Masai people, with their colorful clothing, are tempting targets for any tourist with a camera. However, they expect to be paid for it, and you should always ask before taking pictures.

It is common practice among Swahili-speakers to use 'shikamoo' (prounounced 'she ka moe' and literally meaning, 'I hold your feet') when greeting elders or superiors. The usual response from an elder will be 'marahaba'. In Zanzibar, the equivalent of 'shikamoo' is 'chei chei'. The traveler will get along very well when using these verbal expressions of respect. In addition, a title after the 'shikamoo' is also a useful indicator that you are not just a dumb tourist -- 'shikamoo bwana' for the gents, and, when addressing a female elder, 'shikamoo mama'.

Tanzanians will also comment if you are doing any work while they are not, with the phrase "pole na kazi". It literally means "I'm sorry you have to work". A simple "asante", or "thanks", will suffice in reply.

Many Tanzanian sellers are persistent and, ordinarily, a simple head shake, accompanied by "asante sana", should settle it. However, as a last resort, a firm "hapana", meaning "no", will do the trick. Tanzanians find the word "hapana" quite rude, so please don't use it casually -- only as a last resort. Whatever you plan to do, do not tell someone you will come back to buy from them later when you have no such intention; better to be honest and say 'no' than having to avoid someone for days. They somehow have a funny way of finding you when you promised to visit their stall or shop!

The most polite way to refuse something is to say "sihitaji" (pronounced see-hih-tah-jee)- "I don't need it".


Keeping in touch while traveling in Tanzania is rarely a problem. You can get decent mobile phone reception even in some national parks.

Telephone calls

The "Tanzania Telecommunications Company Ltd" (TTCL) is the state owned telecom, operating all pay phones and landlines in Tanzania. As it is the case with most developing countries, telephone fixed-lines are not affordable for many ordinary people. However, the mobile network has blossomed throughout Africa in the past five years, and this is equally true of Tanzania. With many used mobile phones for sale and the very low cost of getting a SIM card, Tsh 2000, this is the popular choice of most Tanzanians. For many, a mobile phone is the first large purchase when they get a job. The major mobile service providers operate all over the country, even in some of the most remote areas, although service interruptions are common.

If you find a taxi driver or tour guide that you like, ask for his/her mobile number. This is often the best way to reach them.

Using a mobile phoneIf you have an "unlocked" GSM 900/1800MHz frequency mobile phone (the same frequency as used in the rest of the world, apart from USA and Canada), you can purchase a local SIM card for 500 Tsh from a series of Tanzanian service providers. The most popular are Airtel, Vodacomja Tigo. Zantel is a new arrival on the mainland and, through the national roaming agreement with Vodacom, has the largest network coverage.

Air timeYou can recharge your "Prepaid" mobile phone account by using "scratch-cards", which are available everywhere. Just look for shops or even small tables set up along the road, with posters for the various mobile service providers. Those cards come in the following denominations: Tsh 500, 1000, 5000, 10 000, 20 000, and 50 000. If you plan on making frequent calls outside of Africa, you will need at least a 10000 Tsh-card.

Making calls within Tanzania to a mobile phone
Dial "0 & (telephone number)" või " 255 & (telephone number)"
Making calls within Tanzania to a landline
Dial "0 & (city code) & (telephone number)" või " 255 & (city code) & (telephone number)"
Telephone codes for the Tanzanian cities (These numbers are only used when calling landlines)
Dar es Salaam (22), Morogoro & Mtwara (23), Zanzibar & Pemba (24), Mbeya (25), Iringa (26), Arusha & Tanga (27), and Mwanza (28).
Making international calls
Dial " & (country code) & (area code, if any) & (telephone number)" või "000 & (country code) & (area code, if any) & (telephone number)"


With the advent of Internet-equipped cell phones, internet cafés are dying out throughout Tanzania. They used to be easy to find in major urban areas, like Dar es Salaam and Arusha, and may persist.

International telecommunications have low capacity, and can be unreliable

Some mobile providers have started offering wireless internet service. Zantel, Vodacom, Tigo, and Airtel are the main providers. Kõigis linnapiirkondades ja paljudes maapiirkondades, kus on mobiiltelefoni leviala, on ka mobiilse Interneti leviala. Traadita 3G leviala on saadaval paljudes Dar es Salaami, Arusha piirkondades, paljudes väiksemates keskustes ja Zanzibari linnas.

Selle teenuse kasutamiseks võite kasutada oma telefoni mobiilibrauserit. Selle kasutamiseks arvutiga peate kõigepealt ostma CDMA PC-kaardi või USB-mobiilse vastuvõtja, mis ühendatakse teie arvutiga. See teeb teile tagasi umbes 200 000 Tsh. Kui teil on modemikaabliga lukustamata CDMA-telefon, siis see ka töötab.

Eetriaeg saadakse kraapekaartide abil, nagu ka mobiiltelefonides. Ühenduse määr on umbes Tsh 60 1 MB kohta või 0,05 USD MB kohta. Nii et 1 GB allalaadimise ja üleslaadimise korral saate tagasi 50 USA dollarit. Pole odav.

Mobiiltelefonide kasutamiseks on Tansaania makstav SIM-kaart väga hea lahendus. Kõne Euroopasse on teistmoodi odavam ning andmed on piisavalt odavad, et neid e-posti ja veebi sirvimiseks kasutada.

Traadita ühendust (WIFI) pakuvad ka mõned teenusepakkujad, peamiselt Powernet (Bibi Titi Mohammed Road, Elia kompleks) 0658769376, 0787769376, 0757769376, 0777769376, piiramatu Interneti-ühendus kõikjal Dar-Es-Salami linnapiirkondades, mis maksab 30 000 Tsh (20 USA dollarit) .


  • Hädaabiteenused: 112 - Kui saate, on ilmselt parem minna otse lähimasse politseijaoskonda, selle asemel, et helistada numbrile 112.

Mine edasi

The Ida-Aafrika saared kaasa arvatud Madagaskar, mille loodus ja kultuur on mandri-Aafrika omast väga erinevad

Selle riigi reisijuht Tansaania on an kontuur ja võib vajada rohkem sisu. Sellel on mall, kuid teavet pole piisavalt. Kui on linnu ja Muud sihtkohad loetletud, ei pruugi nad kõik olla kasutatav staatus või ei pruugi olla kehtivat piirkondlikku struktuuri ja jaotis "Sisene" kirjeldab kõiki tüüpilisi viise siia jõudmiseks. Palun sukelduge edasi ja aidake sellel kasvada!